It is in the first years of life that a child has the opportunity to absorb a huge amount of important information. There is a special technique for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, with the help of which a small person gets the skills of logical thinking.
Features of psychological and pedagogical research
Diagnostics that are repeatedly carried out in state preschool institutions confirm the possibility of forming the foundations of mathematical thinking at the age of 4-7 years. The information that falls on a child in a huge amount involves searching for answers using logical skills. Various FEMP role-playing games in the middle group teach preschoolers to perceive objects, compare and generalize the observed phenomena, and understand the simplest relationships between them. The main source of knowledge at this age is intellectual and sensual experience. It is difficult for a child to correctly build logical chains on his own, so the teacher plays the leading role in the formation of thinking. Any lesson in FEMP in the middle group is aimed at developing children, preparing for school. Modern realities require the teacher to apply the foundations of developing education, to actively use innovative techniques and methods for developing the foundations of mathematical thinking in work.
The history of the emergence of FEMP in preschool education
The modern methodology for the formation of the simplest mathematical skills in preschool children has a long historical path. For the first time, the question of the methods and content of preschool education in arithmetic was considered in the 17-18 centuries by foreign and domestic teachers and psychologists. In their educational systems for 4-6 year old children, K. D. Ushinsky, I. G. Pestalozzi, Ya. A. Kamensky pointed out the importance of forming a clear idea of space, measures for measuring different quantities, sizes of objects, and proposed an algorithm of actions .
Children in preschool age, given the features of physical and mental development, show an unstable interest in the following mathematical concepts: time, form, quantity, space. It is difficult for them to relate these categories to each other, organize them, apply their knowledge to specific life situations. According to the new federal educational standards developed for kindergartens, FEMP in the middle group is an obligatory element.
The concept of preschool education contains clear requirements for the formation of the cognitive interest of future first graders, and part of it is just mathematical education.
The Importance of Mathematical Representation for Preschoolers
Teaching kids the basics of such a complex science as mathematics occupies an important place in modern pedagogy. There are several reasons for this interest:
- schooling begins from 6-7 years of age;
- a huge amount of information requires logical thinking skills from the child;
- implementation of information technology (ICT) in the educational process.
Features of the Math Preschool Program
Its main direction is the formation of logical abilities and ideas, the stimulation of mental activity, the development of ingenuity of preschoolers. Any lesson in FEMP in the middle group is aimed at developing simple judgments, developing grammatically correct turns of speech.
The mathematical training of future students envisaged by the program, in addition to teaching children the skills of counting, develops ideas about the number and quantity of the first ten. FEMP in the middle group involves dividing objects into identical parts, measuring objects using conditional measures, determining the volume of bulk and liquid bodies. When completing the tasks proposed by the teacher, the children develop an eye, get ideas about a variety of geometric shapes, and form an understanding of spatial interactions.
During classes in mathematics, the teacher implements not only the basic educational tasks, FEMP in the middle group helps to implement educational functions. The teacher gives an idea to his pupils about the rules of behavior, forms organization, diligence, organization in them. The work on the formation of the simplest mathematical concepts in children by the educator is carried out in the morning, afternoon, evening no more than 2-3 times a week. FEMP in the middle group on GEF help the teacher to develop in their wards an active citizenship, determination, perseverance and restraint.
The consolidation of logical skills is carried out during modeling, drawing. The design of paper parts (origami) helps to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, size, number of objects. Applications help to develop spatial representations, such qualities of preschool children as accuracy, perseverance are practiced during such classes. Sports and music classes include elements of the game. Mathematics is indispensable during charging, performing exercises. The teacher uses outdoor games to consolidate the initial mathematical concepts studied in the classroom. In the summer, FEMP in the middle group is also carried out in the process of walking, out-of-town trips.
The basics of the FEMP technique
Didactic methods are used as a base for teaching mathematical skills to preschoolers: sequence, systematicity, individuality, logic. The knowledge that the educator transfers to the kids, from class to class, is complicated, given the level of development of children. For repetition, special role-playing games are used. Mathematics becomes a favorite subject among preschoolers, they are happy to fulfill the tasks of the teacher, look for similarities and differences in subjects, focus on small details to find the answer to the question posed by the mentor.
Developmental education
Classes involve the use of different pedagogical techniques by educators: visibility, gaming technology: verbal conversations, outdoor games, frontal polls.
A special place in preschool mathematical education belongs to developing learning. Any FEMP summary in the middle group implies the use of visual aids (manuals, standards, paintings, photographs), thanks to which the kids get a complete picture of the objects, their properties and characteristics.
Visual Aid Requirements
Depending on the educational tasks, individual and age-specific features of children, there are certain rules that must be fully consistent with visual mathematical materials:
- variety in size, color, shape;
- the possibility of use in role-playing games;
- dynamism, strength, stability;
- esthetic external characteristics;
E.V.Serbina in his book offers "pedagogical commandments", which are used in the work of a preschool teacher:
- "Do not rush to the result." Each child develops according to his own “scenario”, it is important to direct him, and not try to accelerate the desired result.
- "Promotion is the best way to success." FEMP GCD in the middle group involves the encouragement of any efforts of the baby. The teacher should find such moments for which the child can be encouraged. The situation of haste created by me for each pupil contributes to the speedy development of logical skills and an increase in interest in mathematics.
The specifics of working with preschoolers
Preschool age does not imply the use of negative marks, censure by the teacher. You can not compare the achievements of one baby with the results of another pupil, only an analysis of the individual growth of a preschooler is allowed. The teacher should use in the work those methods and techniques that cause genuine interest in his students. Classes "under duress" will not bring any benefit, on the contrary, they will lead to the formation of a negative attitude to mathematics, computational skills. If you have personal contact and a friendly relationship between the child and his mentor, a positive result is guaranteed.
Sections of Preschool Mathematics Education
The program of preschool mathematical education assumes the study of the following sections: size, quantity, geometric shapes, spatial orientation in time. At four years old, children master the skills of counting, use numbers, and conduct verbally simple computational operations. At this time, you can play games with cubes of different sizes, colors, shapes.
During the game, the teacher develops the following skills in children:
- handling properties, numbers, objects, identifying simple changes in shape, size;
- comparison, generalization of groups of objects, correlation, isolation of laws;
- independence, hypothesis, search for an action plan
GEF for preschool institutions contains a list of those concepts that should be formed by graduates of kindergartens. Future first graders should be aware of the shapes of objects, the structural parts of various geometric shapes, and the dimensions of bodies. In order to compare two geometric objects, a 6-7-year-old child uses speech and cognitive skills. Research and design methods help develop curiosity in kids. The teacher in the development of mathematical measures selects such forms and methods of work that would contribute to the comprehensive development of preschool children. In the kindergarten in the first place is not the content of the classes, but the formation of the personality of the future student.