Girls and boys are not just dolls and cars, fights and whims, remarks and praise in the diary. These are two completely different worlds, which, if they have any similarities, are polar apart from each other. And if a boy is brought up as a girl, he can easily get lost in these worlds. Therefore, the education of these two poles should occur in different ways, taking into account not only biological, but also psychological characteristics. Boys and girls do not equally perceive the world, hear, see and touch it. All this must be given due attention, so that later the question does not arise about what to do if the boy was brought up as a girl.
Parenting girls
The difference in the education of boys and girls is obvious. Raising a girl in the modern world, so that in the future she becomes a real lady, is very difficult. Women fought a war for equality for a long time and finally defeated it. But at the same time female innocence, complaisance and purity, naivety disappeared. Therefore, in education, the question always remains - who do you want to grow up: the keeper of the hearth or the broadly walking careerist, and whether this can be combined. Here the decision is made by the parents. General recommendations for raising a girl will be as follows:
- In order for the girl to have an impression of happiness in family life, parents should always have a warm relationship. Never make claims against each other when you are a child. A special close relationship should develop with the mother, however, with the father too.
- The father should show benevolence and respect in upbringing, although the daughter should feel the difference between herself and dad by gender.
- Mom should always find time for "women's secrets", retire with her daughter, make such gatherings a ritual and family tradition.
- The girl just needs to feel the support of the family, trust her.
- Girls in parenting require more attention than boys.
- Babies always feel the need for love and attention. Praise them! Admire them!
- Give girls the secrets of female craftsmanship. Accustom yourself to household chores from an early age.
Growing a future woman
Maternal love should be given to the child just like that, for what he is, and there is no difference in the education of boys and girls. Confidence in the world of girls is formed by the fact that she is surrounded by love. A father who admires his daughter, instills a sense of self-esteem in her, helps to increase self-esteem. A grown-up girl will instinctively avoid a different situation. This will be the key to her future happiness and love.
Teach the baby to love herself for who she is. Despite her appearance, always emphasize beauty. She should not have doubts about her attractiveness. This will avoid a variety of complexes. By nature, the girl is laid to be neat and tidy. And if this gift is developed from birth, taught to fold things correctly, clean up toys, cultivate the need for cleanliness, there will be no problems with its future management.
Parenting Boys
A boy should not be raised as a girl. Nature has laid the gift of being a protector, earner and breadwinner in the strong sex. Many are worried about whether the boy will be like a girl in character, if raised only by his mother. The role of men in education, of course, is great. The son always seeks to imitate his father, to be like him. If a mother admires her husband, then the boy will strive for excellence. In another situation, when the mother constantly humiliates and scolds the man, the child can grow up insecure, notorious male person. In raising a boy should know the following:
- When communicating, restrain yourself, do not raise the tone, speak calmly.
- Boys should be less likely to prohibit, and more often, be allowed to accomplish something desired.
- Do not scold the boy for the manifestation of emotionality (tears).
- It is very important to instill a sense of responsibility in the future man.
- Encourage the desire to take up "men's work."
- Motivate your activity by trusting more and approving his actions.
- Remember: mom must take care, and dad to form a man!
Growing a future man
A boy will not be raised as a girl if male parenting prevails in the family. Pay attention from the side, as the father walks with his son: he does not run screaming to the fallen child, but calmly lets the child handle the situation himself. These are men, they are from another world. Dad does not bother to naughty baby, and sometimes even supports him in games. It is very important for mother to learn from her father what can be inferior to the boy, and in what matters it is necessary to insist on her own, because dad himself was once a boy. The fact remains - fathers are better at finding a common language with the boys. You can’t forbid the baby to cry if he is hurt, compare him to a girl, say: "You are a man, after all." In childhood, almost all children show their emotions and all require pity. In a conversation, always combine and equate the concepts of “boy” and “brave”, “good”. Let the kid from childhood dreams of growing up a real protector, a man.
What to do if a boy is brought up as a girl? If the family is incomplete and only the mother is engaged in upbringing, this could very well happen. In these cases, you need to communicate more with relatives (with grandfather, uncle), with men who could become role models (trainer, teacher).
