Owners of cats and cats sooner or later face such a nuisance as fleas that settle with their pets. And one way or another it is necessary to fight this scourge, because these parasites cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal and can disrupt its state of health. It is for this that there are various drugs designed to fight fleas, including sprays.
General information
Before you start figuring out which flea spray for cats best helps in the fight against parasites, you need to understand how these drugs can differ from each other. The main difference between the drugs is that they can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first will include those that are intended for processing animal hair, and the second - funds intended for the processing of premises.
In the preparations belonging to the first group, the most safe components for the animal should be used. However, at the same time, a spray for fleas from cats should destroy all the parasites that your pet has at once and as soon as possible. By the way, in the tool in question, manufacturers try not to use permethrin, because cats are much more sensitive to it than the same dogs.
Specific sprays can also be used for thin and sick animals, as some preparations may be too toxic for them due to thin skin.
A flea treatment product is usually sold in high concentration and should be diluted. Such preparations can be sprayed using a conventional spray gun.
It is not necessary to conduct experiments and use these two types of sprays for other purposes. Otherwise, either your budget or a pet whose health could be harmed could suffer.
Features of the use of flea sprays
Flea spray for cats, as a rule, is very effective and safe for the animal. If the treatment is carried out correctly, then the poisonous substances will not enter the pet’s body and will not cause side effects. But the treatment has a detrimental effect on fleas: they either die or leave the animal within a few minutes.
The standard time for application and action of the spray is from half an hour to an hour, after which the cat should be bathed. It is recommended to select a drug depending on the age and size of the animal. They may differ in the concentration of toxic substances.
After processing your pet, it is better to take a walk or distract his attention so that he does not lick himself or wash himself. After the required time, the drug is washed off with running water, sometimes they resort to bathing with shampoo.
As practice shows, re-use of the spray is not required, fleas from the first treatment leave the body of the animal. If this did not happen, then there is a possibility that the drug was of poor quality or you did something wrong.
Bars flea spray for cats: instructions
Now the choice of tools for treating pets from parasites is quite large. The consumer has a fairly wide selection of the same sprays of different brands and manufacturers produced in different countries of the world. The flea spray for cats “Bars”, reviews of which are mostly positive, is gaining immense popularity among cattle breeders. The owners of four-legged friends say that this is due to the high quality of the drug and its reasonable price. The effect is achieved literally after the first application. The spray can is enough for a long time, so here again and again the budget is saved.
Flea spray for cats: instructions for use and recommendations for use.
Processing should be carried out outdoors or in a very well-ventilated area. At the same time, cages with birds, aquariums, etc. are removed from the room.
Avoid licking the drug. For example, you can use a special muzzle.
You need to shake the vial with the drug well, and then start spraying its contents onto the pet's body from a distance of 30 cm.
Spray should be applied as evenly as possible. Thus, the maximum effect will be achieved.
One press of the head contains approximately 0.5 ml of spray. This amount is enough to process 1 kg of animal weight.
20 minutes after spraying, the cat can be combed. Reprocessing can be carried out no less than a month later. In addition to the cat itself, this drug can also be used to treat her bed, bedding, etc. Flea spray for cats “Bars” will reliably protect your pet from annoying parasites.
Universal flea sprays
Many of those who have already faced the problem of choosing a drug against parasites for their pet, noticed that they were also offered a flea spray for dogs and cats. Before stopping the choice on any of them, you need to know exactly for what purpose and in what conditions you will use it.
Perhaps you just want to carry out effective preventative treatment, or perhaps your pet has a mild infection with parasites.
It is much more difficult if the infection is already strong. In this case, you will have to resort to the use of strong insecticides. But for pregnant animals or for nursing you can not use strong drugs, since they can harm their health. The exception is those cases when the animal's life is in danger.
Many pet owners take their pets out of town for the summer. In this case, you should first worry about buying a flea spray for cats and dogs. You can also stock up on other preventive measures that can help prevent infection with parasites.
Sprays designed to combat fleas and ticks
If your pet is often on the street or if you live outside the city, then in addition to fleas, there is also a threat to pick ticks. These parasites, in addition to sucking the blood of an animal, also carry various kinds of dangerous diseases. Some of them can be fatal. To prevent disaster and preserve the health of your pet, it is better to conduct treatment in advance. Spray from fleas and ticks for cats will help to cope with many types of parasites. The owners of four-legged friends say that it is such preparations that have the most effective effect and are most popular among livestock breeders. According to the owners of cats, thanks to a wide range of actions, they eliminate the need to buy several drugs. This saves not only money, but also time, nerves, which is important for animal lovers.
