Dangerous diseases during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment

Pregnancy does not make a woman invulnerable to common diseases, so she can get sick if she is careless about her health. However, ailments in an "interesting position" can cause great harm to the fetus. In our article we will talk about what diseases during pregnancy are considered the most dangerous for the baby and mom, what is the reason for their occurrence, how to deal with them, and so on. Such information will not be superfluous for absolutely any woman who wants to have children.


Rubella is one of the most dangerous diseases during pregnancy, which has a viral origin. Quite often, this disease is confused with measles, however, these two ailments are caused by completely different viruses. In addition, rubella can be a real rarity in certain regions of the country. For example, in the United States, every child is vaccinated from her as a child, so outbreaks are extremely rare. Therefore, if you do not have good immunity and you have not been vaccinated against a viral disease, then you can completely get sick with it in contact with a sick patient.

rubella symptoms

Rubella itself will not cause much harm to the human body, however, an unprotected fetus can suffer greatly from it. Infection can cause any birth defects in the baby or even premature birth. With the greatest likelihood, the baby will become infected by mom if she gets sick in the first trimester. Therefore, many doctors in this case recommend an abortion so as not to endanger their own life and the life of the child. Although in the second trimester, extreme caution should be exercised and not in contact with people affected by the rubella virus.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman should definitely check for immunity to this disease. If it was possible to identify the disease during pregnancy in the early stages, then you should immediately get rid of the fetus, since the likelihood of its defeat will be extremely high. Even if mom succeeds in giving birth to a baby, he will most likely have some kind of birth defects. Therefore, if you decide to become pregnant, be sure to get a rubella vaccine. After vaccination, you can’t become pregnant for six months, because the remaining virus can still remain in the mother’s body.

Urinary tract infections

Have you thought about which kidney diseases during pregnancy are the most dangerous? It’s worth the alarm only if the organs were affected by infection through the urinary canal. Since the woman is quite short, the microbes can easily get into the bladder and even the kidneys. Therefore, you should monitor intimate hygiene, as well as drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, since a lack of moisture can also contribute to the development of infectious diseases in the body.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, the risk of urinary tract infections is very high. This is mainly due to an increase in progesterone, which interferes with the normal excretion of urine from the bladder. That is, part of the liquid remains inside all the time, which can provoke the development of various infections. Therefore, a woman should immediately contact her doctor if the first symptoms appear:

  • frequent urination, especially at night;
  • burning sensation when the bladder is empty;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen.

To detect a urinary infection or kidney disease during pregnancy, you will have to take a urine test, because it is in it that you can find the bacteria that cause the disease, for example, E. coli. Treatment consists of using various antibiotics, the prescription for which the doctor will prescribe you. Such actions prevent pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), which is often accompanied by back pain and high body temperature.


What other fetal diseases during pregnancy are the most dangerous? Of course, those that are caused by viral infections. One of the most dangerous diseases for mom and her baby is cytomegalovirus. In most adults, this infection goes even unnoticed. According to statistics, almost 80% of the world's inhabitants were infected with a similar disease by the age of 40. If a woman becomes infected with them during childbirth, then this can greatly affect the health of the future baby.

Pregnant woman at the doctor's appointment.

To protect yourself from this unpleasant virus, you need to know how it is transmitted. The risk of infection can be reduced several times if you follow simple hygiene measures, such as washing your hands. The danger of this type of disease lies in the fact that it practically does not manifest itself in the adult body. Most often, cytomegalovirus can be diagnosed using amniocentesis. After this, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to the patient to determine if the virus does not affect the development of the child. Antibodies are likely to be prescribed for the prevention and treatment of maternal diseases.

In some children, cytomegalovirus can only be diagnosed at birth. If treatment is not started in time, serious liver problems may begin, deafness and blindness will gradually develop. Some children may even die from this virus, but most survivors experience serious neurological changes that, to one degree or another, affect normal life. . If you want to avoid this for your child, then be sure to take a preventive course.

Ulcerative colitis

What about pregnancy with Crohn's disease (ulcerative colitis)? The likelihood of a complication depends on the activity of the inflammatory process within the body. At the initial stages of the disease, pregnancy can proceed quite normally, however, the higher the degree of activity of the inflammatory process, the greater the likelihood of premature birth. In any case, consultation with a specialist in this regard should resolve all problems. Even if you have ulcerative colitis in the body at the initial stages of formation, you should not despair. With adequate treatment, the disease will not affect the development of the fetus.

