The mixture is "Unnatural". Reviews, the composition of the mixture

The best food for a newly born baby, of course, is breast milk. But what if the young mother lost milk for some reason? Then, modern infant formula - invaluable substitutes for breast milk - will come to the aid of young parents. Among the best samples is a mixture of "Uncustomed".

mix unbuilt reviews

The mixture is "Unnatural". Structure

The mixture was developed by Nestle and has a properly balanced composition of vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy nutrition of newborns. The composition of the mixture includes whey, vegetable oils, skim milk, vitamins, saccharides and many other useful substances. In addition, in such baby foods there is the necessary amount of sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, potassium - the elements needed by a growing children's body.

the mixture is unstable composition,

The Nestogen mix, reviews of which confirm its widespread popularity, is available for feeding infants of four age groups. The Nestogen mix for the smallest (No. 1) contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals intended for children under six months of age. The composition of such a mixture is as close as possible to breast milk. Dietary fiber of natural origin facilitates digestion and regulates the baby's stool. A set of proteins, fats and trace elements contributes to the normal growth and development of the child. The mixture has no harmful additives, flavors, preservatives or colorings. Everything is only natural. Mix "Nestogen-2" is intended for babies from six months. It differs from Nastogen-1 in that it includes rice flour. This mixture provides good nutrition for the baby, healthy sleep and proper digestion. Mix "Nestogen-3" - complementary foods for children from ten months. Its composition corresponds to the needs of the child's body of this particular age. "Nestogen-4" - full nutrition for children from one and a half to two years.

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Mixture "Nestogen", reviews of parents about its use

Each infant formula has its advantages over other mixtures, and each of them has its own disadvantages. For one child, the most acceptable is one mixture for food, and for another - a completely different one. After all, the organisms of all children are different and react differently to the same food. Therefore, each mother should independently try to choose the most suitable baby food for her baby. Moreover, it is necessary to start introducing the mixture gradually and little by little, starting in the morning, so that you can observe the reaction of the child. The "Nestogen" mixture also has different reviews. Reviews alone are positive, up to admiration. And her child eats with pleasure, and gaining weight as expected, and the chair has regular. What else does? Other parents complain of a child with colic, diarrhea or vomiting after consuming the mixture. Sometimes a rash appears, the child becomes irritable. So this food needs to be replaced by another. However, such cases are quite rare. Usually the least complained of is the Unclean mixture. Reviews are reviews, but until you try it yourself, don’t rate it.

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