Children are the kindest, sincere and unspoiled people on Earth. Moreover, they are also extremely wise, as for their small age, and most often this wisdom is manifested during conversations. Funny phrases of children delight parents, grandparents, many of them have become real aphorisms and are used in everyday life even by adults.
Usually, mothers and fathers easily find a common language with their child, it is not difficult for them to understand what the baby is saying, because they are used to his funny words. But to relatives who rarely see the child, and to strangers, all his phrases may seem like an incoherent set of sounds. Today we offer all adult readers to remember the long-forgotten children's language, to laugh a little at the funny expressions of the kids, and also to figure out in which cases the child needs help to start speaking correctly.
"Tiny language" - how to understand it?
In the first years of life, the child speaks his own way. This is because speech for him is something new and not fully understood. From about three to four months old babies begin to walk, agitate, they manage to pronounce simple syllables like "ta-ta", "ka-ka", "ma-ma". However, only by eight to nine months the child will put some meaning into these simple sounds.
The process of learning speech in children is very active and fast, by the year they, as a rule, know and actively use 10-20 simple words. And just at this time, funny phrases of children begin to amuse everyone around. Hoping to understand them for an adult who does not live with a particular child permanently is not worth it. The maximum that he can make out is the generally accepted “baby” words like “yes”, “no”, “mother”, “dad” and “av-av”. But everything else the baby speaks in his own way, since his speech apparatus and phonetic perception of sounds are not fully developed. Moreover, the children seem to be trying to pronounce the words correctly for adults, but they rarely succeed, because their tongue is not sufficiently mobile, their bite is not yet formed, and their lungs are poorly developed.
When do children start talking?
For about two years, kids learn speech at a sufficient level to express themselves in short sentences. Children's language at this age is very amusing, because young speakers do not pronounce many sounds, replace them or miss them altogether. Because of this, they get various hilarious phrases:
- stroller - kayak;
- a dog - a babak;
- milk - mako;
- grandmother - buska;
- kasha - kasya;
- apple - apples, etc.
As a result, when a child tries to utter a sentence consisting of several words, he comes out with very funny phrases. Children are sometimes even misunderstood, because adults put their meaning into what they say. For example, a child says: “I’m going with my mother to drink vodka to my grandfather,” and a loving grandson will not really drink “fettered” with his grandfather, he will just help him paint the boat.
Crib for adults
Of course, each kid talks in his own way, but for some reason, all children at an early age make the same "mistakes" when they talk. So, everyone understands that if a child says “ka-ka”, it means that he has found dirt or garbage, and when he says “meow” or “kis-kis”, he most likely means a cat, but doesn't call him. The same applies to other animals, birds and things or objects surrounding the baby:
- mu-mu is a cow;
- av-av — the dog;
- kar-kar - crow;
- broome-broome and bibika-machine;
- bah - something has fallen;
- vava - raana;
- Ale - the phone.
Basically, all these phrases are imposed on children by adults themselves, trying to explain to the child what is called and how easy it is. But there are among the little words and those that can not be logically explained or "translated" like that right away. This is one of the adults who can guess that the booth is a tomato, nonya is a telephone, buguk is a pillow, and konka is pasta. These are exactly the funny phrases of children that need to be written in a separate notebook, because the baby will soon recover, and his sweet talk will be forgotten.
With age, the child’s speech is transformed and complicated. He can still distort phrases consisting of several syllables, but he pronounces them correctly by three or four years. The smartest children at this age can cope with the pronunciation of quite complex words and even whole sentences.
Non-childish wisdom
Older children amuse adults not so much with speech errors as with their statements. Sometimes a phrase worthy of a thinker whitened by a noble gray hair may sound from the lips of a child. Smart children instantly recognize lies and present everything as is, without tricks and tricks.
Here are just a few life stories in which kids demonstrate their intelligence and logic:
- In kindergarten, girls boast of outfits. A boy enters the group, listens to conversations of girlfriends and says: “Oh, girls ... Beads, bows, tights - women! How I love you! ”
- A child, sorting a gift with sweets: this one with the taste of a bear, this one - squirrels, and this one - Little Red Riding Hood ...
