Structured Type - One-Dimensional Array

Studying the basics of programming, the first thing (or second) future programmers get acquainted with the concept of "one-dimensional array." Pascal, like other languages, allows you to work with such a data structure. Sooner or later, the need arises for a structured storage of any quantities. Most often, elements from this set belong to the same type. For example, a study group list may consist of 25 elements, each of which is a string type variable that stores the student's last name and first name.

one-dimensional pascal array

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1) , n - , mas – , 5 , A – mas, .. 5

one-dimensional pascal array


one-dimensional array


one-dimensional array


one-dimensional array

5) () , .. ( 6)

one-dimensional array in pascal

6) , S -

one-dimensional array in pascal

7) , ( , 4), k -

one-dimensional array in pascal

8) ( ), min - , k - ()

one-dimensional array in pascal

, , Var , . , , , integer – , real – . , , . , , , .

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