As for natural childbirth, they are contraindicated in women with Crohn's disease. For patients who suffer from ulcerative Kalita, medicine provides a standard course of therapy, which includes the use of drugs of mild, moderate or severe degree of action. However, for pregnant women, the course of treatment should be adjusted by a gynecologist, and at different stages of pregnancy it will be different. Some drugs can adversely affect the health of the fetus in the early stages of development, so in most cases, doctors prescribe 5-ASA drugs to sick moms.


Thinking about what diseases of the throat during pregnancy can be the most dangerous for the fetus? As a rule, the list of such diseases is extremely small, but do not forget that sore throat or redness of the tonsils may be a symptom of more serious ailments, such as flu. If a woman has not been vaccinated against this disease for several years, then the probability of getting sick during pregnancy remains extremely high. Also, do not forget that even with the vaccine you can easily catch the kind of flu that the vaccine was not given. If you feel flu symptoms (headache, weakness, fever, sore throat), then you should immediately seek help from a specialist, since an undiagnosed illness can affect the health of the unborn baby in time.

Pregnant woman with a thermometer.

Most doctors recommend that you treat your virus with special antiviral drugs, but for a pregnant woman, medicines should be prescribed by an experienced specialist. Antiviral therapy will show the maximum effect in the initial stages of the development of the disease, so you do not need to delay the visit to the clinic. It is best to consult a doctor after the first symptoms: discomfort in the nose and throat, increased sweating, loss of strength, and so on.

As for the causes of influenza, for the most part they are due to the fact that the patient was in contact with a sick patient. The virus can be easily transmitted by airborne droplets, so sometimes it’s enough just to talk to the patient. To prevent infection, it is strongly recommended to avoid contact with the virus carriers, as well as use a gauze bandage during a trip to the clinic (especially during the epidemic).

If a woman is still ill with the flu, then you should take your medical history with you for an appointment - during pregnancy this can be extremely important. Even the smallest detail that the doctor will lose sight of due to a lack of information can adversely affect the health of not only mom, but also her baby. Unfortunately, medicine knows many examples when, during a flu illness, a mother lost her baby or died with it. Therefore, we again strongly recommend that you seek medical help immediately.

Chronic diseases

Women should pay special attention to their chronic diseases during pregnancy, since at this time they can give serious complications. As a rule, such diseases do not affect the health of the fetus, but can be inherited. Therefore, asthmatics, allergy sufferers and cores should be especially vigilant. Although genetic engineering has not yet learned to block the transmission of chronic diseases from mother to child, however, every woman should be especially responsible for her health, especially if she is in an “interesting position”.

How to determine that your disease is at a chronic stage and it is extremely difficult to cure it? As a rule, only an experienced specialist can give an answer to this question, for example, a pulmonologist (for asthma), an allergist (for allergies), a cardiologist (for diseases of the cardiovascular system). You should also understand that if you have been experiencing the same symptoms for several years (shortness of breath, heart pain, tearing), then your disease is most likely already at a chronic stage. Therefore, before you think about pregnancy, you must first try to cure it so that the disease does not pass on to your baby by inheritance.

pregnancy pressure

A young mother should understand that during pregnancy, the symptoms can greatly intensify. For example, asthmatics experience shortness of breath even after small physical exertion, and due to changes in the hormonal background, allergy symptoms begin to appear not only in the summer, but also in the winter. Therefore, you must constantly take the medications that the doctor prescribed for you, at least to deal with unpleasant symptoms. However, self-medication is by no means impossible, since an improperly selected medication can adversely affect the health of the fetus.


Any blood diseases during pregnancy are very dangerous, and the human immune deficiency virus is even more so. It is worth noting that HIV may not occur for years, so paying attention only to the symptoms will be extremely reckless. Any woman who decides to become pregnant must first give blood from a vein for tests, so that she can be sure that nothing threatens her baby. Otherwise, she risks infecting her baby in the womb, in the early stages of pregnancy.

Girls with ribbons against AIDS.

