A cat's protective reaction to internal or external stimuli can manifest as vomiting. Usually this is a completely normal process, as the animal can thus cleanse the stomach of accumulated lumps of wool. But vomiting in a yellow cat should alert the owners. This may indicate a variety of diseases. Consider the causes of yellow vomiting and related symptoms. How to provide first aid and treat the animal with such an ailment?
What does each discharge indicate when vomiting occurs?
If the pet vomited a maximum of a couple of times, while he is feeling fine, it’s not worth panicking. This can be caused by irritation of the intestines, which occurs due to ingestion of wool or a large lump of grass. In this case, it is recommended to trace the condition of the pet for one day and then look for the reasons for its deterioration.
The cat can vomit bile, as evidenced by the yellow color, and also suffer from other secretions. Regular vomiting of a saturated yellow or green hue primarily indicates that there has been a violation in the functioning of the liver or kidneys. There may also be disorders of the stomach.
Blood, which is present in the vomit, may indicate that the esophagus or pharynx has been damaged by some sharp object, for example, a bone from a fish.
Causes of Nausea and Vomiting in a Cat
Belching of the coat is a physiological process of getting rid of external stimuli and should not cause concern. But if this happens regularly, you should contact a specialist who will determine the cause of this condition.
The main reasons a pet may vomit:
- Siamese cats often have an underdeveloped posterior wall of the stomach (pylorus). Because of this, vomiting occurs "fountain". In this case, only surgical intervention helps.
- Pregnancy can also be the cause of nausea and vomiting due to the restructuring of the body and the failure of the hormonal background.
- Vomiting often accompanies ear diseases in cats.
- Disorders in the liver (pancreatitis, lipidosis) or pathologies associated with the kidneys can cause yellow cat vomiting.
- Pathology such as cancer of the stomach or pancreas is also accompanied by nausea.
- Bowel obstruction.
- Parasites that poison the body of a pet from the inside.
- Stress (moving, a long trip in transport can provoke a cat's motion sickness and, accordingly, vomiting).
The appearance of vomiting in a yellow cat with foam may be accompanied by other symptoms, which indicates violations in the work of the orgasm. Often there is a refusal of food, there is an increase in body temperature, dark color of urine, diarrhea and yellowing of the mucous membranes.
Vomit with a pungent unpleasant odor may indicate acute or chronic liver failure. With such a pathology, yellowing of the sclera, fainting and an unpleasant smell from the mouth can be observed.
If toxic elements accumulate in the liver for a long time, this ultimately leads to its inflammation (lipidosis). There is also such a disease as cat's plague, which is accompanied by a sharp jump in temperature to 41 degrees, apathy, frequent diarrhea and vomiting. At the same time, the cat constantly walks hunched over.
Yellow vomit
The cause of vomiting in a yellow cat is the ingestion of bile into the stomach. With the normal functioning of organs, it should be excreted by other channels. The appearance of yellow vomit indicates abnormalities in the gallbladder or liver. Bile is a hostile environment for the digestive tract. If it nevertheless seeps into the stomach, then after a certain time the walls of the organ begin to become inflamed, and this causes vomiting of a yellowish tint.
A cat whose vomit is painted in a bright and saturated yellow color could eat food of this shade. And he did not fit her. This factor is also worth considering.
Cat vomiting yellow with foam
Vomit with foam, regardless of shade, can indicate a dangerous disease such as cat distemper. Symptoms in this case develops gradually. Vomiting per day can reach up to 10 times, while the cat does not lick, it looks for places away from bright sunlight and does not respond to others.
A complete rejection of food and water is also noted, since the animal itself feels great discomfort. If there are such signs, home treatment does not help, you need to seek help from a specialist and as soon as possible.
Vomiting of bile in cats - is it dangerous or not?
It may appear if the cat does not eat for a long time, vomiting is yellow. In this case, vomit can have a yellow color even with a slight ejection of bile, which is formed as a result of the reverse peristalsis of the duodenum. If these are single cases, they should not cause concern. If the cat vomits often, for example, after each meal, it is worth contacting the veterinarian. Only he can say after a comprehensive examination whether this is a dangerous symptom or not.
The specialist will send you a general blood and urine test, an x-ray and an abdominal ultrasound scan. Frequently asked questions about animal nutrition. Only after this, the cause of the yellow vomit is revealed and treatment is prescribed.
It should be understood that a large amount of bile in the stomach can be accompanied by green vomit. This indicates intestinal obstruction and requires urgent medical attention.
Vomiting in a pregnant cat
The animal during the gestation of kittens can spit up, because the body is rebuilt at this time and there is a hormonal malfunction. There is nothing to worry about if this happens in the morning and there are no impurities in the vomit. If the cramps are repeated, the discharge comes with different impurities, you should seek advice.
Perhaps this is a natural reaction of the body to pregnancy. In this case, it is worth revising the diet of the expectant mother and adhering to dietary food. A cause for concern may be a condition where the cat neither eats nor drinks, yellow vomit. How to treat such a malaise is determined only by the doctor, after assessing the condition. In case of diarrhea, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. With such symptoms, the body of a pregnant cat loses twice as much moisture. Abrupt dehydration of the body can be fatal.
What does the appearance of vomiting and blood in the feces indicate?
