So the 30th week has come, 2/3 of your pregnancy is already behind, and the birth is ahead, a meeting with the baby and many positive points. In order to warn yourself against negative aspects or at least minimize them, you must follow the basic rules and tips.
Normal discharge
Allocations at 30 weeks of gestation, as at earlier dates, should be present, but their quantity and color must be systematically monitored. Normally, they should be:
- in a small amount;
- transparent color;
- without extraneous odors.
All discharges that differ from this norm should alert the pregnant woman and serve as a signal for urgent medical attention. Allocations of a different consistency, smell, quantity are considered pathological, since they threaten premature birth and termination of pregnancy.
Discharge at the 30th week of pregnancy is a very important indicator, so a woman needs to know their norm in order to attract qualified medical care in a timely manner and eliminate violations.
Pathological discharge
A pregnant woman should be alerted if the discharge:
1) Reds with blood.
2) Watery discharge most often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, although the causes may be cracks in the walls of the uterus or their thinning.
3) Abundant white mucous discharge.
If a pregnant woman observes any discharge that is not normal, then she must urgently call an ambulance or consult a doctor. 29-30 weeks of pregnancy is not an appropriate period for the baby to be born, but still a newborn can already be born and live outside the womb. Premature babies are most often born with weak immunity and are more susceptible to various infections and diseases.
Red and brown discharge at 30 weeks of gestation
Reds with blood can talk about bleeding, erosion of the uterus, detachment of the placenta, or a violation of the integrity of the outer shell. Blood discharge mainly requires urgent and emergency care from doctors.
30 week has come. Brown discharge, as well as at earlier dates, is not considered the norm in the third trimester.
If brown discharge appears, then in the later stages they indicate the onset of childbirth.
Most often, the cause of spotting at the 30th week of pregnancy is the placenta, that is, its detachment or presentation. Timely medical assistance provided will help stop this process, and if the gestational age is more than 30 weeks and the doctors are unable to stop the birth, then they are forced to stimulate labor or make a cesarean section.
Profuse white discharge
Abundant white mucous discharge indicates the existence of an infectious disease or thrush. Infection can penetrate:
- during sexual intercourse;
- as a result of a medical examination or treatment (with poor handling of instruments);
- with poor compliance with the rules of hygiene and cleanliness by a pregnant woman.
External development of the fetus
The fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy weighs about 1400-1700 grams, and its growth reaches a mark of 40-43 centimeters. The baby's skin still remains a reddish hue, but not as wrinkled as before, because the subcutaneous layer of fat is becoming larger, the pupil film disappears. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, and in girls, the process of forming the vagina and external genitalia ends. The fetus at 30 weeks of gestation in most cases is still head up, although it does happen that it lowers and takes its head down.
All organs and systems of your baby’s body should be formed by this time, and the baby, born at this time, in principle will be able to eat, grow and fully develop, although, of course, premature babies require close monitoring and special care if born at this time like 30 week. What happens in the last 10 weeks of baby development? They will focus on weight gain and height. Just imagine that his body weight will increase even more than twice, and the growth of centimeters by 10-15.
The first hairs in the form of a gun called lanugo begin to slowly disappear from the baby's head and from all over his body. Before childbirth, most often the lanugo completely disappears, but there are often cases when babies are born with a hairdo on their heads and such a fluffy cover throughout the body. But as a rule, such a fluff disappears in the first months of your baby's life.
Pregnancy 30 weeks: fetal development
The fetus at this time begins to slowly prepare for the birth and directly for childbirth:
- The mode of the day is adjusted: he has hours of wakefulness and sleep. By the way, already at this stage of pregnancy, a woman can feel when her newborn baby will be active, and when to sleep. Although it often happens that the baby sleeps during the day, and at night it begins to be active and pushing, not allowing his mother to sleep. In this case, you need to try to relax in the evening, not to take active actions, and lead an active lifestyle in the afternoon.
- The baby’s brain is becoming more and more perfect every day, as crinkles appear, and the furrows become deeper. Significantly increased brain mass. Although all brain functions are not formed in the womb, this process continues even after the baby is born.
- The baby in the womb feels all the emotions that his mother is experiencing, the baby is already beginning to learn the world through the sounds reaching him and the light. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to try now, as never before, to get less angry, nervous and worried.
What does your baby feel
So maternity leave for the expectant mother and 30 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the baby and what it feels is so interesting for almost all pregnant women. Now there are amazing changes in your baby in the tummy, which you can only see thanks to ultrasound:
- wrinkles his face, reacting to the light and showing the first emotions;
- pretty well developed facial expressions;
- the baby can already squeeze his hands into fists, take them in his mouth and even suck;
- the baby shows its reaction to your behavior and other external factors: for example, it can be pushed if you lie down in an uncomfortable position for it, or when you hear loud noises, screams, it can be frightened and quiet, which sometimes even frightens pregnant women who don’t feel after that aftershocks.
