Cystitis during pregnancy: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

During pregnancy, cystitis can occur in an acute form. It appears suddenly, often after hypothermia. There is a chronic form when treatment is not carried out. In this case, the symptoms are mild, at times they do not appear, with the exception of exacerbations. It is more difficult to cure a chronic disease. In pregnant women, the symptoms of the disease appear more pronounced and are more difficult to tolerate.

What is cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by an infection in it. Most often, cystitis has the following manifestations:

  1. Frequent urination with the release of a small amount of fluid.
  2. Burning sensation during urination.
  3. Uncomfortable, painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  4. General malaise.
  5. Darkening, clouding of urine, the presence of sediment and clots of pus, in severe cases, the presence of blood in the urine is characteristic.
    cystitis during pregnancy treatment

Types of cystitis

The following types of cystitis are:

  • Postcoital cystitis - this type of cystitis is manifested due to the ingestion of an infectious agent in the urethra.
  • Interstitial cystitis is a non-infectious inflammation of the bladder.
  • Hemorrhagic cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder with the presence of blood in the urine.
  • Radiation cystitis - cystitis resulting from radiation therapy.
  • Sexual cystitis - cystitis that occurs after sexual contact with a subsequent change in microflora.
  • Cervical cystitis - this disease is characterized by inflammation of the neck of the bladder.

Types of Cystitis

During pregnancy, women often experience an unpleasant disease - cystitis. The treatment of cystitis during pregnancy in the early stages depends on its type:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • thermal.

Each type has specific reasons. Subcooling is the cause of thermal cystitis. With the penetration of infection into the urinary organs, as well as into the reproductive system, infectious cystitis occurs. Another species occurs in women prone to allergies, and may be the result of a reaction to the use of hygiene products.

cystitis during pregnancy treatment at home

Causes of cystitis during pregnancy

The following causes of cystitis are distinguished:

  • anatomical features;
  • deterioration in the hormonal background;
  • reduced immunity;
  • violations of the vaginal microflora;
  • bladder enlargement;
  • constricted ureters.

Cystitis during early pregnancy, the treatment of which must be carried out immediately, can be caused by non-observance of personal hygiene rules, wearing underwear made of artificial materials, tight underwear, and also not following the rules of intimate hygiene. Irregular nutrition, unreasonably high physical exertion, stress and overwork contribute to the onset of the disease.

Also, the disease can develop as a complication of various infectious, viral, bacterial diseases:

  • flu;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • furunculosis;
  • caries;
  • staphylococcus;
  • E. coli;
  • trichomoniasis.

Acquired diseases contribute to the development of the disease - spinal injuries, endocrine pathologies, colitis, diabetes mellitus.

treatment of cystitis during pregnancy with folk remedies

Symptoms of cystitis

Symptoms and treatment of cystitis during pregnancy are different for each expectant mother. Signs that indicate the presence of the disease:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. False urination.
  3. Isolation of a small amount of urine.
  4. After urination, pain and pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Fever.
  6. Burning sensation during urination.
  7. The urine is cloudy.
  8. Strong smell.
  9. Mix in urine.
  10. Discomfort and constriction in the lower abdomen.

The body of a woman is rebuilt during pregnancy. The release of hormones changes, immunity decreases. Vulnerability to various types of infections is increasing. With the advanced form of the disease, a pregnant woman may experience nausea. To detect cystitis, own observations are not enough. An accurate diagnosis must be made. A blood and urine test will help. It is important to identify the disease as early as possible. A chronic form cannot be allowed. It is fraught with complications in the form of inflammation of the kidneys. A good specialist will prescribe the right treatment, taking into account the individual situation.

Diagnosis of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy of 2 trimesters, the treatment of which is incorrect, can give a huge number of complications, so the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor. The same thing expects a woman in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. An experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct an examination and prescribe a number of laboratory tests that reliably determine the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process.

