The immunity of a woman expecting a baby is very weakened. Therefore, diseases of the oral cavity and larynx are not rare. Angina, stomatitis, colds - this is not a complete list of all the infections that a woman has to face. Against the background of a weakened immune system, mucous membranes are easily affected, in the treatment of which local antiseptic drugs are usually used. But not all medicines are safe for women and babies.
"Hexoral" during pregnancy is considered a fairly harmless and effective drug in the fight against infections. As soon as there are any suspicions of the development of an infectious disease, you need to immediately go to a specialist. The sooner treatment begins, the faster the pathogen will be eliminated, and, therefore, less harm will be caused to the baby. So, “Hexoral” becomes a reliable assistant for a pregnant woman in the fight against bacteria, viruses and colds. Is it safe while carrying a child and how effective is it?
Drug characteristics
"Hexoral" refers to local antiseptic drugs. It has an analgesic and antibacterial effect, has deodorizing and enveloping properties. The drug affects microorganisms that are causative agents of fungal infections. The death of bacteria is due to the ability of Hexoral to destroy the cell membranes of pathogenic microbes and interrupt oxidative reactions. It is used to treat infections of the oral cavity that have been caused by Candida. It is also effective in the treatment of gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
Often during childbearing, problems arise in the oral cavity: the gums bleed heavily, and sores appear. The drug helps to cope with these problems. But it also has a drawback, which is that it kills both harmful and beneficial microorganisms.
According to the instructions for use, "Hexoral" has the following medicinal properties:
- painkillers;
- antiseptic;
- enveloping;
- antimicrobial;
- hemostatic.
It is available in the form of an aerosol, solution and lozenges.
The composition of "Hexoral"
The drug is intended for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and larynx, which are caused by fungi and bacteria. The active ingredient is hexetidine. In addition, Hexoral contains anise, peppermint, cloves, and also ethanol and levomenthol. The drug well envelops the tissues of the nasopharynx, adhering to them, and is practically not absorbed. Its active effect persists for 12 hours, and the effect occurs after 30 seconds.
Is it safe to use the drug during pregnancy?
Can I take Hexoral during pregnancy? This question excites many women. There are currently no clinical studies regarding whether the components of the drug pass through the placenta and whether they affect the baby. The instructions indicate that it can be prescribed to a pregnant woman in situations where the result of treatment is more significant than the likely risks.
Reception of "Hexoral" during pregnancy in the 1st trimester
In the first 12 weeks, the formation of all future organs, tissues and systems of the child occurs. During this period, the woman’s body gets used to a new state, there is a very high risk of spontaneous miscarriage, which is why any effects on the mother’s body can lead to serious and dangerous changes in the formation of the baby.
For this reason, “Hexoral” during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is not prescribed. It is a powerful antiseptic that penetrates the blood despite topical application. And since its effect on the fetus is not fully understood, doctors, as a rule, do not risk it.
Reception of "Hexoral" in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Starting from the second trimester, “Hexoral” is allowed for use, but only as directed by a doctor. What form of drug is better to use? Is it possible to use Hexoral spray during pregnancy? Doctors, as a rule, in this delicate period of a woman’s life prescribe a spray, it is considered the safest. During irrigation, the medicine is evenly and strictly dosed distributed throughout the mucosa. In addition, its accidental ingestion and subsequent absorption are excluded. When using tablets and solution, the risk of penetration of the substance through the placenta to the fetus significantly increases.
Hexoral spray during pregnancy is the safest form of medicine. But it must also be used strictly as prescribed by the attending physician. Irrigation is usually done twice a day after meals. After the procedure, you can not eat anything for 2-3 hours. "Hexoral" for rinsing during pregnancy is used undiluted. Procedures should be done up to 3 times a day, after meals. Very dangerous is swallowing the drug. Once in the stomach, it is absorbed through the walls and crosses the placenta to the baby.
Hexoral tablets for resorption during pregnancy are used very rarely and only in extreme cases. Drink 1 tablet every 3 hours, a maximum of 8 times a day.
Spray, tablets or syrup?
So, what is the most safe - spray, syrup or pills?
- The spray is available in bottles of 100 and 200 mg. It includes alcohol, essential oils, nitrogen compounds and some other components.
- The tablets contain benzocaine and chlorhexidine, in addition, menthol, peppermint oil, thymol.
- The composition of the solution includes alcohol, essential oils, water and other components.
