Each mother takes care of her baby. And in the desire to do everything as best as possible, she studies a huge amount of information that she constantly needs. An important knowledge for each mom will be how to properly administer the first complementary foods to the baby, where to start, and why to be afraid.
rulesModern pediatricians strongly recommend that the introduction of the first complementary foods be started no earlier than the baby is 4 months old. The time of the introduction of complementary foods is considered ideal when the baby is six months old. Prior to this, the child does not need anything except mom's milk or adapted milk formula. It is also considered undesirable to drink water with a baby under the age of 4 months. This should be done only as a last resort and exclusively on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
Do not scour the search for information about what cereals are needed for the first feeding. The very first lure should consist of boiled vegetables. Moreover, you must first give all the vegetables separately and, only after trying all of them in order, you can begin to mix them in purees. This is done in order to understand in the event of an allergy to which particular product such a reaction arose. Next, you can give fruits to try - bananas, apples are not red, etc., but, again, at first only individually.
KashkaAnd a little later, when the baby turns 6, or better - 7 months old, you can try to introduce cereal. For the first feeding gluten-free cereals are suitable, i.e. those that do not contain a special protein, which is quite difficult to digest by the children's body. These include buckwheat, corn or rice porridge. It is worth recalling that frequent consumption of rice can lead to constipation of the baby, so it is better to use it less often. It is also worth considering that cereals for the first feeding should be without any additives - fruits, chocolate, etc. They can be both dairy and dairy-free, it is even better to alternate them constantly.
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