Shiba Inu dog: description, character and breed standard

This dog is widespread in Japan. She is called Shiba Inu. Hunting breed bred on the island of Honshu (Japan). Initially, it was used for hunting wild boar, deer and even a bear, as well as small game.

From the history of the breed

Historians and archaeologists claim that the Japanese shiba inu dog lived on Earth two and a half thousand years ago. But about a hundred years ago, she was on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the measures taken in time (in 1928) to preserve the ancient species, tangible positive results were obtained, and the population gradually began to increase.

shiba inu dog

In 1934, the first standard of this amazing breed was approved, and at about the same time it was recognized as the national treasure of Japan. Today, the hunting skills of these animals are practically not used. Now the shiba inu dog is, first of all, a wonderful companion, friend, pet. Over time, these animals became popular in Europe, North America, Australia.

External features

Even lay people admit that this is a very beautiful dog. Interestingly, Japanese judges at dog shows and manufacturers pay great attention to the sexual characteristics of these cute animals, which should be pronounced. The Shiba Inu dog should not be in doubt: the dog in front of you or the female, immediately understandable.

The skeleton of a male dog should be much more powerful than that of a female dog, the muscles are dense, the head is large and wide, with pronounced cheek bones and a rather short nose. Even the look and general position of the head look manly noble.

shiba inu puppies

The bitch, on the contrary, should always have a finer skeleton, not so developed muscles, and her tail should be thinner. The expression of the female Shiba Inu’s eyes is gentle, and the whole posture of the body is very elegant.

According to the standard, the growth of the male does not exceed 39.5 cm, and the bitches - 36.5 cm. The tolerance is Β± 1.5. Males weigh up to 14 kg, bitches - up to 13 kg.

A cute, well-built Japanese shiba inu dog has a large head that looks a bit like a fox. The wide skull is characterized by a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, which narrows closer to the nose. Lips of medium thickness, fit tightly. Paws are short, tail set high and curled into a ringlet.

Shiba Inu: colors

This animal has a luxurious thick coat. It is short, dense, slightly harsh to the touch. There is a dense soft undercoat. A very cute shiba inu dog. Its colors can be different, but always bright and saturated: it is sesame color (red hair with black tips) and white, black with yellow or red tan, tiger.

japanese dog shiba inu

Any dark color according to the standard should have lighter areas located on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheekbones, on the chest and neck, on the inner surface of the legs, stomach.


The Shiba Inu breed is distinguished by an independent and rather wayward character, which, without proper upbringing, can lead to misunderstanding with the owner. These are brave and hardy animals. A strong-willed and decisive owner, able to break the stubbornness of his pet and prove his leadership in relations with Shiba Inu, will cope with their upbringing.

Puppies of this breed are absolutely charming creatures, so owners often make the same mistake - they pamper the baby, and he very quickly starts to use it. If you feel that you can not resist the charm of this crumbs, seek the help of a professional dog handler.

shiba inu Price

Today, the shiba inu dog is a wonderful companion, because she still has a strong hunting instinct. That is why we must not forget about the early socialization of such a pet and its upbringing. Shiba Inu does not require much attention to oneself. Puppies from the first days of appearing in the house show their independence and restraint. Despite this, in dealing with children, they seem to forget about β€œgood manners” and can play with them, screaming gaily, for several hours in a row. These are very energetic dogs who will keep company on jogging, cycling and sporting events.

Sometimes representatives of this breed can be aggressive towards dogs and strangers. This is explained by the fact that they are exclusive owners and will not allow anyone to what they consider to be their own - furniture or toys, a section of the house, or even the owner himself. This dog will obey and become a true friend only to an experienced dog breeder who loves serious and productive work with "complex" four-legged pets.

shiba inu colors

Maintenance and care

These magnificent animals are distinguished by some incredible, not typical for the animal accuracy. Shiba Inu very carefully monitor their appearance: do not go into dirty places, go around puddles, very carefully lick their paws after a walk.

The coat of this dog practically does not get dirty, and therefore care for it is quite simple. Periodically, it is necessary to comb the hair with a brush with coarse bristles. Bathe this dog only if necessary.

In autumn and spring, the shiba inu molt, and very strongly, so at this time they need to be combed twice a day. In addition, such a pet needs all the hygiene procedures that all dogs require - brushing their ears and teeth, cutting their claws. The dog is not picky in food: it does not require a varied diet and costs a small amount of food. Shiba Inu feels quite comfortable both in a city apartment and in an aviary of a country house.

Shiba Inu breed

Parenting and training

Dog handlers are convinced that by nature an inflexible and weak person will not be able to establish contact with this animal. These dogs have been trying to assert their leadership in the house since puppyhood. The animal wants the owner to feed him when the dog is hungry, leave the chair she has chosen, and come up at the first call. Agree, in many respects their wishes are similar to the owner, therefore, between them the confrontation often begins, which should be controlled by a person.

At a very young age, Shiba Inu show their hot temperament and indefatigable energy. Puppies arrange noisy brawls among themselves, figuring out which of them is the main in the aviary. Absolutely charming creatures in relations with people and most other domestic animals, having met with representatives of their breed, they turn into temperamental fighters. All puppies show this trait in different ways, so each specific case must be discussed with the breeder.


The lifespan of these animals is fifteen to seventeen years. Shiba Inu most often suffer from hereditary diseases - dysplasia, dislocation of the patella, hypothyroidism, von Willebrand disease. Some owners note a deterioration in the vision of their pets (not age-related). It is quite possible progressive retinal atrophy, cataract, and there is also a twist of the eyelid (entropion).

Allergic reactions to shampoo and food are found. In this regard, when acquiring a puppy, do not be lazy to ask the breeder for a medical card from his parents.

Shiba Inu: price

Today, such a charming pet can be purchased both in a specialized nursery and from trusted and reliable private breeders. Only in the bird market are you unlikely to get a healthy and purebred Shiba Inu. The price of a thoroughbred puppy with all the necessary documents and vaccinations is at least two thousand dollars.

An animal without a breeding or exhibition perspective, as well as without a full package of documents, will cost you five hundred dollars.

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