Today we’ll talk about the eMachines D620 laptop. Specifications and feedback on this model will be given below. The spread of various laptop models on the market is wide. Some are quite productive, but in their system there are many absolutely unnecessary programs for the average user. The second type seeks to arouse delight in its appearance, while the third includes minimalistic models both externally and in terms of their characteristics (they are also called ultrabooks).
General impression
Models of portable computers with a strict business design, with sufficient performance for everyday tasks, with an affordable price in the market are becoming less and less. A small amount does not mean absence, so the buyer still has a chance to find the desired device. Today we’ll talk in detail about one of them. It carries a rather heavy, but proud name. Meet the eMachines D620 261G16Mi. On board is the AMD Athlon 64, discrete video of the Radeon Xpress 1250, all of which are running Windows Vista Home Basic. Like all laptops, our guest successfully works in local LAN and wireless Wi-Fi networks. The package is trustworthy, but whether it corresponds to its class, you need to figure it out.
Simplicity is not meager
Naturally, buying a laptop should justify the hope of using it. For comfortable work, an AMD Athlon 64 processor at 1.6 GHz with discrete video AMD Radeon Xpress 1250 is installed, which, coupled with a memory of 1 GB, will allow you to run not very "heavy" games. Actually, the hard drive is 160 GB and will not allow you to install many similar applications from DVD-carriers, which, however, the built-in drive can quickly read and write successfully. This hardware is controlled by the popular Windows Vista Home Basic operating system, which, when installed by default, contains a large number of built-in and ready-to-use programs, such as an email client, audio and video player, and a firewall against Internet attacks. The function of checking for performance in the OS does not give the highest indicators (total score 3 points),which is justified by the class and cost of the Acer eMachines d620 laptop. It is also worth noting that a screen of 14.1 inches or 36 cm does not need a powerful video system, because this will affect the battery life.Everything for tasks at work and leisure
To access the Internet through wireless access points, a WiFi adapter is installed in the eMachines D620 laptop. It connects seamlessly to home and social networks. You can easily arrange access according to instructions, or surf the Internet in cafes, airports, and other places with free or commercial access. The adapter in the background very actively consumes energy, so it is worth turning it off as unnecessary. In cases of lack of Wi-Fi, you can use external GPRS \ EDGE, Sky Link modems. The eMachines D620 also supports high-speed WiMAX technology.She needs appropriate coverage. At home, the eMachines D620 easily connects to a local network via the classic RJ-45. A standard VGA connector is also available for redirecting images to external image output sources. For various USB drives and application devices, there are two corresponding ports on board.
A full-fledged laptop eMachines D620 is able to perform a number of everyday undemanding tasks of an ordinary user. The peculiarity is that the buyer does not overpay for anything, getting an average device that can last for many years.Characteristics
, eMachines D620 – Vista. Athlon 64-M 2650e 1600 . Lima. L2 512 . 1 DDR2. 2 . 14,1 1280x800 . ATI Mobility Radeon X1250 SMA. DVD-RW. HDD- 160 . Serial ATA. 5400 . 10/100 /c. Wi-Fi. USB. RJ-45 VGA. Li-Ion 4400 . Touchpad. , . - 331x248x41 , 2,4 .
Let's look at what users say about this model. All the necessary eMachines D620 drivers can be easily downloaded from the official site, and this fact pleases many fans of the model. The advantages of the model include the relationship between price and quality and compactness of the device. Among the shortcomings are the presence of a whole pair of USB ports, the lack of a card reader and camera. Users note that the model is excellent for work and at the same time copes with some games. There are a number of recommendations from the owners of this laptop, in particular: to increase the amount of RAM up to 2 GB, install a 2-core processor, for example, Athlon X2 64 5050e, and install the XP operating system. Some owners say that the device does a good job of editing images. Display quality has also earned a lot of praise, in particularworthy characteristics of contrast and brightness are noted., , . . . ExpressCard. . , . «». . . «». . , , , «-3». .