- My grandmother grabbed her belly, and the granddaughter found out about this, and she advised a relative to drink “animal” tablets.
Such life situations do not happen every day, so if a child has issued another pearl, it must definitely be outlined!
Boneless tongue
Older kids can chat for days on end. They endlessly ask parents questions, and they themselves are not averse to telling many stories, both fictitious and very real. If a child speaks without stopping, then he is liberated and sociable. Do not shut his mouth, even if he sometimes puts his parents in an awkward position. It is better to teach the child in what situations it is necessary to keep your mouth shut, but do not make him keep silent constantly.
This can adversely affect his psyche and development. Feeling that they are not listening and not being heard, the child closes in on himself or goes to seek communication outside the house, and both of them separate him from his relatives.
The deadline for the development of speech in children. How to stimulate a child's speaking skills?
Scientists have proven that a person can be taught to speak up to a maximum of five years. After that, the speech centers in the brain are closed, and the child ceases to understand how to speak.
Therefore, if by about two years the baby does not have any progress in the oratory, it is worth showing it to specialists. After four years, a translator from a child’s language to an adult is not needed, the kids should already learn to speak correctly, have enough vocabulary to communicate freely with everyone around them.
The survey should be comprehensive:
- an otolaryngologist will evaluate how much the child has developed hearing;
- the dentist will check the bite;
- speech therapist-defectologist - the ability to correctly use the speech apparatus;
- neurologist - will identify problems with the nervous system, indicate the general level of development of the child, correlate the obtained indicators with average norms;
- psychologist - will appreciate the psychological balance of the baby.
In order for the child to speak faster, you need to constantly engage in dialogue. Moreover, it is extremely important not to talk with him and correct existing speech errors. It is important not to limit the baby’s communication with other children, and it also affects the ability to speak pastime with older children.
Nice, but still wrong
Young children speak in a special way, they burr, lisper, distort words. All this seems sweet and funny if the child is one or two years old, well, a maximum of three. If by this age the baby does not correct diction, he has significant speech defects, it is worth contacting a speech therapist.
But working on the correct pronunciation is not only the task of a specialist in a training center or kindergarten, where the parents themselves have great responsibility for this process. It is they who must systematically correct the child if he does not pronounce any words correctly, read with him, do articulation exercises, talk, discuss various images, learn poetry and sing rhythmic songs. All this perfectly affects the baby’s speech, and also positively affects his mood and self-confidence.
Why do children talk funny?
First of all, because they do not know how to do it right from birth. At first, poor diction is exclusively the “fault” of the physiology of the child, but as the baby grows, all defects must be corrected and in no case should they be supported. No matter how funny dad was, when the baby tries to pronounce words like “fishing”, “work” or “pike”, not being able to reproduce the letters “p” and “u”, he is obliged to restrain his emotions. A small person needs to be supported in his studies and his efforts directed in the right direction. Children do not say funny words on purpose, they do it involuntarily, and if loved ones make fun of them about this, they can only make it worse. Errors should be corrected gently and tactfully, but constantly.
In what cases should a child "gibberish" alert?
As we have already said, starting from the age of two, it is worthwhile to show interest in how the child talks and try not to let the delays in his speech development to chance. Speech therapists distinguish two options for vocabulary in children. Active, this is when the baby understands everything and says, repeats unfamiliar words for adults. In this case, there is nothing to worry about the baby's speech.
The second version of the norm is a passive vocabulary. This term is applicable to children who respond to the requests of adults, fulfill their instructions, they all understand, they know what the subject is called and what it is for, but they don’t say anything at all or practically do not say anything except “mom”, “dad” ”Or“ yes ”and“ no. ” As a rule, such babies will not even speak funny and wrong, they will immediately begin to make folding sentences, and quite competently, but when they grow up to 3-4 years.
But if the child is non-contact, he does not respond to calls, does not fulfill the requests of other people, so he has certain health problems. They need to be addressed as soon as possible, since the greatest results are obtained by early correction of developmental delays. The older the children, the more difficult it is for specialists to correct speech problems.