Ultrasound research came to medicine about 50 years ago. Then this method was used only in exceptional cases. Now there are ultrasound devices in every medical institution. They are used to diagnose the condition of the patient, to exclude incorrect diagnoses. Gynecologists also send the patient to an ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy. However, women are distrustful of such studies. Doctors also disagree on this topic. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do an ultrasound in the early stages. You will also find out who really should pass the specified diagnostics.
Types of diagnostics
Before you go for an ultrasound in the early stages, you need to learn something about this type of research. Diagnosis can be carried out by two methods - vaginal and through the abdominal wall. At the same time, specialists use different sensors. In government, research is usually free. A woman should have only a passport and insurance policy. If you go to a private clinic for diagnosis, you will have to pay for the procedure. The average cost of manipulation is from 500 to 2000 rubles, a lot depends on the place of your residence, the qualifications of the doctor and the current state of the equipment.
It is worth noting that the use of vaginal ultrasound methods in the early stages allows you to get more accurate information. In the first weeks after conception, manipulation through the abdominal wall may not reveal any important details at all. The doctor should choose a diagnostic method. Sometimes both research methods are used. In this case, the specialist receives maximum information.
Preparation for the procedure: general description
How do ultrasounds do in early pregnancy? For diagnosis, a woman is asked to drink two glasses of water through the abdominal wall a few minutes before the procedure. When filling the bladder, the genital organ is better seen. For examination, you will need to expose the lower abdomen.
If you have a vaginal ultrasound, then you must definitely take a napkin with you. It is also worth carrying out hygiene measures before the examination. Remember the date of your last menstruation, or rather, the day it began. The doctor will ask you for this information. Each clinic may have its own additional conditions for conducting the study.
Should an ultrasound be done in early pregnancy?
This issue remains controversial to this day. The opinion of doctors is rather ambiguous. It all depends on each specific situation. One woman is not advised to diagnose until 12-14 weeks. It is at this time that a planned study is carried out. Other expectant mothers are strongly recommended to visit the ultrasound diagnostic room.
The opinions of women on this issue also differ. Some women are sent for research immediately after a delay in menstruation. Other persons do not want to conduct an examination even by the end of the first trimester. In any case, if you do not go for an ultrasound in the early stages, then it is worthwhile to diagnose according to the timing of the screening.
Examination time
When to go for an ultrasound during pregnancy in the early stages? If you go to the doctor immediately after the first day of the delay, then the diagnosis will not show any result. Even the most modern equipment is not able to fix a fetal egg less than one millimeter in size.
To establish the fact of conception, you need to visit the ultrasound room about one week after the delay. If you want to make sure that the baby’s heart is beating, go to the diagnosis three weeks after the delay. In the event that the doctor does not recommend visiting the ultrasound room in the early stages, the examination takes place at 12 weeks.
Who should do the research?
Does ultrasound show early pregnancy? If one week has passed since the start of the delay, then it is quite possible to see the fetal egg. In this case, a vaginal diagnostic method is used. It is almost impossible to confirm the presence of pregnancy through the stomach through this period. All due to the fact that the genital organ is deep in the pelvis. The uterus leaves this area only after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
To consult a doctor and make a diagnosis in the early stages is necessary for all women after 30 years. At this age, a variety of pathologies of the course of pregnancy can often occur. It is also advisable to examine women who have not yet reached the age of 18. The specialist needs to determine the condition of the uterus. You need to visit a doctor in the early stages in other situations. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a study for you.
For unwanted pregnancy
If a woman does not plan to give birth to a child, then it is imperative to perform an ultrasound examination. At the examination, the doctor sets the exact date and selects the most suitable method of interruption.
A study is usually scheduled immediately after a suspicion of pregnancy has arisen. Wait one or three weeks does not make sense. Remember that the longer the gestation period, the more traumatic its termination.
With prolonged infertility
If a woman previously could not conceive a child, then she should definitely visit a doctor and perform an ultrasound scan. This manipulation will eliminate the possible pathologies that often occur in women during pregnancy after infertility.
Especially dangerous can be tubal infertility, after which pregnancy occurs. Moreover, almost 30 percent are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. Her interruption is inevitable. If a woman is not helped in time, then the pathology can be fatal.
At risk of interruption
What if bleeding and pain accompany your pregnancy? Ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy (a photo of the procedure is presented to your attention), everything will become clear. A specialist will determine the cause of your ailment. Often diagnosed with detachment of the ovum or corpus luteum failure. With the timely detection of pathology and its correction, pregnancy continues to progress safely.
It is worth noting that the described symptoms can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which was mentioned above. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do an ultrasound. In some cases, these symptoms still lead to termination of pregnancy. If in doubt, the doctor will prescribe you an additional test. The recommended interval between diagnostics should be at least two weeks.
Artificial insemination
With in vitro fertilization, a woman is necessarily prescribed an ultrasound in the early stages. It is necessary to assess the condition of the genital organ. When replanting embryos, several embryos are usually selected. Diagnosis allows you to determine how many embryos have taken root.
It is worth noting that you should not go on an ultrasound scan yourself in this situation. See your doctor. This specialist already knows all the features of your body and important nuances.
How is pregnancy diagnosed?
An ultrasound scan in early pregnancy (the doctor prints a photo if you wish) examines the uterine cavity. The specialist must determine the size of the genital organ. A comparison is made with the true dates (monthly). The condition of the ovaries is also evaluated. In one of them there should be a corpus luteum supplying progesterone.
In the earliest stages, the doctor discovers a yolk sac near the embryo. This formation gradually decreases by the end of the first trimester. Be sure to set the number of fruits and their place of attachment. The duration of the diagnosis depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the operation of the equipment. On average, diagnosis lasts 10-20 minutes. In the presence of pathologies, a specialist may need more time.
To summarize: the conclusion of the article
Is ultrasound harmful in the early stages? As you already understood, this question cannot be answered unequivocally. Diagnosis can bring both benefit and harm. It is necessary to consider each case individually, together with a specialist. Some women believe that ultrasonic waves can adversely affect fetal health. However, this opinion is incorrect. If the doctor prescribes the described procedure for you, then it is necessary to carry out it. Remember that ultrasound often reveals hidden problems.
In the absence of indications for diagnosis, you should not run yourself on an ultrasound. Excessive effects on the uterus can lead to an increase in its tone. This consequence is quite dangerous for the health and development of the embryo. If something bothers you, be sure to consult a doctor. Do not prescribe a study for yourself, especially since only a doctor can decipher the result.