What is zip code?

Russian-speaking users often have questions about the Zip Code. What it is? In fact, everything is simple. This is a common zip code in the United States. What are its features and differences from our index? Let's look at it.

Each country in the world uses its own postal indexation system. Somewhere only numerical identifiers are used, and in other countries also alphabetic identifiers.

zip code what is it

Differences from the index in Russia

, Zip Code - ? . -. , . . Zip Code . , โ€“ . , , , .

60- . , ยซ ยป. . , , . . 1944 . . , . Zip- , .

zip code what is Russia

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billing zip code what is it

60- . , , . , .


postcode zip code what is it

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PostCode, Zip Code. โ€“ . ? . , .

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Zip Code

- - . . , - . Billing Zip Code. ? . , . , . .

, , Zip Code โ€“ . . , , -.

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