Now shooting video has become available to almost everyone. For this, it’s not even necessary to buy a special camera, it is enough to be the owner of the phone. The convenience of modern technology is undeniable: you can quickly record an interesting event that you have become an eyewitness. But there are often problems with playing such a media file. Many phone owners at some point wonder how to flip a video. First of all, because in a hurry they did not think about the correct location of the camera. Fortunately, a solution to such a problem exists and is also accessible to everyone.
How to flip a video right on your phone
. . , . , , . , .
, . , . . , , . , .
, . , « 90/180 » ( ) . , . . ?
. – , . , . , VLC Player.
: , . «», - « ». , . «». , .
. ( , QuickTime Player) . Windows . CTRL+NUMPAD3 CTRL+NUMPAD1 .
, , , . , . , . , . , . , .
Avidemux – , , iphone . , . : , , . , . . («Transform», «Rotate»).
. , . (AVI, MP4, MKV), (, , ). . , «SAVE VIDEO» Ctrl+S . .