The development of a child by week is of interest to every mother. After all, the expectation of a baby is a great happiness that completely changes the life of future parents. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to know what is happening inside her every week of her life.
How does the fetus nucleate?
At the stage of fertilization, the egg begins to break up, also reaches the uterus and gets rid of the membrane. Immediately after fertilization of the egg, an embryo is formed. The embryonic stage is the first stage of fetal development. An embryo is a fetus that still lacks organ systems and types.
- First week. On the 7-8th day after fertilization, a process called “implantation” takes place. The egg settles on the uterus, using chorionic villi, attaches to the mucous membrane of the female genital organ.
- Week Two. From the second week of pregnancy, a significant stage begins. The fetus begins to develop, muscle, bone tissue and the nervous system are formed. In the second week, the fetus is already detached from the shell.
- Third - fifth week. The fetus develops more strongly, vital organs begin to form: heart, head, arms and legs, tail. Gill slit appears. The length of the embryo in the fourth week is up to 6 mm.
Fetus from 6 to 10 weeks
The development of the child in the womb at weeks 6-10 will be as follows:
- The 6th week of fetal development is marked by the improvement of the brain of the embryo. The coordination of the heart and skeleton muscles begins. The formation of blood cells in the liver. The placenta is gradually increasing in size to provide the baby with the necessary nutrients.
- The process of body formation occurs at 7 weeks of gestation. The face takes on human features. In the heart there is a division into 4 chambers and the formation of blood vessels. The size of the child reaches 15-17 mm. It starts to move a lot, but it is not noticeable for the mother.
- 8 and 9 weeks are characterized by sufficient activity of internal organs and the development of the brain. The nervous system gives a reaction to conditions from the external environment. More distinct limbs and joints.
- At 10 weeks, the child begins to develop the reproductive system, as the vital organs and the body itself are almost completely formed.
Week 11-15
Child development by weeks (photos on this topic are presented in the article) as follows:
- The eleventh week. At this time, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound screening, with which the child’s parameters are determined, such as: nasal bones, collar thickness, etc. The child’s size is 7 cm. There are changes in body proportions, the appearance of teeth and the development of a grasping reflex.
- Child development at 12 weeks. At this moment, the baby’s size is 9 cm and the weight is 20 grams. The chance of correctly determining the sex of the child is more than 50%. The child at this time begins to move its limbs. White blood cells appear in the circulatory system that protect the body from infections. At this time, the mother adds about 1-2 kg in weight.
- Thirteenth week. The size and weight of the baby is slightly increased, the height is 10 cm, and the weight is 30 grams. By this time, the necessary organs are formed inside the body, but after that they only develop. The face takes on human forms, but the head is still disproportionate to the body.
- Fourteenth week. At this time, the length and weight of the fetus reach 13 cm and 45 grams, respectively. In boys, a prostate occurs, and in girls, the ovaries begin to sink. The baby mimics breathing so that at birth it begins to breathe. The production of insulin and the pituitary gland begin.
- Fifteenth week. At this time, the size of the fetus does not change, but the weight increases to 50-70 grams. The child at this point is covered with hairs, which serve to maintain heat, changes position. The baby is constantly moving, but striking the uterus.
Week 16-20
The development of the child in the womb by weeks (during the month):
- At 16 weeks of gestation, the skeletal bones of the fetus harden, but remain flexible enough. Girls have sex cells forming this week. The kid began to hear, because the auditory formation was completed. The body is covered with a protective fluff that will protect the baby before birth. The weight of the child at this stage of development reaches 110 grams, and the height is 11-14 centimeters.
- At week 17, the baby reaches a height of 13-15 centimeters. The skin turns pink, and facial features are similar to human. The fetus begins to actively move and push. The emotional state of the child directly depends on the state of the mother. If the mother is nervous and worried, then the baby will push more intensively.
- At 18 weeks of gestation, development is rapid. The fruit reaches the size of the palm. He can already blink and open his mouth. Most of the time, the baby sleeps, which means that movements for this time stop. The weight of the child at this stage is about 190-200 grams.
