Heat stroke in a dog: signs and treatment

With the arrival of summer heat, it is quite difficult for dog owners to monitor the thermoregulation of their pets. Keeping the animal cool is not easy when there is stuffiness in the rooms, but in the open air there is nowhere to hide from the scorching sun. In such conditions, problems associated with overheating of the body often arise.

In the presented material, we will understand on the background of what factors a heat stroke in a dog can occur. Symptoms and treatment, preventive measures, as well as probable threats to the health of pets with the development of such a condition, we will consider further.

Which dogs are at risk?

dog heat stroke

The following pets are most susceptible to heat stroke:

  • long-haired breeds;
  • hunting dogs, which are forced to run for a long time under the scorching sun in search of trophies;
  • animals that are overweight suffer from obesity;
  • breeds that, due to their nature, have difficulty breathing (Pekingese, pugs, French bulldogs, spitz);
  • pregnant or elderly pets;
  • dogs that were imported from other climatic zones and are not ready for a sharp change in environmental conditions.

Why do dogs suffer from heat stroke?

heat stroke in a dog symptoms

The root of the problem lies in specific physiology. Sweat glands are almost completely absent on the dogs body. A small number of them are on the paw pads. To cool the tissues, the animal has to take frequent deep breaths. With each exhalation, the dog's body loses a significant amount of heat.

Pets cool by sticking their tongue out of their mouth. A wide network of blood capillaries is concentrated on its surface, which expand with an increase in heart rate. It also allows the animal to lower body temperature.

Thermal shock in a dog can occur at times when none of the above methods of natural cooling gives results. In such situations, acute critical conditions can occur.

Stages of heat stroke development

heat stroke in a dog symptoms and treatment

Thermal shock in a dog does not occur instantly. The emergence of a serious condition is preceded by the following processes:

  1. Raising the body temperature to 38.5 ° - the animal begins to breathe deeply with its mouth ajar, trying to find a shady place, partially bury the body in the ground or lie on a cold floor.
  2. Range from 39 ° C to 40 ° C - the dog has a slight tachycardia, the expansion of blood vessels. While maintaining adverse environmental conditions, the death of intestinal microflora gradually occurs, the kidneys and liver begin to function for wear.
  3. Range from 40.5 ° to 42 ° - tissues of the nervous system and brain are damaged, organs that are responsible for removing toxins from the body fail. In the absence of adequate assistance, loss of consciousness occurs.
  4. Temperature above 43 ° C - blood coagulates, blood vessels clogged with blood clots. At the highest point in the development of the pathological condition, the brain swells, the work of the heart is disrupted, which leads to the emergence of a coma.

Symptoms of heat stroke in a dog

With the development of a pathological condition, the animal begins to have difficulty breathing. The pet prefers to be lying. He has an increased secretion of saliva. Then breathing becomes intermittent, the whites of the eyes turn red due to the expansion of the network of blood vessels.

Later, more serious signs of heat stroke appear in the dog, which are expressed in body tremors, bouts of vomiting, drying out of the nose, and the development of panic states. The animal begins to poorly navigate in space, lose coordination of movements, faint.

dog heat stroke treatment

First aid

If a dog has a heat stroke, what should I do? First of all, you must perform the following steps:

  • urgently move the animal to a cool place;
  • try to water the pet with water, after making sure that he is still able to swallow the liquid on his own;
  • put the dog in the bathroom and shower it with cool water from the shower;
  • apply an ice compress to your head;
  • massage the limbs to improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots;
  • as soon as the dog regains consciousness, provide it with unlimited drinking with slightly salted water.
    heat stroke in a dog what to do

Dog Heat Stroke Treatment

To avoid serious consequences, the pet is given an enema. Although the procedure can be extremely unpleasant for the animal, this method helps to quickly bring down the temperature by cooling the body from the inside.

Heat stroke in a dog is fraught with the occurrence of heart failure. If the pet has tissue swelling and severe shortness of breath, an intramuscular injection of sulfocamphocaine should be given. The dose here should be calculated depending on the weight of the animal. For dogs up to 40 kg, it is enough to inject 1 cube of the substance. Pets larger need an injection of 2 cubes of sulfocamphocaine.

If the dog is not already experiencing heat stroke for the first time, the drug “Belladonna-Homaccord” must be present in the home medicine cabinet. The drug is applied to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity of the animal. To normalize the pet's heart rate, it is enough to use several grams of the substance for 10 minutes.

When a heat stroke in a dog leads to convulsive conditions, treatment at home is not recommended. In this situation, one cannot do without droppers and intravenous infusions, blood thinning, and detoxification of the body. Similar procedures are carried out by qualified specialists in a veterinary clinic. With the development of a serious condition, every second becomes precious. Therefore, you should show the dog to the doctor as soon as possible.


signs of heat stroke in a dog

In order to prevent heat stroke in the dog, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Do not leave your pet alone in a closed car. The interior of the car may overheat in hot weather, even when parking in the shade. In the absence of natural ventilation, stuffiness can become fatal for a dog.
  2. In the house or place where the pet is kept, coolness must be maintained. In the absence of air conditioning, you need to provide your pet with the opportunity to lie down on a cold floor.
  3. Unlimited access to cool water will help to avoid the development of heat stroke in an animal.
  4. It is important to monitor the dog’s nutrition, to prevent its obesity. After all, the presence of excessive weight negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which leads to a deterioration in the natural cooling of the pet's body.
  5. Taking a dog for a walk on hot days is recommended in the early morning or evening, when the sun is over the horizon. If you need to take your pet with you at the height of the day, it is better to walk with it in the shade of trees, avoiding concrete and paved paths.
  6. If it is necessary to transport the dog in transport, the cage should be well ventilated from various sides.
  7. Long-haired breeds must be cut in time, before the onset of unbearable heat.


So we found out what are the signs of heat stroke in a dog, what is the first aid and treatment. Finally, it is worth noting that such a dangerous pathological condition develops in pets very quickly. Timely response to the problem is an extremely important factor. Indeed, not only the restoration of the pet, but also his life directly depends on the speed of action.

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