  1. General urine analysis. Gives an idea about the presence or absence of a particular type of disease. Pus, mucus, bacteria are the first indicators that indicate the presence of a disease.
  2. Urine analysis according to Nicheporenko. Allows you to separate the markers of biosubstances, with the aim of their further study on the subject of pathogenic effects.
  3. Bacteriological analysis (urine culture). 10% of the daily share is rented in order to identify a variety of bacteria or virus.
  4. The study using a cytoscope. A cytoscope is a small device with a camera at the end that is inserted into the vagina to assess the general condition of the urinary tract and female genital organs.
  5. Blood analysis. Prolonged exposure of any infection to the body affects the condition of the fetus. Therefore, for the purpose of additional diagnostics, the doctor asks for a UAC.
  6. Ultrasound Ultrasound is one of the most accurate examination methods.

The child is the most valuable product of love, and maintaining his health, vitality is the main goal of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Therefore, to establish the degree of influence of bacteria on the child's body, an unscheduled ultrasound is performed.

cystitis in women during pregnancy treatment

What is dangerous cystitis?

The main danger of cystitis during pregnancy is the fatal effect of infection on the female body and the health of the unborn child. The intrauterine development of certain organs and systems may be delayed or changed under the influence of certain types of bacteria, therefore, self-medication or ignoring the problem can not be dealt with. What else can happen in the presence of inflammation and the absence of cystitis treatment during pregnancy:

  1. The development of pyelonephritis. One inflammatory process can smoothly transition to another. The kidneys and adrenal glands are the most vulnerable to bacterial attack. This is especially true during pregnancy and lactation due to a weak immune system.
  2. The development of gynecological diseases. Long-term exposure to a reactive agent of the external environment can provoke the appearance of complex diseases that will be incompatible with the process of bearing the fetus and childbirth.
  3. The development of pathologies of pregnancy. Since the ovaries produce the hormone progesterone, which is so necessary for the proper development of the embryo, their inflammation entails a decrease in the concentration level of this component.

As a result, with insufficient treatment of cystitis in women during pregnancy, it develops:

  • placental insufficiency (up to the threat of miscarriage);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • placental abruption and many other serious complications.

Reducing the negative effects of infection on the body of a pregnant woman can only be injected with antibiotics. Broad-spectrum drugs are able to suppress the pathological process very quickly. This means that maternal and child health can be minimally endangered. The mental health of the fetus and its viability will not change.

alternative treatment for cystitis during pregnancy

Drug treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

Medications in case of cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder, should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor. After all, initiative and taking medications that are not suitable for your body can harm the baby and the placenta, which, in turn, is very sensitive to medications and can react negatively to them. Often, specialists for the treatment of cystitis in women during pregnancy attribute:

  1. Antibiotics: Monural, Amoxiclav. Antibiotics should be handled extremely carefully. They can badly affect the body when bearing a child, cause allergies and lower immunity, but sometimes it is necessary to resort to them, for this you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Antifungal: Mycosept, Fluconazole, Lamisil.
  3. Instillation. This method is most effective, but it is the safest for the child, as it is based on the direct injection of the drug into the bladder, acts quickly and eliminates the problem without adding new ones, unlike antibiotics.
  4. Painkillers: Noshpa, Papaverin. Cystitis causes very unpleasant symptoms, and one of them is cutting pain. In order to save the patient from torment, doctors prescribe such drugs that do not harm the fetus and well eliminate pain.
  5. “Kanefron”, “Cyston”, “Fitolizin”, “Urolesan”. These drugs are created on a natural basis and are very effective in the fight against cystitis, but they must be prescribed by a specialist.

Cystitis can also be treated by heating the bladder with paraffin. Paraffin temperature should not be higher than 50 ° C, so as not to get burned. It should be covered with a blanket or towel and applied to the problem area. In this case, you need to lie like this for about 30 minutes a day.