Life activity
From the age of three, buy a boy a variety of cars, play with him in lifeguards, captains, firefighters. From five to six years old, begin to accustom to creativity - sculpt, craft. Let him try to hammer in nails, give dad tools, saw, help in men's affairs. Activity is very important for a boy, he likes to move a lot, run, jump, play outdoor games.
Teach your baby to good manners: from childhood, he should know the words "thank you", "hello", "please." On the bus let the old people give way. Already in childhood, the baby should be able to clean up toys, wash dishes and even wash socks.
Explain that you should not be ashamed to show care and tenderness to other children, to pets, your parents, grandfather and grandmother.
What is needed and what is not allowed when raising a boy
A boy as a girl by nature most often becomes if mistakes were made during the upbringing, the emphasis was not on male interests.
What you need to do when raising a boy:
- Tell him stories and watch movies and cartoons with him, where men are brave, kind intercessors and lifeguards. Already in childhood, he should learn to take care of women.
- Correctly communicate with your friends in the presence of a child. The boy will definitely take an example from you.
- Visit parents with the baby, talk about them with respect.
- Mom and dad speak about each other only positively.
- Emphasize strong actions and do not focus on the weak.
It is impossible:
- At an early age, sleep with mom.
- Impose your opinion on the child.
- Ignore the child’s ideas.
- Make you do only what you want.
- Prohibit playing with children you don’t like.
- To step in if someone has stolen a toy from him.
- Do not give to understand conflicts with children on their own.
- Give indulgence when others make comments to him.
Boys games
Games for girls and boys are definitely different. In order for the boy not to be brought up in a girlish spirit, from childhood he must play with the boys, by their nature they are all researchers. It will not be difficult for them to climb a tree, jump over the fence, climb the stairs. The little corner is enough for the girls to make a house there for their dolls.
Games with cars are one of the important moments in the childhood of the future man. When something buzzes around, growls, makes noise - the same masculine atmosphere is created, the baby is provided with energy output. Yes, and there is the opportunity to imitate a strong, skilled dad. Subconsciously, the boys have a desire for strength and speed, which is why they are so attracted to all sports games, competitions. More often give your child to various sports sections. Of course, all the boys love to play with weapons. Sabers, pistols, tanks, robots - these are their toys with which they can create their own courageous world where girls have no place.
Girls games
Girl games are mainly associated with dolls. If before the girls played dolls, the legendary Barbie, now their idols are the heroes of the animated series: Winx, Moxie, Brats. This is a growing generation. But the fact remains that the doll remains a favorite toy for girls. This is not just a toy, but a friend who can reveal his secrets, share secrets. It is playing with a doll that the girl imitates the actions of her mother: feeds, dresses, cares.
So cognitive abilities are formed. The girl, imitating her mother, rolls dolls in a stroller, sings songs to them.
It is girls who are more fond of dancing, creativity, needlework. How many girls, boys are recorded in dance studios, but girls are always more likely to stay there. Of course, this does not mean that the boys who dance are like girls, they should also be accustomed to the beautiful. But still, in the percentage ratio in the field of fine arts and in needlework circles, more girls remain, and this is a fact.
Recommendations for the education of boys and girls
Nature cannot be fooled - boys must grow up to be men and girls to grow up to be women. And if it so happened that the boy was raised as a girl, it will be difficult to change something in an adult. But everything can be fixed in childhood. The main recommendations for education will be the following:
- Be careful with punishments. It is important that boys are punished by dads and girls by mothers. This maintains a good attitude towards the opposite sex.
- Even in the photo of the boy and the girl, it is evident that the girls are more restrained, the boys can not hold the tension for a long time. They are more mobile and livelier, take this into account when punishing and subtracting notations. The son needs to clearly and concisely explain what he is wrong about and what you are unhappy with.
- The participation of men is very important in raising a boy. If there is no father, get closer to your uncle, grandfather, who can be a good example.
- Boys are not gaining optimal performance as quickly as girls, so this must be taken into account during class. Be patient.
- In order for children to grow up happy, a father should never allow himself to humiliate the feminine dignity of their mother, emphasize her physical or mental disabilities, remember mistakes, focus on economic dependence on him.