Can pregnant chips be? Tips & Tricks

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages), it is difficult for women to control their nutritional preferences. Some women want to eat salty or sweet food, others want something inedible, and others are even ready to combine all the contents of the refrigerator in their plate. Today's article will tell you about whether pregnant women can eat chips. After all, this product is recognized by nutritionists as very harmful and even dangerous.

can pregnant chips

Potato Chips Benefits and Contents

In a wide assortment of stores, there are chips for the buyer with a wide variety of flavors. It would seem that they contain potatoes. And this vegetable, in turn, is very healthy. Indeed, in tubers there are a lot of vitamins and nutrients. It can be noted a high content of folic acid. And she, as everyone knows, is necessary for expectant mothers in the first trimester. So is it possible to chips pregnant in the early stages? “Yes,” you say. And you will be wrong.

Modern manufacturers save on their production. Many potato chips do not contain tubers at all, they are prepared on starch. Corn and wheat flour, modified additives are added to this. All this is flavored with spices and harmful flavoring fillers, and then fried in low-quality oil. Still want to try the "delicacy"?

is it possible for pregnant women chips in the early stages

Can pregnant women get chips from the store?

Manufacturers of crispy potato slices assure the buyer of the safety of their products. Indeed, if the chips were poison, then they simply would not be allowed for sale. If you ask a specialist about whether it is possible for pregnant women to have chips, you will most likely receive a negative answer. Why? There are several good reasons that should encourage you to refuse such a treat.

  1. Chips contain a lot of salt and fat. Using this product may cause kidney problems. If you eat chips in large volumes, then it is likely obesity. If during pregnancy you suffer from edema, then this product is prohibited for you.
  2. Trans fats are present in tidbits. They increase the risk of developing diabetes, cancer. In addition, this component disrupts the endocrine system, contributes to the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies. You think about the unborn baby ?!
  3. During the starch frying, acrylamide is released in the oil. This component negatively affects the nervous system and internal organs. Perhaps there will be no harm to the expectant mother, but after all, all the components penetrate the placenta and enter the baby's body.

Is it possible for pregnant chips if you really want to?

What to do with future mother’s wishes? Indeed, sometimes the thirst for a certain product is so strong that you don’t have to think about anything else. Is it possible for pregnant women chips as an exception?

Doctors in such cases simply turn a blind eye to the actions of the future mother. After all, gynecologists can not force the parent to adhere to certain diets. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to eat purchased chips under the following circumstances:

  • in the first trimester, when the baby’s organs are being formed;
  • with edema and kidney problems;
  • during constipation;
  • with gastritis and ulcer or diseases of the gallbladder;
  • if the weight gain is too large;
  • immediately before birth.

If you still decide to eat, then limit a single serving to 10 grams. Such food should not become a habit. Reduce your chips to once a week, preferably a month.

is it possible for pregnant chips if you really want


Can pregnant women make home-made chips? Such a product is recognized as much less dangerous for the baby and the health of the expectant mother. It’s important to cook a crispy treat properly. Do not fry potato slices. Choose a more useful recipe. Thinly sliced ​​tuber can be baked in the oven or microwave (at your discretion). All spices and salt must be added after preparation and in a minimal amount.

These home-made chips can be eaten by pregnant women if they have no digestive problems. Pay attention to your own weight. After all, potatoes in any form contribute to its increase. Despite some benefits and safety of home chips, you should not use them in large quantities and often. Let such food be your exception, rather than the rule.

Can pregnant women eat chips


From the article you were able to find out whether it is possible to eat chips for pregnant women. Expectant mothers need to monitor their nutrition, especially in the first trimester. After all, it was then that the basic systems of the body of the unborn child are laid. It is not known how carcinogens can affect this process. During pregnancy, it is recommended to give preference to healthy and natural plant foods. Have a good health!

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