How are skins replaced in SAMP?

If you play GTA: San Andreas, the raciness and interest of the protagonist will not give you a reason to think about replacing his appearance. However, if you started playing “SAMP” and want to play a role on the RP server, then you should definitely think about choosing a unique appearance for your character. It turns out that this can be done extremely simply, since there are special programs for replacing skins in SAMP. Without them, replacing skins will be possible, but extremely difficult, and you may experience certain problems with the further launch and functioning of the game. Therefore, it is recommended that you still use special programs to replace skins in "SAMP".

replace samp skins

Program download

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replacement of GTA samp skins

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replacement of the military samp skin

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replacement of skins in samp with automatic installation

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What kind of approach to choose, each gamer must decide for himself. However, the fact is that you can change the appearance of your main character, as well as how each object or character in the game looks, absolutely without problems and efforts.

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