Hyper-excitability in infants: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and tips of the best pediatricians

Hyper -excitability syndrome in infants appears with somatovegetative disorders and neuro-reflex excitability, for this reason it should not be treated indifferently. After some time, there is every chance that more significant disorders of the nervous system will be observed, which is often expressed in a delay in the psychological and speech development of the baby. The child will grow nervous, meteorological. Often, to a small extent, non-functional brain activity is traced, which leads to distraction, hyperreactivity, and epilepsy. Such children must grow under the strict supervision of a neurologist, and parents must carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions. Only in this case will it be possible to reduce the risk of complications.


Almost all parents are afraid of a consultation with a neurologist, expecting a non-optimistic diagnosis. However, there is no need to fear, as timely therapy is a direct and effective way to cure. You can also visit an osteopath, he discovers pathologies in the structures of the brain without the use of special techniques and unpleasant procedures. Osteopaths use manual methods to recognize the presence of a disorder of structural-anatomical relations between different organs and elements of the body, which is called osteopathic non-functionality.

Below are the most relevant and well-known causes of neurological pathologies that lead to hyper-excitability in infants (Komarovsky indicates other reasons, but the following are the most common):

  1. Traumatic. The disease appears due to intracranial birth (acquired during childbirth) injuries, for example, if the personnel of the maternity ward were inaccurate during childbirth. In addition, rapid and rapid childbirth can be traumatic factors of hyper-excitability. The latter factor can also lead to other negative results besides the hyper-excitability syndrome in the newborn.
  2. Hypotoxic. Appear with asphyxiation of the fetus and newborn. Non-compliance with placental circulation and gas exchange leads to asphyxiation. Asphyxia of the newborn is fixed with suffocation, if it is specifically established that the fetus was born alive. With placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia (choking) can form and, as a result, asphyxia of the newborn. Asphyxia factors are a large number, in each case they can be different.
  3. Infectious. It appears if the mother was ill with infectious diseases when bearing a child, as well as if they were infected by the baby when they were born or in the first days / weeks after birth.
  4. Toxic and metabolic. Hyper-excitability is often observed in a child whose mother smoked while smoking (cigarettes, cigars, hookah, etc.), consumed alcohol (including light), took medications not recommended for pregnant women, as well as addictive substances.

Remember that the child’s nervous system is formed long before it is born. As a result, it is important to beware of stress and the conditions mentioned in the fourth paragraph from the first day of pregnancy.

Also, the root cause of hyper-excitability is called heredity. In accordance with this view, hyper-excitability is transmitted genetically. Other scientists believe that the reason lies in the improper upbringing of children. That is, if parents allow themselves a lot, then the child grows up in an atmosphere of permissiveness, which directly affects his actions and actions.

hyper excitability in infants reviews

Symptoms of hyper-excitability in infants

Unfortunately, parents often miss the period of early diagnosis of the disease. Despite the fact that the initial signs of hyper-excitability can be seen in the baby almost immediately after birth, adults catch it only when the child goes to kindergarten or school, after the claims of teachers. If you see the medical picture of the pathology from the very beginning, therapy can be started earlier, and therefore the results will become much more obvious and optimistic.

hyper excitability syndrome in infants

The main symptoms

Key signs of hyper-excitability in infants boil down to:

  • Bad sleep, and not from time to time, but regularly. He falls asleep badly, often wakes up at night from any noise. In the middle of the night it makes sounds like screaming or crying.
  • Low appetite. He does not eat enough, with reluctance takes a breast or a bottle. Sucks lazily.
  • Fist compression.
  • Suffering facial expression.
  • The baby’s skin may appear bluish (marbled) or red at first glance, as it is pierced by a network of blood vessels that are very close to its surface.
  • From the side, the child seems constrained and pinched.

Observe the baby: hyper-excitability syndrome in newborns shows itself almost instantly. It is not difficult for observant parents to note that something is wrong with their crumbs and his actions differ from generally accepted standards at this age.

What are the Komarovsky symptoms of hyper-excitability in infants? You can familiarize yourself with the treatment that a renowned pediatrician offers and the symptoms of hyper-excitability by watching the video below.


Depending on the factors of the disease, the type of treatment is selected. With perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, children are prescribed relaxing baths using coniferous and mineral solutions. Repeated massage courses are carried out, which help to improve blood circulation, normalize muscle tone, and eliminate nervous irritability.

In the first year of existence, the child may be recommended electrophoresis, paraffin treatment, physiotherapy exercises, which involves various types of therapeutic massage. With significant pathologies, drug therapy is performed.

hyper excitability in infants treatment


Achieve good results helps herbal medicine, involving the use of relaxing fees. Parents should do everything possible to restore the daily routine. For this purpose, it is necessary to spend a large amount of time with the child in the fresh air, to devote time to physiological loads.

You should create a calm atmosphere at home, beware of scandals and situations that can cause nervous excitability in children. None of the hyper-excitability therapy in a child is able to provide 100% of the result, since the syndrome has not yet been fully investigated.

hyper excitability in infants Komarovsky


The main therapy of hyper-excitability is to prescribe substances that relax the nervous system.

  • Valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, thyme - infusions from these herbs can be given to the child inside, or can be added to soothing baths before bedtime. They remove fear, irritability, anxiety.
  • The doctor restores blood supply to the brain with the movement of his hands, which makes it possible to completely restore his full activity.
  • Psychostimulating substances. "Pantogam" is a nootropic drug for hyper-excitability with anticonvulsant effects.
  • Behavioral treatment for parents and baby.
  • The program is a special adaptation of children to school.
  • Constant consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

At the same time, the father and mother should know that hyper-excitability in infants is much easier to cure than pathology in a schoolchild, even if they are younger. And it’s even easier to prevent the disease with certain preventative measures.

hyper excitability in infants symptoms

The main thing is the mode!

The brain, like a trained dog, instantly remembers the sequence of events. For example, that in the morning the "rite of the bathroom" and charging are certainly performed, and before the dream time is allotted to reading books. Many adults cannot imagine their own morning without a cup of coffee. It is also a “reflex” of the brain, it was once (in a few days) accustomed to a coffee drink. The child must learn to “feel” the time of sleep and eating and adhere to the established schedule every day. This is the order. In this case, he will be set to sleep mode some time before sleep, which has a very positive effect on falling asleep and directly on night rest!

hyper excitability in infants symptoms and treatment

Doctors advice

In order for the child to not be diagnosed with hyper-excitability syndrome, it is necessary to prevent the disease from the moment of conception. For this purpose, during pregnancy:

  • adhere to the daily routine;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • Do not be nervous, try to be calm;
  • to prevent disease;
  • eat well;
  • refrain from bad habits;
  • undergo fetal diagnostics: magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, Doppler encephalography.
hyper excitability in infants symptoms and treatment Komarovsky

Important to remember!

Do not forget: hyper-excitability in newborns is detected from the first day of its existence. Do not start this disease. If it was not possible to protect the child from this pathology, it is important to determine it and treat it in time. This is not a sentence, and such a child is able to lead the same lifestyle as his peers.

Reviews of hyper-excitability in infants indicate that the disease is treated for a long time, but therapy brings results. The main thing is to devote time to the child, constantly occupy him and monitor his health.

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