How to bathe a newborn baby? Questions and answers

The first immersion in the water of a newborn baby is a very important event, which all parents are looking forward to and at the same time very afraid of. When not the first child is born in a family, certain memories still come to mind. But the birth of the firstborn necessarily raises a lot of questions regarding how to bathe a newborn baby. Let's try to answer the most important questions and learn how to do it right.

When should the first swim be?

A healthy baby can enjoy this procedure for the first time immediately after arriving home from the hospital. The first bath should last 5-15 minutes. If you see that the child is delighted with such a pastime, then you can extend the procedure later.

In which bath to bathe a newborn?

Before bathing a newborn baby, you should definitely think about what you will do it in. You can buy a special plastic bath, but bathing in an adult bath is not prohibited. The advantages of a small bath are that it is easier to fill with a decoction of herbs or use it even when there is no hot water in the house. It is more difficult to keep an adult public bath clean, but you can immediately teach a child to swim in it. Parents need to choose, but it’s better to use the baby bath for bathing babies for the first few months .

Do I need to boil water?

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Before bathing a newborn baby, all parents clearly have a question regarding the temperature of the water. But no one will give a definite answer, each child feels comfortable at a certain temperature suitable for him. We can say with confidence that the water should not be too hot or very cool. When bathing the baby for the first time, heat the water to 36-37 degrees, because it is this temperature that will not cause discomfort. Be sure to use a special thermometer to determine the temperature of the water. Later, you yourself will know how to bathe a baby so that this procedure brings him only pleasure.

What time is better to bathe a baby?

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