The history of mankind goes back thousands of years. Each nation tried to leave behind something valuable to its descendants. From generation to generation passed family values, recipes, knowledge and customs.
What are traditions? This word comes from Latin
"Traditio," which means "transmitting something." In the days of Ancient Rome, it was understood literally, applying when it was a matter of transferring an object (material values). Later this concept was used when talking about the transfer of knowledge and cultural heritage from generation to generation. Traditions carry information about how life has developed over the centuries, contain a lot of colorful, interesting and sensible.
National music, dances, and crafts have recently been very popular. Most people began to show a noticeable interest in them. This is not surprising. To know the history, as well as the cultural customs of your people, is worthy and very interesting. You can understand what traditions are, how they appear, what role they play in the history of every nation, in folk museums and folk art exhibitions.
Russian Maslenitsa
Shrovetide inherited from pagan culture. It represents the seeing off of winter, which is accompanied by great joy associated with the expectation of warmth and spring renewal of the surrounding world.
Shrovetide, the traditions of the celebration of which have survived to this day, is enough
For a long time it was also a meeting of the new year. After all, as you know, in Russia until the XIV century, the beginning of the year was March. So during this period they did not skimp on a generous feast and fun. In the people Shrovetide was called the "destroyer", "gluttonous". What is the tradition of celebration? These are festivities that are accompanied by traditional rituals, dances and songs.
Festivities on Maslenitsa last seven days and precede Lent. It is traditionally accepted to bake pancakes, as well as walk around guests all week. On Sunday, it is customary to apologize to each other and burn a scarecrow.
Christmas in Russia
What is the tradition of celebrating Christmas in Russia, we know firsthand. This day brings warmth and hope to many residents of our country. That is why most people prepare for it with special trepidation. Housing is decorated with appropriate decorative elements, which have their symbolic meaning.
In all countries, Christmas is celebrated according to certain traditions. In Russia, since ancient times, it is customary to observe a 40-day Christmas post, and on the eve of the holiday (January 6th), treat yourself to millet porridge with honey and poppy seeds, which is called "sochi."
Christmas traditions in Russia are observed to this day. At least 12 dishes corresponding to the number of apostles should be present on the table. Among them are meat dishes and snacks, a variety of drinks and delicacies.
Merry Christmas is associated with various folk signs and fortune-telling. In Russia, young girls were guessing at their betrothed. It was believed that on the eve of the holiday, you can heap up wealth and happiness.