Often the baby reacts to any loud sound by making certain movements with the handles, legs and opens its eyes, when the same sound is repeated, the baby may not react to it at all, which means that the fetus is already in the womb can memorize and analyze external factors.
The baby becomes cramped in your tummy, it occupies a certain position, bending its arms and legs, so that it is more convenient for it. The pregnant woman, in turn, usually feels stronger shocks due to the fact that the baby becomes stronger, and the space is less, and the baby becomes less active. These pushes with handles or legs are most often felt in one particular place, for example, under the right rib or, conversely, in the lower abdomen.
Changes in the body of a pregnant
Finally, the last trimester of pregnancy comes, and with it the 30th week. What happens in a woman’s body? What changes do the basic systems of the body undergo?
The last trimester of pregnancy for a woman most often turns out to be the most difficult not only physically, but also morally, because:
- the baby begins to grow actively and gains body weight at a rapid pace, it will increase even more than double before childbirth;
- a pregnant woman is gaining significant weight in recent weeks, her blood volume continues to increase;
- a growing baby begins to oppress the internal organs of his mother.
What will bring 30 week
Already most of the pregnancy is over, and very soon the long-awaited meeting with your baby will occur. The 29-30 week of pregnancy brings many positive aspects, such as: leaving on the long-awaited maternity leave and the opportunity to relax, do your favorite thing or such a pleasant preparation for childbirth and life after childbirth with your child.
But do not forget about your beauty, and especially about the beauty of your tummy, which has grown significantly in 30 weeks. Not only do your internal organs and muscles undergo changes and pressure, but the skin on your stomach also stretches very much. Almost every girl dreams of preserving the beauty of her skin on her body, although during pregnancy, not all women think about the need to take action now.
Belly and Stretch Marks
Stretch marks so frighten many, and it is no secret that they will be after childbirth or not, depends mostly on the heredity and certain properties of your skin. But still you need to think about eliminating them during pregnancy, because later it’s hard to remove stretch marks, it is almost impossible. Therefore, use vegetable oils:
- citrus;
- olive;
- almond;
- special creams and gels;
- other means to eliminate stretch marks.
The second important point is that your belly at 30 weeks of gestation has already risen almost to the ribs, and will grow at a significant pace, you must not forget about it, and try to make smooth movements, especially if you are a sharp person by nature and always in a hurry. When rising from the bed, you first need to roll over to one side, and only then get up, avoid sharp turns and bends, because the muscles of your abdomen are now tightened more than ever.
The shape of your abdomen depends on what kind of pregnancy you have: in the first, it will be more elevated upward, and in the second it will sag, due to muscle tone.
Previously, and even now, the sex of a child is determined by the shape of the abdomen. Although this is a pretty controversial issue. The shape of the abdomen is more likely to tell about the position of the fetus in the uterus, pelvic structure and muscle tone.
30 weeks
A weekly bill is the most accurate and convenient, but if you are interested in the question “30 weeks - how many months?”, Then you can take it that way. In obstetrics, it is accepted that a month is four weeks, so 30 weeks is seven months and two weeks. But, based on these calculations, the entire gestation period of 40 weeks does not last 9, but 10 months. 9 months is 36 weeks. Week 30 is also 28 weeks from conception and 26 from delayed menstruation.
30 weeks is the beginning of the last trimester, which is very responsible for you and your baby, because the next 10 weeks are:
- preparation for childbirth;
- collection and acquisition of all necessary things in the hospital and for the first moments of the baby's life;
- close communication between mom and baby;
- preparation for a new life, which will be completely different, not like the one that was before.
Difficulties and dangers of 30 weeks of pregnancy
The difficulties of this stage for a pregnant woman:
- fast fatiguability;
- difficulty breathing even in the fresh air, because a grown-up baby puts pressure on the diaphragm and other organs;
- change in gait and posture;
- pain in the lumbar region and legs after a long walk;
- headache due to changes in hormonal levels;
- stomach pain, heartburn.
Hazards 30 weeks:
- premature birth;
- pathological discharge at 30 weeks of gestation;
- swelling;
- low water;
- colds and other infections.
Recommendations for pregnant women at 30 weeks
To prevent or minimize the dangers and difficulties of this stage of pregnancy, you must follow the basic recommendations:
- find the optimal ratio between activity and rest for your body (for example, two hours of walking and one hour of rest);
- to prevent stretch marks, lubricate the skin of the abdomen with olive oil or special cosmetics;
- adjust the diet so as not to greatly recover and avoid discomfort in the stomach;
- sleep and rest on its side, as the vena cava is squeezed while lying on the back, which can even cause fainting;
- in case of edema, consult a doctor and consume less liquid, up to 1.5-2 liters, follow a special diet that will contain as little salt and foods that cause thirst as possible;
- take along an exchange medical card;
- talk more with the baby and sing songs to him, because the baby in the stomach already hears and perceives everything, and this will bring positive emotions to you and the baby.