- At week 19, fetal growth slows significantly. At the baby, the beginnings of teeth are formed, the respiratory system is improved more. Stirring becomes frequent and palpable. The mass of the child increases to 300 grams, and growth to 23 centimeters.
- At week 20, the baby's head begins to be covered with its first hair. The fruit increases in size up to 25 centimeters. At this time, eyes are formed, the blinking effect appears. The baby's weight increases to 340 grams.
Development of the child in the womb from 21 to 25 weeks
21 - 25 weeks of pregnancy are the turning points in the formation of the normal development of the embryo. At this stage, a change in the digestive system occurs - most of the nutrients, penetrating the placenta, contribute to the formation of taste preferences in the baby, while opening the mouth and swallowing the amniotic fluid, the child easily digests it.
The development of the child by week of pregnancy is as follows:
- 21st week. Weight - 400 grams, height - 25 cm. The final maturation of the digestive system occurs. The child distinguishes taste.
- 22nd week. Weight - 500 grams. Height 26 cm. The skin ceases to be transparent, but remains red and wrinkled. There is a further formation of the nervous system, the formation of brain structures.
- 23 - 25 week. The main stage for determining mental indicators, as the size of GM increases by 5 times. Cortical and subcortical structures appear, the cortex begins to form.
Development from 26 to 30 weeks
26 - 30 weeks of gestation are characterized by abrupt development of the embryo and its preparation for an independent, separate life cycle.
- 26th week. Active formation of the respiratory system. The lungs are filled with a special fluid that will allow the baby to take the first independent breath at birth.
- 27th week. The nervous system is undergoing significant changes. This is expressed in the appearance of phases of sleep and wakefulness, which may not coincide with the mother. The movements of the child are becoming more active due to hormonal changes.
- 28th week. The baby’s glottis begin to vibrate, preparing the baby for the first scream. Therefore, during this period, the mother’s body can perceive a “hiccuping” uterine sound, similar to frogs croaking or hiccups.
- 29th week. The fetus begins to open its eyes, to distinguish between light and taste. The child develops certain habits and behavioral patterns. All this period, the expectant mother is completely subordinate to the nature of her own child, his reaction to external influences.
- 30th week. The baby begins to actively gain weight, trying to get a greater amount of subcutaneous fat to ensure thermoregulation outside the maternal womb. It is believed that it is at this stage of development that the child can completely separate from the parent, since all life support systems are set up to work independently.
Week 31-35
31 - 35 weeks of pregnancy are a very important stage in the development of the embryo, because it will soon be born. And this means that growth and development are approaching their logical conclusion.
- 31st week. The weight of the fetus is 1600 grams, height - 40 cm. In boys and girls, sexual characteristics begin to take shape distinctly. The weekly weight gain of the expectant mother is normally 300 to 400 grams.
- 32nd week. The child has sexual characteristics of sex, internal systems and organs are functioning. The exception is the pulmonary structure, which requires more time for complete maturation.
- 33rd week. The baby's weight is about 2 kilograms, a height of at least 44 centimeters. He is actively moving, trying to make contact with his mother. Reacts to changes in the external environment, perceives sounds.
- 34 - 35 weeks. This period is called the "preparatory." The primordial grease that covers the fetus begins to thicken, the child begins to move, occupying the correct position for the birth. Birth weight is 2.5-4 kg, height from 47 - 56 cm.
Week 36-39
From 36 to 40 weeks, the child is already formed. Internal organs are ready for independent life outside the womb. The baby’s head lowers into the mother’s pelvis. The baby’s skull is not completely ossified; a fontanel remains between the bones. The structure of the skull allows the child to pass through the birth canal of the mother. A reaction to light and sounds is developed.
From the 36th week, the individual traits of the child appear, the ears are formed, gaining weight and muscle mass. The skeleton of the child becomes stronger every day. The baby is preparing to suckle, training on the fingers.
At 39 weeks, the skin is smooth and pink, the child turns his head and raises, his hair is silky.
By 40 weeks, the fetus becomes cramped, reflexes are formed, about 60-70 reflex, automatic movements. The size of the fetus is 50-55 cm, and the weight is 3000-3500 grams, the child turns over. By the end of 40 weeks, childbirth occurs, in some cases later than 40 weeks.