How to install DirectX 11 on Windows 7: instructions

DirectX - a set of auxiliary tools for solving programming problems on the Windows operating system. The most common use of this package is the development of computer games. The entire set of tools is completely free and is publicly available on the Microsoft website. Let's see how to install DirectX 11 on Windows 7.

directx 11 to 7

System requirements

The toolbox dates back to 1995. Each generation of DirectX has a range of features, capabilities, and supported operating systems. The most extreme version - DirectX 12 - is only supported by the Windows 10 operating system and Xbox One game console software. You can install DirectX 11 for 7, but the 12th version of the software is not supported by this OS.

11- – . , , , . . 32- 64- .


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  2. dxdiag Enter .
  3. «» « DirectX». .

, DirectX 11 Windows 7 .

how to install directx 11 on windows 7

DirectX . , . .

- DirectX, :

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  5. dxwebsetup.exe. .
  6. «».
  7. « Bing». , . DirectX.
  8. «».
  9. . .
  10. «», .

. , DirectX 11 Windows 7 .

install directx 11 for windows 7

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  3. « ».
  4. «». DirectX 11 Windows 7.

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DirectX 11. , . DirectX – .

Microsoft , . , Windows 7!

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