Feces with blood are found in cats quite often. Common causes can be constipation if the animal eats too much dry food. A long act of defecation leads to constipation, and hence the blood in the stool. In this case, it is worth revising the diet, and the stool in the pet is normal.
If the cat has vomiting of yellow color and feces with blood for a long time, it is worth being wary, as this may indicate a dangerous disease.
Often, a disease called hematochesia manifests itself in this way. It is accompanied by heavy bleeding in the lower intestine. Many confuse it with melena, but with this pathology, black feces. Hematochemistry is accompanied by pet apathy, he refuses food and water, and often runs to the toilet. If there are such signs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.
Causes of blood in the stool
Often, the causes that lead to the appearance of blood in the feces are associated with a violation of the digestive tract.
Violations that are accompanied by the appearance of feces with impurities of blood in a cat:
- peptic ulcer;
- poisoning;
- malignant or benign neoplasms;
- renal dystrophy, pancreatitis;
- allergic reaction;
- malnutrition;
- foreign body in the stomach.
These diseases require therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian. If constipation is treated by switching to dietary nutrition, then some pathologies cannot be eliminated without medical or surgical intervention.
There are also a number of diseases in which blood can appear in the feces.
- Melena or tarry stool. Pathology is accompanied by bleeding that occurs in the lower intestine. It can be triggered by an ulcer, damage to the digestive tract. At the same time, other signs arise: she refuses to eat, behaves apathetically, is hunched, and vomiting occurs.
- Colitis. The disease can be accompanied by both constipation and diarrhea, yellow vomiting. The cat neither eats nor drinks. What to do with such a pathology? Contact a specialist immediately.
- Toxic infections. When poisoning with hemolytic poisons, the animal clogs into a dark corner, often vomits, refuses food and behaves apathetically. He may experience an increase in body temperature.
- Helminthiasis. It is accompanied by abundant and frequent vomiting (including worms), upset stomach (constipation or diarrhea), mucous membranes turn yellow, conjunctivitis appears, breathing is heavy. At the same time, a decrease in the amount of hair and weight loss are observed in the cat.
All these pathologies require timely therapy, since its absence can lead to the development of peritonitis, anemia, and even death.
First aid
The veterinarian is engaged in the search for the causes and treatment of vomiting in a yellow cat. But what if you go far to him? How to provide first aid to your beloved pet? To begin with, it is worthwhile to eliminate the development of dehydration, which can occur with profuse vomiting or diarrhea. You need to make the cat drink as much as possible. Every half hour you need to give a small amount of water. It is also worth not to feed the animal, but put it on a hungry regimen for at least 24 hours.
It is not recommended to give an antiemetic drug to a pet that is intended for use by people. If vomiting does not stop for more than a day, you should contact your veterinarian to eliminate the causes. But before that, you can only alleviate the unpleasant symptoms. Especially when the cat has diarrhea, yellow vomiting, neither eats nor drinks.
What to do and how to alleviate the condition of the animal:
- if in the vomit there are lumps of wool or food not digested by the stomach, it is worth while pausing with feeding, you can give only water;
- with frequent burping, which is somewhat similar to vomiting, it is worth revising the diet, namely, to remove canned goods, sweets and fatty foods;
- a decoction of chamomile will contribute to the restoration of peristalsis and normalization of the digestive tract (given 1 tsp. up to four times in knocking).
Such first aid can help if the pet does not have serious violations in the liver, gall bladder and other pathologies of internal organs.
When to seek help from a veterinarian?
What to do, the cat has vomiting of yellow color, he does not eat, does not drink, and this symptomatology lasts more than a day? If, even with first aid, the pet’s condition does not improve, you should consult a specialist. Also, a veterinarian should be consulted if the following symptoms appear: diarrhea, lethargy and apathy, fever.
All this indicates that the animal is not well. In this case, only the veterinarian can identify the causes of the pathology, as well as prescribe the correct therapy.
The cat has yellow vomiting: treatment and prevention
To begin with, the veterinarian will conduct a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of the disease. Only after this an appropriate treatment regimen is prescribed. These can be drugs to stop nausea and vomiting, and in this case, a sparing diet is mandatory.
If yellow cat vomiting is observed, antispasmodic drugs and sorbents are most often prescribed. They actively remove toxins from the body. If a pathology is found with organs such as the kidneys or liver, drugs are prescribed that restore the proper functioning of these organs depending on the disease. Perhaps also a surgical intervention. For example, with intestinal obstruction.
In order to prevent disruption in the functioning of vital organs in a cat, it is worth observing preventive measures, which are as follows:
- feed your pet is only fresh and high-quality products;
- overeating or hunger is unacceptable;
- do all vaccinations in a timely manner;
- prevent the appearance of worms and fleas or promptly remove them;
- conduct a regular examination of the internal organs, which will help to identify serious pathology in the initial stages and prevent its development.
If you follow these simple rules, you can significantly extend the life of a four-legged friend. Also, this will relieve him of the discomfort and suffering that are associated with the malfunctioning of organs (stomach, kidneys and liver).
If you experience any abnormalities in the condition of the pet, especially if the cat has vomiting yellow, it is worth looking to a professional doctor. This is important to do if first aid during the day did not bring positive results. Prolonged vomiting is fraught with dehydration, and procrastination and lack of therapy in case of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs can lead to the death of a pet.