When installing Windows XP blue screen - a sentence or a little trouble?

Observing a blue screen when installing Windows XP, it is recommended not to make another attempt, but to analyze what is happening. You need to remember which messages preceded its appearance (sometimes they are displayed, but new users click "OK" without even reading).

when installing windows xp blue screen

In general, when you see a blue screen when installing Windows, you should not panic. If the computer turns on, and the installation of the operating system begins, then there is a high probability that the cause of the abnormal behavior can be eliminated. Moreover, without significant financial costs, which could be required if the computer did not turn on at all.

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when installing windows blue screen

On the global Web, you can find impressive instructions to identify the causes of this behavior of the operating system. In this article, we have collected only those that are most common.

So, one of the most common reasons due to which when installing Windows XP the blue screen is the incorrectly configured mode of operation of the disk subsystem. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to go into the BIOS of the motherboard (often pressing the "Del" button immediately after turning on the computer). Then, in one of the menu items, find the mode choice - SATA (AHCI) or IDE (Native) and set the second.

, BIOS , . – . . IDE Windows XP, AHCI . – , . : IDE –  , AHCI. .

windows xp blue screen of death

The next reason is hardware malfunctions in the memory module. It happens that the computer seems to be working, but it crashes during installation. Solution: it is necessary to remove the memory from the motherboard connector one by one and try with the remaining modules. So you can identify damaged.

Sometimes the system fails to install due to the appearance of an unreadable sector on the hard drive. You need to check it for errors. For example, using the Check Disc program.

Finally, a blue screen may occur due to a hardware-software conflict. So, if new components have been connected since the last successful installation, then you need to remove them and check the operability of the computer.

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