Diet and diet of a child at 1 year: features and recommendations

In the life of a child who is one year old, a lot is changing, including nutrition. Now the baby will use completely different products that he has not tried before. And many children at this age have tasted little except mother’s milk. But if your child is one year old, this does not mean that you need to feed him all in a row. After all, the young body needs to get used to the usual food, and he will do it gradually. The nutrition of children under one year of age has been replenished every month, but now mommy can introduce even more products.


Nutrition of the child after a year is preferably carried out in accordance with the established regime. This is important, and pediatricians recommend feeding it by the hour. What is it for? So that a conditioned reflex is formed in the baby, and the body knows how quickly it is necessary to assimilate the food and after what time the next intake will come. There may be some deviations from the norms established by the mother, but not more than twenty minutes. It is recommended to feed the child 4-5 times a day. If in the future you plan to send the baby to kindergarten, then make a schedule of his nutrition so that the time frame at least slightly coincides.

baby eats

So, there is an approximate scheme for calculating the time for feeding a child per year.

Around half past eight, breakfast needs to be arranged. Make sure that by this time the baby is already fully awake, stretched and washed. Four hours later, you can serve lunch. It is advisable to have your child in the fresh air before lunch. Then the food is absorbed faster, and the appetite, as you know, is much better. After lunch, children usually go to bed.

After a day's sleep, around half past four, you can arrange a small afternoon snack. But remember that this should not be a huge portion of porridge or other food. It is good if mom cooks cottage cheese casserole or offers fresh yogurt. And the last meal, dinner - at 19:00. It is possible that after dinner the baby should not eat anything, and after evening games and water procedures he goes to bed. But if your child does not sleep well at night, wakes up closer to the morning and just falls asleep badly, then it is better to give him a warm milk before bedtime.

Nutritional standards

If you observe all the nutritional norms for the baby’s diet per year, then the mother should know that her baby should consume no more than 1200 milliliters of food per day. Why is volume measured in such units? This is due to the fact that the food of such young children has a predominantly liquid consistency, only small lumps are allowed. Next, we will try to make out what the diet should be for a child of 1 year 1 month.

Sour-milk and dairy products

It's no secret that dairy products are the basis of the diet of a one-year-old child. In such products there is a lot of protein, which is necessary for strengthening bones, as well as for healthy teeth, which not everyone has during this period. In milk, a high concentration of carbohydrates and fats. Sour-milk products are also extremely necessary, because the living bacteria that are contained there positively affect the intestinal microflora and improve the digestion process. And you can not do without cottage cheese and cheese, where there is quite a lot of such necessary calcium. However, with these products you need to be careful and not give cheese and cottage cheese more often than once every three days.

milk products

There are children who have intolerance to cow's milk. They are better off not giving dairy products up to 2.5 years. A good substitute is milk powder, which simply does not include whey.


Cereals are another source of minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. A variety of cereals can be prepared from cereals, which will be not only useful, but also tasty, especially if it is cereals with milk. As for their varieties, children who are underweight are recommended to cook semolina more often, but buckwheat and oat are considered the most useful. But semolina does not contain such a quantity of useful substances, and some babies have an allergic reaction to it due to the content of gluten.

If your little one has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then include rice porridge in a child’s nutrition 1 year 3 months and older. But remember that there are not many vitamins there, so every day it is better not to give it. But it is better not to give corn porridge to those who have problems with the stomach and stool. Because it contains starch, which causes fermentation. Although this porridge is digested quite well, but only after a long cooking.

child nutrition per year

Fruits and vegetables

The baby begins to taste fruits and vegetables before twelve months. However, when the child turns 1 year 2 months, the food changes a little, and vegetables and fruits begin to combine with cereals. For example, in oatmeal you can add slices of banana or just cook pumpkin porridge with milk and rice. And you can already give fruits such as strawberries, apricots and plums. But start with small doses, as strawberries can cause allergies, and plums and apricots do not always normally take the stomach. However, natural products should be given. They have a lot of fiber and vitamins that your crumbs need so much.

At this age, you can already offer the child legumes: peas, lentils and beans. But do not forget that the fiber in them is heavy and often causes not only bloating, but also diarrhea. These vegetables need to be cooked well, and then mashed from them. No need to give legumes more than once a week.

baby food per year menu

Meat and fish

When a child turns one year old, development and nutrition is impossible without fish and meat. These are mandatory products in which there is a lot of protein, phosphorus and other substances that are extremely necessary for the baby. As for meat, you can cook steamed cutlets, meatball soup, meatballs from it. Try to make the menu so that the baby consumed meat products in the morning. This is important because animal proteins will be absorbed much longer in the child's body.

