A silent mouse is dozing on a rug ...

It often happens like this: a thing that you do not pay attention to at all, when the situation changes, becomes a serious irritant. Surely many of you have noticed how loudly the keys click on the computer mouse when you are in the office or Internet cafe? Most likely, not, because there are other, much louder stimuli there, abundantly.

The situation changes completely when you need to work at home, and even at night. If there is nowhere else to retire, and a person with a sensitive hearing is sleeping in the same room, for him a faint mouse click is like a whip. Such sensitivity may seem ridiculous to some, but for some it is serious family problems. As it turns out from the entries on the forums, pets who have any better hearing are better at hearing things with the mouse button. But the night vigil at the computer is not only “toys” and light-hearted surfing on the Web, but also serious remote work. And then a silent mouse comes to the rescue.

Silent mouse

Strictly speaking, these devices are not completely silent. But a light, almost weightless click can be disassembled only if you bring your ear closer to the mouse body itself.

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Logitech wireless mouse

Practice shows: people who are accustomed to working with music on headphones, gamers playing it, as well as users of laptops with touchpads, tablets and smartphones, by default devoid of “clicks,” are more comfortable with such an “exotic” tool as a silent mouse.

Her whole secret is in special switches that, when you click on the mouse button, suppress the sound of a click. And they do it very efficiently. Describes the "field test", which staged a new product where the presence of extraneous sound plays a critical role - in recording studios and television studios. The silent mouse received positive reviews.

Silent mouse

Skeptics, however, are advised to conduct other tests - how long the silencing switches will sustain continuous operation. Especially in the hands of users who have another habit: instead of clicking on the mouse button, lightly hit it. In this case, such a native and familiar “click” will still be heard.

IT analysts, in turn, sigh: everything would be fine, but a silent mouse appeared at the very sunset of the era of these devices. Just a little more - and they say goodbye to them in favor of touch gloves and virtual computer controls, "drawn" in augmented reality ...

And yet, for some time, computer mice that preserve silence (along with the same keyboard and the most silent system unit) ) will be in demand.

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