Many people actually want to take custody of the orphanage. Especially this desire often appears in women aged thirty to forty years, due to the need to be realized in motherhood. Men are less likely to find in themselves such aspirations. However, even in their hearts such an intention is sometimes born. But only some individuals decide on this step, fearing the many difficulties that will inevitably have to face. In society, they are called heroes or crazy for the eyes. Still would! To shoulder such a burden - to accept an orphan for education!
Many consider such an act a feat only because they never dare to repeat it. It is believed that raising a foster child is several times harder than a native. Allegedly, it is required to sacrifice everything, including their interests in the name of its formation. Many women ask: "Is it possible to take a child from an orphanage without being married?" Yes, the legislation does not pose any obstacles in this regard. It is important to deal with other equally important moments, and the composition of the family does not play a special role. What matters is that you want to take your child from the orphanage with all your heart.
Deciding on such a serious step, people say that they could not even think that the process would be so complicated. Some obstacles arise by themselves, others grow out of the ground, when you are completely unprepared for this. It should be understood in advance that you may be denied custody if employees consider that potential candidates for guardians are not sufficiently prepared and knowledgeable. This is extremely disappointing, but we must take into account all the requirements and, perhaps, try our luck for the second or third time. Actually, taking custody of a child from an orphanage is not as difficult as it seems. It is much more important to be mentally prepared for those changes that are bound to begin to occur. Life will change dramatically. Consider the list of required documents.
certificate of good conduct
This paper is prepared longer than others: from 10 days to two to three months. That is why it is important to start with it so that you do not lose valuable time in the future. The good news is that the shelf life of the paper is exactly 12 months. For its registration is not required to have on hand an appropriate direction from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Any person can come to a police station with a passport at a convenient time for himself and order the issuance of such a certificate. No one has the right to refuse. Most likely, they will talk with you politely and willingly go to meet you.
Referral to a medical board
Such paper must be obtained from the guardianship authorities. You need to be prepared for the fact that there you will be asked to talk about the motives of your intention, they will start asking pretty personal things, finding out the details of the monthly income and personal life. In the clinic, it will be necessary to go through such specialists as a narcologist, psychiatrist, venereologist, pass the necessary tests, and do a fluorography.
Fortunately, having the appropriate direction on hand, you do not have to pay for every step. You will also be able to enter cabinets without hindrance. After all the doctors sign the relevant papers, we can assume that the medical board was successfully completed.
Even at the stage of collecting documents, you need to take care to correctly draw up your biography. An autobiography is written to show the guardian as a worthy person. At the same time, it is important to demonstrate your best qualities of character, personal achievements, and confirm the seriousness of intention.
In order to do everything right, it is best to devote several free evenings to this. The outcome of the situation depends on how competently the text is composed. Being an interested person, you better try and spend your own time.
In autobiography you need to write only reliable facts. Remember that any information is easy enough to verify. If a guardianship is alerted by a fact, you will need to be able to confirm it with the appropriate papers. Sometimes it may be necessary to attach more serious documents: income statement, certificate of entrepreneurship, and so on.
You can’t just say: "I want to take a child from an orphanage." Sometimes you want to justify your desire. It is best to express your mature intention by wanting to take care of a small creature, help it grow and develop, get on its feet, instill the best values and the like. If the desire is purely selfish, then custody has the right to refuse you.
Income statement
To take a child from an orphanage under guardianship, you need to earn enough. The staff of the institution also pay close attention to this item. A statement of income is then necessary to confirm your financial viability.
It’s great if the salary is high enough. In any case, it should not be lower than the subsistence level for the region where you live. In advance, take a copy from the work book, prepare documents on education. If you know that there may be problems with this item, it is better to think in advance about how to reach a decent income level. It will be extremely disappointing to stumble at this step and lose a lot of time to correct an unsatisfactory situation.