If earlier you gave your baby only rabbit meat and beef, now you can already include lean pork. But it is better to abstain from meat of waterfowl for now. And also it is better not to feed the crumbs sausages, smoked meat and sausage.

boiled chicken

There are no less useful elements in fish, however, it should be given with caution, as some children experience an allergic reaction. Choose not too fatty species, such as hake or pollock. Pollock is also good because it has virtually no seeds. In a week, the baby should eat the fish no more than twice. Try not to give just boiled meat. Steam fishcakes, meatballs. It is allowed to give caviar, but in a limited amount. After all, it can also cause an allergic reaction.


No matter how strange it may sound, eggs are among the strongest allergens. If earlier you tried to give an egg yolk and redness was noticed in the baby, then in a year you can repeat this attempt again. After all, there are a lot of useful substances in eggs and the main one is protein. If after the first use no side effects have arisen, then it is worth including this product in the daily menu. You can give just boiled eggs, or you can add them to various dishes. If you show imagination, you can find a lot of different goodies: scrambled eggs, cottage cheese pancakes, pancakes and much more. Never give raw eggs to children.

Quail eggs are considered more useful for a child’s diet per year and can be safely given instead of chicken.


Oil is another mandatory product that needs to be given crumbs. But most importantly, not after heat treatment, but in fresh form. And this requirement applies not only to butter, but also to sunflower oil. The first can be part of cereals or can be smeared on bread, and the second is a good salad dressing or one of the ingredients of soup.

Flour and sweet

You can give bread to children, and preferably white, because it is much better absorbed. And try to refrain from pampering your baby with cakes, sweets and chocolate. Of sweets, preference is given to marshmallows, pastille, marmalade. These foods are easiest for the child to eat, they contain few dyes and harmful substances, and some even have considerable benefits.

Sugar is recommended to replace fructose, but this is not necessary. As a treat you can give honey, it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, you need to be careful, because this is one of the strongest allergens. The first few times you need to give honey in a minimal amount and observe the reaction of the body.

The drinks

Children, like adults, need to drink a lot. However, at the age of one year, they are still not able to explain to their mother that they are thirsty. And for some reason, parents forget about this fact and then are very surprised when the baby is very capricious, although he ate, slept and recently went to the potty. Therefore, to make life easier for both yourself and the baby, pour some water in a bottle, which you place next to the baby so that he can drink independently at any time. Give the crumbs boiled water, not too strong tea, you can cook various stewed fruit. It is better not to give juices and other purchased sweet drinks.

baby food 1 year 3 months


You can make a menu for a child’s nutrition in a year, which, of course, will be approximate, since each baby has its own characteristics, but the overall picture should be just that.

There are children who still eat mother's milk after a year. For them, the menu will be this: in the morning you can breastfeed, because there is enough milk accumulated overnight; then you can offer the baby porridge, some butter, which you can add there, and 1/2 yolk; and for dessert, make fruit puree and some juice. The next meal will be the most dense: some kind of vegetable dish, such as soup, in which you need to add a little vegetable oil and a few meatballs. You can also cook a steak of fish or minced meat. And drink it all with fruit juice. The next meal will be easy and quite tasty: cottage cheese, some baby cookies and fruit puree, and you can drink all this with a sour-milk drink, such as kefir. And before going to bed, to better sleep, you can give breast milk.

For those children who no longer eat mother's milk, the diet will be slightly different and some meals should be more satisfying.

baby food per year menu

Some good recipes

  • Puree soup. You will need several branches of cauliflower and half of one potato. Vegetables need to be peeled, washed, cut into slices and pour boiling water so that the water completely covers them. They cook over low heat until cooked. Next, the vegetables need to be turned into mashed potatoes and add to them several teaspoons of pre-cooked boiled rice. All this must be filled with broth and put on fire to boil a little. Do not forget to salt a little and add a small amount of sour cream.
  • Rabbit cutlets. One hundred grams of rabbit meat will be enough for you, which you need to grind using a meat grinder. Separately, bread softens in the water and mixes with the minced meat, and then this mixture must again be passed through a meat grinder. After that, you can add a little more water to the minced meat, form small meatballs and steam them until fully cooked.

  • Fish Pudding. You will need a little boiled fish fillet and the same amount of minced fish. Softened bread is added to the minced meat. After this, the fillet and minced meat are mixed, add half the yolk and a little butter. After thorough mixing, add half the protein and mix again. The resulting mass is laid out in tins and steamed.

Useful Tips

Although everyone recommends making the menu mainly from mashed potatoes for a baby’s 1 year old, you should gradually move away from this. The child should get used to eating food with lumps. After all, at this age he already has teeth and is able to chew on small pieces. And it is important to accustom the crumbs to this in time. And do not be lazy to cook meatballs, meatballs, cheesecakes, let's bite slices of fruits and vegetables.

No need to fry baby food per year. For his body, such food is still too heavy. Continue cooking, stewing and steaming. These are the most useful cooking methods. In addition, steamed food retains a maximum of useful substances that are lost during other types of heat treatment of products.

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