Lazolvan medicine (children's syrup): instructions for use

An excellent expectorant, effectively diluting sputum, is the drug "Lazolvan." Children's syrup describes the instructions for use as a drug with a fruity aroma.

lazolvan children's syrup instructions for use

In addition to this form, tablets are produced, a solution for inhalation and intravenous injection. The syrup is mildly viscous, with a yellowish tint or colorless. The medicine can be taken for children at any age, including newborns and premature babies. Syrup is produced in dark bottles, in which, in addition to the active component - ambroxol hydrochloride, contain auxiliary substances: menthol, HEC, sorbitol and glycerol, rectified water, flavorings (raspberry, orange or apricot), benzoic and tartaric acids , propylene glycol. Varieties of syrup are released with 15 or 30 mg of the active ingredient.

Pharmacological properties

The medication "Lazolvan" (children's syrup) describes the instructions for use as an effective medicine that promotes the secretion of enzymes by the pulmonary epithelium that secrete sputum-thinning enzymes. The tool increases the activity of the cilia of the lungs, contributes to the rapid removal and expulsion of sputum. The drug increases the reproduction of pulmonary surfactant, which does not allow the pulmonary alveoli to disintegrate, accelerates the formation of sputum in dry lungs. The syrup is rapidly absorbed and begins to act in half an hour.

baby cough syrup lazolvan

Its effect lasts for half a day. The medicine is concentrated in the lung tissue, processing occurs in the liver, and is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use

Means "Mucosolvan" (children's syrup), the instructions for use are recommended for infectious inflammatory pathologies. It is used for bronchitis and pneumonia, obstructive chronic lung ailments (COPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, asthma), which are accompanied by discharge of sputum and a violation of its viscosity.

Medication "Lazolvan" (children's syrup): instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for children up to two years, half a teaspoon twice a day. Babies under 6 years old are given the same amount of funds three times. Children under 12 years old are recommended to take 1 teaspoon three times a day, after 12 they use 2 teaspoons.

baby syrup lazolvan reviews

The medication should be taken together with cough suppressing drugs. Syrup improves lung penetration and antibiotic effectiveness.

Children's syrup "Lazolvan": reviews, contraindications and side effects

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