As for the protection against the virus, every student is aware of it. First of all, you should take care of a quality method of contraception, since in most cases HIV is transmitted sexually. Also, do not have sex with unfamiliar men, as this increases the risk of the disease. The virus can also be transmitted through the blood, so even a child knows that using one syringe is strictly prohibited. Well, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to donate blood every six months for analysis in order to have time to prevent the development of the disease in time, since the virus may not be felt until the very last moment.

As for pregnancy for patients, it is extremely undesirable, but there is a chance that timely treatment in a baby can prevent the development of the virus in the children's body. Taking special medications significantly prolongs the life of the infected person and relieves unpleasant symptoms, so he can enjoy joyful moments with his loved ones. However, this is only possible with proper treatment. Isn’t it better not to get sick at all, because the prevention of this disease is not complicated?


Hypertension during pregnancy is a pretty scary enemy for mom and her baby, but with the right methods of treatment and prevention, you can give birth to a healthy baby. Of course, the risk that the disease will be inherited by the child remains quite large, but if the mother takes the medications prescribed by her doctor, the risk is significantly reduced. It is also very important to seek help in time, because undetected heart disease in time can make itself felt too late. If you are constantly worried about headaches or heart pains, then you need to undergo a medical examination, as well as take preventative measures (sports, healthy eating, and so on).

A woman holds on to a heart.

As for the symptoms of the disease, they can be very different:

  • redness of the skin in the face;
  • swelling of the face and eyelids in the morning;
  • low working capacity;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent headaches;
  • memory impairment;
  • chilliness, etc.

Varicose disease during pregnancy can also indicate poor heart function, however, for a more detailed analysis, you must consult a doctor. Remember that symptoms may not appear all at once, but gradually. For example, headaches can occur first, after which there will be swelling of the face and malaise in the heart. Hypertension during pregnancy can play a cruel joke with the mother and her baby, so it is important to start treating this ailment in time.

As for the causes of the disease and prevention, they are inextricably linked. As a rule, heart problems arise due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits, and so on. That is why mom should completely give up drinking alcohol and smoking, begin to move more, and eat right, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to hypertension.


What diseases during pregnancy are one of the most dangerous for the baby? Listeriosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria entering the body through the use of food of dubious quality — hot dogs, shawarma, soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, and so on. For healthy people, such an infection will be relatively harmless, but the fetus can be seriously affected by the infection. Therefore, a woman should eat only healthy foods prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. Otherwise, the next station shawarma may well lead to the imminent death of the child after childbirth or even a miscarriage. Here are the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy that you should pay special attention to:

A bacterium in the intestines.

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • heat.

As you can see, the symptoms are very similar to ordinary food poisoning, but listeriosis is much more dangerous than the fact of poisoning. If these bacteria enter your body, you should begin immediate drug treatment under the guidance of an experienced doctor. And you need to start doing this as soon as possible, until the bacteria have multiplied to a large number.

As for the prevention of the disease, it is very clear. It is necessary to eat only healthy food prepared at home. Also, you should not drink unpasteurized milk (relevant for the villagers) or eat meat dishes that have not undergone heat treatment.It is imperative to refrain from meat with blood, as well as quick snacks with shawarma, hot dogs and barbecue, since the meat in these products is of dubious quality. If you follow what you eat, then the likelihood of getting an infection will be minimized.


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For the fetus in the womb, the allergy is practically harmless, because it is protected by the placenta - a dense shell that protects the baby from various dangers of the world. However, even a newborn baby may experience various allergy symptoms, which cannot be ignored in any case. Therefore, if you notice redness on the cheeks of the child or shortness of breath, you should immediately consult an allergist to conduct a series of tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the disease.

Pregnant woman and cat.

Many pregnant women at various thematic forums ask questions: "What diseases from cats can be transmitted to a child during pregnancy?" Of course, for many people, such words will seem like real paranoia, but there is some truth in them. For example, a small child may become allergic to pet hair, and mom will think that the reason is not a hereditary predisposition, but four-legged pets. In this case, you should not immediately get rid of the cat or dog. It is enough to consult with a specialist who will prescribe special medications for your child that block unpleasant symptoms. Fortunately, modern pharmacists have developed them for every taste and budget, and reception is allowed even for the smallest patients.

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