We constantly use a mobile PC in our daily lives. In it, the keyboard is that part of the device that takes on most of the mechanical influences.The most common causes of breakdowns
The keyboard on a mobile PC is about the same structure as on a personal PC. She, like any device, is very sensitive to all kinds of pollution, animal hair, crumbs, and especially spilled liquid on it. After a certain time of using the keyboard, the buttons on the mobile PC fail or simply fall off.
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Now we’ll figure out how to insert a button on a laptop, provided that all the “antennae” located on the “rockers” and the grooves are not affected. This is the easiest way. To do this, the button must be installed in the upper position on the base under the necessary mount. After it snaps into place, the key must be gently pressed down.
It should be noted that there is no need to use force when installing the keys. Any pressing is necessary to make smoothly and easily.
After installation, you need to carefully check the fastening of the replaced key. When buying new buttons, you need to clarify whether they will fit your laptop model. If you need to change a few details, then it is better to do it gradually. In order not to confuse the location on the keyboard.
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If the key cannot be glued together, you can make it yourself. Consider how to make a button on a laptop yourself. To do this, you must have epoxy and plasticine with you. From plasticine, you need to make the necessary shape and fill it with resin. There you need to lower the contact. It must be installed correctly. To make it smooth, it can be trimmed with ordinary sandpaper. So, we figured out how to make a button on a laptop at home. In some cases, this is easier than taking the mobile PC to repair.If the button just fell out
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