Characteristic from the place of work
A very delicate moment, but one should not forget about it. Contact the personnel department in advance with a corresponding request so that the employer can describe you from the best side. It is important for guardianship authorities to know who the person is in front of them and whether it is possible to entrust him with the life and health of the child. If no one can say anything good about a person, this is a reason to think.
Property Documents
To confirm your financial prosperity, you need to take papers from the bank, bring documents that would testify that a particular person is the owner. The more property available, the better. You are required to bring to the custody a certificate stating that you do not have any rent arrears. Solve all the nuances in your house management in advance, it will be easier. You also need to prepare a paper on the composition of the family.
Since 2013, all potential guardians and adoptive parents are required to undergo special psychological and pedagogical training. This stage is frightening and annoying for many, but it is necessary in order to once again weigh the pros and cons well, to prevent cases of children returning to state institutions. Only after passing the school of foster parents is a corresponding conclusion issued indicating that a particular person has the right to proceed with the realization of his good intentions.
As a rule, the whole process takes from three months to six months. If the candidate goes to custody with the documents already collected, the matter will accelerate.
- After all the necessary papers are available, the school of foster parents is passed, the candidate for guardians, finally, proceeds to search for the child.
This is a very anxious and long-awaited moment. Sometimes they go to him for a long time, and then get lost, do not know how to behave correctly. There are special sites that people who want to take a child from an orphanage are browsing. The database allows you to choose the baby that would correspond to its new parents for some external parameters and character. Photos and videoankets allow you to form a definite opinion, to see if the baby has obvious diseases. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with such a base. Taking a child from an orphanage will then become much easier morally.
- Having decided on the child, you need to call the regional representative. He will tell you what features and problems can occur in a particular case where the baby is. It may happen that you have to go to another city. Do not be afraid of such difficulties. Choose with your heart and go to the end.
- Then comes the stage of visiting the child. The guardian must come to the orphanage, be able to establish contact with the future ward.
Only after all the paperwork is completed, you sign the consent and have the right to take the child to your home.
- Employees of guardianship authorities at the appointed time come to the apartment or house where the pupil lives, for a routine check. They must make sure that the child is well treated, that he is not deprived of anything, not offended, and that he has only enough.
Creating an enabling environment
Taking a child from an orphanage means understanding how much responsibility you have. A kid is not a toy, not a momentary whim, because he is a living person who needs constant care, communication, love. Many dream of taking a child to the family from the orphanage, but only a few bring the process to its logical conclusion. Why?
Not everyone is so confident that they can vouch for many years to be a model personality. It is necessary to create conditions for the baby that would meet all the requirements of mental, personal and emotional development. What is needed for this? The list is as follows:
- It is best that the child gets into a good atmosphere, so it is so important to resolve your differences with relatives before you bring the child home.
- It’s great if your pupil will have a separate room. When this is not possible, prepare and arrange a small corner where the child can play, do homework and just relax.
- The kid should know that they love and wait for him here, to feel welcome. At first, incidents and difficulties will happen literally out of the blue. It is necessary to help him adequately undergo adaptation.
Psychologists advice
The recommendations of social workers will come in handy and will help overcome difficulties:
- Before you take a child from the orphanage, you need to think everything through well, weigh. You can’t start acting, succumbing only to momentary desire.
Otherwise, disappointment will come very soon, and you will regret the steps taken. It is necessary to determine internally, to understand why this should be done in principle. Such a frank conversation with yourself will help to avoid significant mistakes when decisions are made spontaneously.
- No need to be perfect. With the appearance of the child in the family, difficulties will necessarily arise. You should not be shy to ask for help when you need it.
Taking a child under guardianship from an orphanage does not mean ceasing to live their personal lives and be interested in everyone around them.
- Take responsibility. To grow a worthy member of society, you need to invest in it a lot of moral and spiritual strength. You need to be prepared to constantly engage with your pupil, to provide him with appropriate training assistance. Sometimes medical treatment may be required, which also requires time and money.
Thus, taking a child from an orphanage under guardianship is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties will be, but they are all surmountable, if there is a desire to make the little man happy, to give him his affection and love.