Smooth Chihuahua is a miniature breed of dog. For the first time, its representatives appeared among the Mayan tribes on the island of Yucatan. Then such dogs got to the Aztecs and Toltecs. For the Indians, they were sacred animals and were considered the most real magical talismans. These peoples believed so strongly in their miraculous abilities that each dog had at its disposal servants whose duties included feeding and caring for divine beings. Today, a smooth-haired chihuahua is also special. Such dogs are very popular all over the world. Some people believe that a chihuahua is an amulet that brings happiness to the house.
Breed features. 1-3 , – 15-23 . . .
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Smooth Chihuahua possesses watchdog instincts and excellent reactions. You could even say that such a dog is fearless. Of course, because of this, the owners of such pets may have trouble. Although at home, the chihuahua's vigilance will not be superfluous.The nature of such crumbs is not simple. Chihuahuas are very spoiled, so you need to make a lot of efforts to raise a worthy dog. It must be admitted that such a dog is very smart, and also has a stable psyche. She is very devoted to the owner, maybe even jealous of him. She has no such quality as malice. Training a chihuahua will be a pleasant process for a person and an animal, if you approach this matter correctly. Therefore, always praise the animal for the correct commands, and punish for the wrong ones (in a formidable voice).Breed standards
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