According to the FDA, the organization that conducts research on the effects of drugs on the baby during pregnancy, there is no data on the effect of hexetidine, which is part of the solution and the spray. Benzocaine belongs to category “C” (when using these drugs there is a risk to the baby’s health), and chlorhexidine belongs to category “B” (relatively safe drugs). This means that any dosage form of the drug “Hexoral” can be used during pregnancy, but only as directed by a doctor, observing the correct dosage and rules of administration.
According to the instructions, indications for the use of "Hexoral" are inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. Namely:
- pharyngitis;
- angina;
- stomatitis;
- gingivitis;
- glossitis;
- infection in the well after tooth extraction.
It is also used in the treatment of colds as an adjuvant.
When is the medicine not prescribed?
Contraindications to "Hexoral" during pregnancy are:
- hypersensitivity to constituent components;
- erosion, ulcers and wounds of the oral cavity and pharynx;
- age up to 3 years;
- low concentration in the blood of cholinesterase.
With special care and accuracy, a medicine is used with hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid.
Side effects
When using the drug, it is possible:
- the development of allergies in the form of edema, cough, urticaria, shortness of breath;
- if swallowed, poisoning is likely;
- with intolerance to the components - an increase in body temperature;
- with prolonged use, numbness of the tongue, a change in the color of tooth enamel and taste sensations are noted.
It should be noted that these side effects are very rare: approximately 1 case per 10 thousand people. But if at least one of them occurs, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.
An overdose of the drug "Hexoral" can lead to bradycardia, cardiac arrest. In case of poisoning with this medication, induce vomiting and flush the stomach. Then you need to take absorbents: activated carbon, Fosfalugel, Enterosgel. In addition, it should be remembered that the spray and syrup contains ethanol, which is contraindicated in pregnancy. If dizziness and nausea occur after using the medicine, seek medical attention.
As already mentioned, the composition of the syrup and spray includes ethyl alcohol, which penetrates the placenta and is absorbed into the blood. Even its minimal amount strongly affects the endocrine and central nervous system of the baby, which can cause developmental pathology. In animal studies, it was proved that the activity of the newborn’s myocardium is markedly suppressed if ethanol was used during its gestation (in clinically justified doses). In addition, there are changes in the level of lactic acid in the blood of a newborn animal.
Instruction manual
The instructions for use of “Hexoral” indicate that the solution is used undiluted. For the procedure, 15 ml of the drug is enough. Rinse your mouth after eating for 30 seconds. In addition, the solution can be applied in the form of applications by applying a cotton swab to the affected area. The duration of the course of treatment and the number of procedures are determined by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to swallow the solution.
Aerosol is used for topical application. When processing sites, you should hold your breath to prevent the drug from entering the lungs and not provoke a bronchospasm. Irrigation with the drug should be carried out for 2 seconds, several times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the degree and severity of the disease.
Rules that must be observed before taking the drug:
- use the spray and solution strictly after eating;
- Before starting the procedure, rinse your mouth with warm water;
- Do not swallow the drug, this can lead to an overdose and the development of serious consequences;
- the solution does not need to be diluted;
- You can use the drug, starting from 2 trimesters.
Pregnant pills and spray are prescribed only if the benefit is significantly higher than the likely risk of a baby's pathology.
"Hexoral" during pregnancy: reviews about the drug
Reviews of women indicate that the medicine helps with the first signs of sore throat and stomatitis. Some use Hexoral during pregnancy (from the 2nd trimester) as a well-acting pain medication after treatment or tooth extraction. Women claim that the first signs of improvement are noted after several applications, and the final relief or full recovery occurs in 4-5 days.
Some pregnant women in the 3rd trimester used pills (as prescribed by the doctor), which perfectly helped them, according to them. They say that tablets are more convenient to use and do not cause a gag reflex, like an aerosol. Some women use “Hexoral” as a prophylactic drug in the acute season of acute respiratory viral infections, while they argue that aerosols are more effective than tablets.
Many pregnant women used the drug in the 2nd or 3rd trimester mainly as a remedy for stomatitis. However, they argue that no deviations in the development of the child were observed. According to doctors, "Hexoral" is the safest drug during pregnancy, which successfully copes with inflammatory and dental diseases.
But there are also negative opinions, which boil down to the fact that the drug has a specific taste, after application there remains an unpleasant aftertaste. Some women report an allergic reaction after taking it. Others note that aerosols cause dry throat, burning, and nausea.
Instead of a conclusion
So, "Hexoral" is a drug that is effective in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections of the pharynx and oral cavity. Its main advantage is safety for the child, therefore, it is very often prescribed by doctors to pregnant women, starting from 13 weeks. In this case, the Hexoral spray is considered the safest form. The risk of developing adverse reactions is minimal, but if they arise, it is necessary to replace the drug with an analog after consulting a doctor.