It is important for every pregnant woman to take care of her health so that there is no need to use medicines. But there are some nuances. The fact is that a developing fetus requires maximum return. Therefore, the immunity of the expectant mother during the period of bearing a child can significantly weaken. This is the cause of health problems. One of the most common problems is throat disease. Then there is a need to choose a medication. Is it possible to take “Ingalipt” during pregnancy, what experts and experienced people say about this drug - we will talk about this later.
Does the end justify the means?
Sometimes a woman with a sore throat begins to rush to use all the treatment methods that she knows. It does not always take into account how safe the product is for the unborn child. For example, the use of such harmless to humans means as hot foot baths can significantly harm a pregnant woman.
The fact is that when the legs are heated, blood rushes to the legs, and not to the umbilical cord of the baby. This can cause a lack of oxygen for the developing fetus. During pregnancy, it is extremely undesirable to soar your legs.
What to do if there is a disease, but there are no drugs approved for use by a pregnant woman. Specialists suggest the use of local remedies so that the drug does not affect the fetus. Regardless of the recommendations for the drugs, their appointment is the competence of doctors only.
Treatment "Ingaliptom"
"Ingalipt" - spray (during pregnancy can be used), which has a local effect on the causative agents of influenza and tonsillitis. To successfully obtain a therapeutic effect, the use of a medication in the form of a spray or aerosol is provided. The patient can independently choose one of the forms. In addition to fighting infection, the drug has the following features:
- fight the growth of bacteria;
- anesthetize;
- well remove inflammatory processes.
Indications for "Ingalipt" during pregnancy are to treat the oral cavity with a agent that has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine is indicated when it is necessary to cure:
- stomatitis;
- laryngitis;
- tonsillitis.
Introducing the Application Guide
Instructions for the use of "Ingalipt" during pregnancy indicate that the drug has an effective local effect. In the absence of allergic reactions, the use of this spray is allowed for a woman at any period of bearing a child.
A notable feature of the drug is its effect exclusively on the area of the oral mucosa. It is important that the product cannot penetrate the circulatory system, so the baby will not be able to get a portion of this substance. So, the instructions for use during pregnancy, "Ingalipta" guarantees the benefit of the drug for the expectant mother with harmlessness to the fetus. The effectiveness of the drug provided him with high popularity in the fight against viral infections of the throat and nasopharynx, a calming and restoring effect on the sections of the mucous tissue.
Review of drug reviews
Reviews about "Ingalipt" during pregnancy are not always positive. This is due to the presence of sulfonamides and thymol in the medication, which can not be taken during pregnancy. However, given the fact that the content of such substances in the preparation is minimal, the risk of treatment with such doses is minimal.
Also, sometimes patients note the presence of allergic reactions. But until that age, when a woman matured to bear a child, she, as a rule, already had experience using this very popular drug. So she should know if she is allergic to the Ingalipt medicine.
Also, in reviews about taking "Ingalipt" during pregnancy, it is indicated that the drug can provoke a vomiting reflex and nausea. Such deviations are associated with the individual characteristics of each organism.
Features of the use of the drug
"Ingalipt" during pregnancy should be used, guided by the established rules:
- A thorough cleaning of the oral cavity is preliminarily performed, for which you can use a soft cotton pad or rinse method.
- After opening the cap of the product, it is sprayed on the surface of the mucosa in the mouth.
- It is important to direct the stream to the cheek so that the drug can not impede breathing processes.
- When using the medication, do not deviate from the indicated dosage.
How much and how to take "Ingalipt"
After reading the instructions, you can find the dosage of the drug for the treatment of adults. It is preferable for pregnant women to opt for an aerosol product with a fixed spray method of 0.3 - 0.5 grams.
In case of symptoms of a cold in the expectant mother, she can use the aerosol "Ingalipt" during pregnancy from 1 trimester. The frequency of use of the drug is no more than 5 times a day so that there are no side effects.
Who should not take "Ingalipt"
The instructions for the use of this medication stipulate that the only contraindication to taking this drug is the phenomenon of individual intolerance to the constituent components. Reception "Ingalipta" during pregnancy (1 trimester) has no contraindications. Despite the special importance of the early period of fetal formation, the drug cannot harm the baby, since the therapeutic effect is achieved directly in the oral cavity. The circulatory system does not receive the components of this medicine, so they are not harmful to the fetus. If the expectant mother and her doctor are worried about the content of thymol in Ingalipt, alternative treatment options can be considered.
Similar drugs
Existing comments on the drug lead to the need for an alternative solution. Among the drugs that can be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, “Pharyngosept” and “Septolete” should be highlighted. This is a tablet with high healing capabilities and a pleasant taste.
Like every medicine, Ingalipt also has analogues during pregnancy. These are the medicines:
- "Gorpils";
- Agisept;
- Aldesol
- "Anestezol";
- "Doctor Tyss";
- Boromenthol.
The use of these drugs can be prescribed by your doctor if there are restrictions on taking "Ingalipta." But in defense of the last drug, it should be said that this drug is affordable, effective in use and popular among the population thanks to many years of help in treating the throat for adults and children. Therefore, the search for lesser known analogues often does not make sense.
Additional recommendations
To eliminate the signs of a cold, you need to take care of a comprehensive treatment. The intake of the vitamin complex will strengthen the immune system. The use of such traditional medicine as rinsing with infusion of sage and calendula, diluted with lemon juice will help eliminate sore throat.
It is important throughout the entire period of bearing the baby to take care of himself, to lead an active lifestyle. Daily outdoor walks are required. So the developing fetus will receive the necessary portions of oxygen, and the expectant mother will be able to strengthen the immune system. Try not to prefer crowded places, but walks in nature. So you can get the maximum benefit and not get infected from people with colds.
To summarize
There are many opinions regarding the intake of Ingalipt during pregnancy. They range from full confidence in the drug to a complete rejection of its use. Ingalipt has been known since the last century and does not lose popularity these days.
The rationality of taking the drug is important to discuss with the doctor conducting the pregnancy. In addition to using this medication, which has a local effect, it is important to take care of the vitamins of the body through proper nutrition and intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.
Lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the air, and the baby will be born healthy and beautiful!