The print subsystem is not available in Windows XP, what should I do?

Sometimes a computer running Windows XP may claim that the printing subsystem is unavailable. She is responsible for the correct operation of printers, implements her spoolsv.exe file, which is located in the system32 folder.


If the print subsystem is unavailable, Windows XP immediately signals this through a special message. To begin with, the spoolsv.exe file is automatically launched during the start of the operating system and is located all the time in the memory of your computer. If this process fails and the printing subsystem is unavailable, XP starts to work unstably, and immediately there are problems with printers.

print subsystem unavailable


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print subsystem unavailable xp

Windows XP!

, 8 Microsoft Windows XP. «», Microsoft . Windows XP 2001 , , 7- 8- Windows, 29% . , , . , . Windows, . - Microsoft , . . Windows XP. , Microsoft Windows XP . 200 . , 9,1 ., – 8 .

print subsystem unavailable windows xp

, , , Windows XP . , , .

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