The nutrition in the treatment of cystitis in early pregnancy, however, as in the later stages, should be taken more seriously, so as not to lead to a worsening of the symptoms and inflammatory processes in the bladder:

  1. Exclude fried and fatty foods that irritate the mucous membranes. It is worth eating more boiled and steamed food.
  2. Dishes should not be too high or low.
  3. Refuse salty and various kinds of spices. Food should be minimally processed.
    cystitis during pregnancy symptoms and treatment

Alternative methods of treating cystitis during pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a period in a woman’s life when her body is exposed to the environment and many viruses. Cystitis is one of those diseases that can harm not only the body of the expectant mother, but also harm the child himself. It is not recommended to take antibiotics, because they badly affect the fetus. There are many ways to treat cystitis during pregnancy at home:

  • Baths. Pour two liters of warm milk into the basin and keep your legs there for 15 minutes.
  • Herbal infusions and decoctions.

Recipes of herbal infusions and decoctions:

  1. Two teaspoons of nettle pour boiling water and let it brew for about two hours. Take three times a day. Nettle is famous for its healing properties and is an effective medicine.
  2. Herbal teas are very popular as home remedies. However, a pregnant woman needs to know which teas she can drink and which not. For example, Helba yellow tea is quite useful, but is contraindicated for women in position. Teas with lemongrass, lemon balm, hibiscus, with mint, with jasmine will not harm either mom or baby.
  3. In the alternative treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, decoctions of chamomile and lingonberry have a good effect. Lingonberry decoction is prepared as follows: brew several teaspoons of lingonberry in boiling water, cover with a towel and put in a dark place. Cool the drink, drink shortly before eating. It is recommended to brew a new broth every day, so that it is fresher and more effective.

Important Tips

Tips for treating cystitis during pregnancy with folk remedies:

  • Drink as much fluid as possible.
  • Wash in warm, but not hot water.
  • Do not undergo heavy physical and mental stress.
  • Dress warmer.
  • Fewer to go outside in cold weather.
  • Ventilate indoors.
  • Do not abuse drugs and decoctions.
  • Sleep more, as in a dream the body strengthens.
  • Consult a doctor.
  • Before brewing any decoction, find out if you have an allergy to it.

Many funds need to be taken in a warm or hot form, as cystitis often occurs due to hypothermia. Future mothers in our time neglect health when it is necessary to preserve it. Be careful and do not play with your health. Be sure to consult your doctor and pay attention to the appearance of symptoms or spots on the skin. Always think before you do anything. After all, the expectant mother is responsible for the life of the baby.

early pregnancy cystitis treatment

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis is a complex inflammatory disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. Any woman suffering from chronic cystitis knows how dangerous it is and especially how serious consequences it entails during pregnancy. In order to protect yourself while carrying a child, you must:

  1. Undergo a comprehensive medical examination, telling your doctor about all cases of infectious or viral lesions of the urinary tract.
  2. Strictly observe all hygiene rules.
  3. Every morning and evening it is necessary to wash with warm boiled water using neutral detergents (it is advisable to use specialized cosmetics for pregnant women).
  4. Refuse to take a bath. Such procedures are fraught not only with infectious agents entering the vagina, but also with overheating of the lower back and abdomen. An increase in temperature and blood flow velocity can trigger premature birth or miscarriage. In the most severe cases, the child may simply die inside from thermal shock.
  5. Choose the right underwear. In no case should you use narrow underwear sets made of synthetic materials.
  6. Use special gaskets that must be changed every 1.5–2 hours.
  7. Visit the toilet more often and wash your hands constantly.
  8. Eat right. The diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, protein. When eating a large amount of junk food (fried, salted, smoked), digestion or inflammation of the urinary tract is possible.
  9. Avoid contact with patients.

Treatment and reviews of cystitis during pregnancy are very diverse. The therapy should be carried out carefully, without overdoing it, but also not forgetting about the problem. Such a disease is very common among pregnant women, so you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to start the process and not let everything go by its own accord.

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