Currently, the industry produces universal sprays that can fight both fleas and ticks. However, they should be selected especially carefully, given the mass and biological characteristics of the animal. It is important to pay attention to the fact that he does not have allergic reactions to the components indicated in the composition of the drug.
As a preventative measure, it is possible to treat with such a spray not the animal itself, but its habitat. However, this is only if the pet does not live on the street.
Flea spray for cats, reviews of which are positive, is produced by Frontail, Celandine, Bars, etc.
Overview of the most common flea sprays
Sprays are the most effective means in the fight against parasites. The only inconvenience when using it is to prevent the drug from licking the animal, but the effect is excellent. Among the most effective and widespread preparations of this type in our country, several can be distinguished, which livestock breeders most prefer. Undoubtedly, these are Pulse, Bars, Bars Forte and Blokhnet.
Users note that the drug provides intensive protection against fleas. It can be used for animals at the age of one year. It contains quite strong insecticides. Its action continues even after washing off. It has a very wide spectrum of action.
Many say that this is the most universal tool on the domestic market. Destroys almost all known parasites. It is not dangerous for animals and has a very pleasant aroma. With all this, the price category of the drug is very acceptable, in which it significantly outperforms competitors.
Bars Forte
Animal lovers note that this insecticide belongs to the latest generation of similar drugs, it implements all modern technologies for controlling parasites. It is completely safe for cats and deadly for parasites. In addition, the drug is very easy to use and has an affordable price.
Consumers note that this is an excellent tool that can destroy pests after the first use. At the same time, not only adults die, but also their larvae, eggs. It is safe for animals, it has not only very good reviews, but also an affordable price.
Flea Spray Allergy
Flea spray for cats can cause an allergic reaction in an animal if it has intolerance to the components of the drug. If after treatment you notice changes in the behavior of a pet, redness on the skin, itching, scabies, you should contact a veterinary clinic and consult for allergic reactions in the cat's body. If the assumptions are confirmed, the doctor will prescribe treatment and make an injection, but in the future it will be necessary to carefully select the composition of the anti-flea drugs and avoid those that contain an allergen.
An allergy to a flea spray can occur in a more severe form, therefore, during the first treatment, you need to be very careful and monitor the slightest changes in the usual behavior of the animal.
Indoor flea spray
If your pet is infected with parasites and you have treated his body with special drugs, do not put an end to this. The fact is that, most likely, the parasites have already managed to migrate to the habitat of the cat or dog, and possibly even lay the larvae there. In order to finally get rid of this scourge, it is necessary to carry out processing of the premises.
When choosing a spray for processing a room, it is necessary to pay attention to such qualities as composition, toxicity, method of application. However, the price will play an important role in the final choice. There is no need to overpay extra money, however, you also don’t need to choose the cheapest flea spray for cats, as it is more likely to save on quality.
It is known that fleas, in the likeness of linen lice, are very hardy and can hide in inaccessible places. That is why it is advisable to use a spray to process the room. In this case, the processing is carried out in several stages.
First, a general cleaning is carried out, due to which some of the insects are also removed. After that, animals and people are removed from the apartment. You should also remove food, linen.
Before using flea spray for cats, be sure to read the instructions for its use. Shake the bottle if necessary and start processing. Particular attention should be paid to the floor and surfaces near it. Also, inaccessible places (crevices, skirting boards, etc.) should not be ignored.
A few hours after the treatment, the room is thoroughly ventilated and re-cleaned. After a week, it is recommended to conduct another treatment of the room. It will help get rid of those parasites that have hatched after the initial treatment.
Safety rules during processing
In order to protect yourself from the action of insecticides, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment from chemicals. It is also necessary to avoid direct contact of poisons on the skin, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. This can cause significant poisoning. It is necessary to try to inhale the spray as little as possible and not be in the treated room. After all activities, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
When processing, you need to make sure not only that the poison does not enter the body of your animal, but also in your own and your loved ones. For this purpose, the listed safety rules should be observed. Some sprays have a high concentration of toxic substances, so they can harm health and cause changes in well-being. In case of severe poisoning, it is better to consult a doctor or call an ambulance. In no case do not ignore the corresponding symptoms, the consequences can be very, very negative. If you notice a change in the behavior of your household, you should also not leave this unattended: perhaps they simply do not attach importance to the onset of serious poisoning.
Basic safety precautions help you and your pets live and stay healthy.