Amit Forte: instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications, reviews

In case of parasitic diseases, veterinarians prescribe Amit Forte solution to animals. This drug not only destroys ticks, but also relieves cats and dogs of excruciating skin itching. The tool is considered relatively harmless, since its ingredients are not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect on the body. How to apply drops? And in what cases is their use indicated? We will consider these issues in the article.


The composition of the drug "Amit forte" includes several active components.

  1. Fipronil. This substance is detrimental to cat and dog ticks. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of parasites, which leads to the death of arthropods. As already mentioned, the substance is not absorbed into the blood of cats and dogs. It only penetrates the hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands and has a local effect.
  2. Diflubenzuron. This substance blocks the synthesis of substances in the chitin shell of ticks, which leads to a decrease in the number of parasites.
  3. Diphenhydramine. This component belongs to antihistamines. It relieves inflammation on the epidermis of the animal, relieves itching and pain.

In addition, the composition of the drug includes auxiliary ingredients: polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. They contribute to a deeper penetration into the skin of the active components.

The drug is released in the form of a solution. It can be poured into small droppers of 1 and 1.4 ml or in bottles of 10, 15, 20 and 30 ml.

Bottle with Amit Forte solution


Instructions for use "Amit forte" recommends using this tool for the following parasitic diseases in cats and dogs:

  • demodicosis;
  • notoedrosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • sarcoptosis.
    Dog ticks

This is a fairly safe drug. It can be applied to the hair and buried in the ears of kittens and puppies from the age of 2 months.


There are contraindications to the use of acaricidal agents. The Amit Forte instruction prohibits the use of the solution in the following cases:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation. The drug may be toxic to the fetus and young babies.
  2. With infectious pathologies in animals, as well as during recovery. This drug may have a negative effect on a weakened pet. Therefore, antiparasitic treatment should be postponed until all symptoms of the disease disappear.
  3. With exhaustion in cats and dogs: with severe underweight, the use of acaricides is prohibited.

The drug is not used for the treatment of hair and ears in kittens and puppies younger than 2 months.

Unwanted effects

Usually animals tolerate the treatment of wool and ears with Amit Forte drops. There were no undesirable symptoms in cats and dogs after using the drug. However, in weakened animals, a local allergic reaction to the solution may occur. In this case, the drug should be discontinued. Before using the product, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of drops.

How to apply on wool

In case of knothedrosis "Amit forte" for cats is applied to the hair of an animal. The dosage of the drug is calculated by the veterinarian depending on the body weight of the pet. For 1 kg of cat weight, 0.5 ml of solution is needed.

"Amit Forte" for dogs is used for demodicosis and sarcoptosis. The amount of funds calculated in the same way as for cats.

It is necessary to prepare the affected areas for treatment. To do this, the hair is cut off, and the skin is cleaned of crusts with a cotton swab. Apply the solution with a thin layer. It is necessary to process the border area of ​​the wool around the place of accumulation of ticks (about 1 cm wide).

After processing, you need to put on a special collar on the animal. Otherwise, the pet may lick the drug and get poisoned. 30 minutes after applying the product, the protective collar can be removed.

Protective collar for cats

Processing is carried out daily for 2–5 days. Then take a break for 5 days. After that, they are tested for ticks. If the study twice shows negative results, then treatment is stopped. If parasites remain, then treatment courses are repeated until complete recovery.

Tick ​​diseases in animals are often accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection. Microorganisms penetrate the skin through scratching. In this case, Amit Forte drops are used in combination with antibacterial ointments and immunomodulators.

The use of the drug for ear scabies

With otodectosis, you need to prepare the ear cavity for processing. The auditory meatus is cleaned of crusts using cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Then 3-4 drops of medicine are instilled into each ear. After this, you need to massage the auricle a little, so that the solution is better absorbed.

Dog Ear Treatment

Often during treatment, animals shake their heads and spray drops. If the drug gets on the wool, you need to remove the solution with a damp cloth.

With ear scabies, drops are used daily for 2 days. Then take a break for 3-5 days. If a tick is again detected in the results of the analysis, then the course of therapy is repeated.

Cat Ear Examination

It is very important to instill the drug in both ears, even if the animal is diagnosed with otodectosis in only one ear canal. This will prevent the spread of parasites.

special instructions

The drug "Amit Forte" has low toxicity to humans. However, acaricides can cause poisoning and allergies in people with hypersensitivity. Therefore, when processing the coat and ears of an animal, the following precautions must be observed:

  • Before using the product, you need to wear rubber gloves;
  • while working with the drug, you should not eat, drink or smoke;
  • After processing the animal, wash your hands well with soap.
Rubber gloves to protect the skin

What to do if drops have got on human skin? In this case, the solution should be washed off with a strong stream of running water. This must be done even if there are no visible signs of an allergy. In no case should you leave the drug on the skin.

During the day after applying the drops, the animal cannot be stroked. Children should not be allowed to play with cats and dogs after anti-mite treatment. A small child can easily get poisoned by stroking a pet.

Vials and droppers from under the solution can not be used to store food. They must be placed in plastic bags and discarded immediately.

Animal Owner Reviews

Owners of cats and dogs leave positive reviews about Amit Fort. This drug is especially effective in the treatment of ear scabies. After a course of therapy in animals, itching and unpleasant odor from the ear canal disappear. Recovery was confirmed by laboratory tests. After treatment, the ear tick was absent in the analysis results.

The use of the drug for sarcoptosis, demodicosis and notoedrosis also gives positive results. With small invasions, the drops begin to act within 2 days after the first application. The results of the study revealed dead parasites, deformed larvae and mite eggs.

At the same time, the owners of the animals note a sharp and unpleasant odor of the solution. As you know, cats and dogs have an extremely sensitive sense of smell and sometimes resist treatment. If the pet is anxious, then before treatment it is necessary to put on his neck a protective collar. You should also calm and distract the animal before applying the solution.

Some cats and dogs showed lethargy and drowsiness after applying the drops. Usually such manifestations were temporary and quickly passed. However, you need to look at the state of your pet after treatment. If apathy and weakness persist for a long period, you should consult your veterinarian about replacing the drug.

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