In recent years, computer games in the "sandbox" genre have gained great popularity. In these projects, most often there is no storyline, there is no specific ending that you need to strive for. There is simply a vast game world with which you can interact on an unprecedented scale, and your main task is simply to survive. Minecraft became one of the first projects in this direction - it set the fashion for sandboxes. And if he was the leader among three-dimensional games, then in the two-dimensional universe, the best game in this genre was Terraria. The design principle remained the same, but only the view was not from the first person, but from the side. Naturally, in the following years a large number of such projects came out. Among them is Starbound, an overview of which you will see in this article. This is a copy of Terraria,however, in this case, you have to live not in a fantasy world, but in a fantasy world - go to a distant planet where dangerous creatures and huge opportunities for research and colonization await you. Is the Starbound project really that good? The review will answer all your questions.
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As for the shortcomings, there are quite a few of them. The largest of them are the following: an abundance of unique elements that turn out to be completely useless and unnecessary; the storyline, which is very boring - it just screams about what is made for show; incredible similarity with the "Terraria".