Construction in the middle group in kindergarten

Designing in the middle group is a lesson in which children learn to work with scissors, paper, cardboard, glue, creating various crafts. It is also planned to improve the acquired skills in other lessons, for example, on the development of speech, drawing, music, logic and the surrounding world.

Goals and objectives of design classes

The educator should set himself the task of not only teaching children to perform certain actions, but also realizing their personal projects of crafts, performing them from "waste material", simply put, from garbage and rubbish. It is the construction in the middle group that opens before young creators a huge field of activity for imagination, teaches kids to achieve their goals, to protect and value their own and other people's work.

mid-range construction

Each lesson in kindergarten is like a trip to the fairy world. And the construction in the middle group in this regard is no exception. Therefore, the lesson should begin with a short introduction, a kind of mini-performance in which children should also take part, answering questions from the teacher and characters in the miniature characters. Thus, the speech skills and logical thinking of the guys are involved. Designing in the middle group can attract the skills gained in music lessons when the kids are asked to sing some previously learned song.

Work with scissors, paper and glue

The simplest material for children's creativity is paper. Children from almost a year begin to create their first masterpieces from it. It is with pleasure that he creates the middle group from this accessible material. Paper construction is a separate section in the planning of classes on manual labor.

Children are happy to create crafts as a gift to their families. You can invite them to make a fun frog toy by distributing pre-templates of parts. The teacher should show the kids how the cute little frog’s package is glued together, how the paws, eyes, and spots are attached. Before this, one lesson can be given for designing in the middle group of the picture “A tree frog eats a fly.”

middle group paper construction

In the course of work, you can tell the children a short tale about the sad frog Kvakshu, who considered himself useless on earth.

“And who knows what benefits frogs bring?” - the teacher should ask. And, having shown the finished sample of the craft, thereby bringing the children to an answer: these amphibians destroy insects - mosquitoes and flies - that annoy humans and animals.

Origami on manual labor.

Another option for paper activities is folding sheets of various figures. In addition to the obligatory display of all stages of product manufacturing, it is necessary to design in the middle group schemes that the teacher teaches to read, that is, to understand. Each action in a step-by-step master class has its own serial number, follows one after another. After the show, it’s appropriate to offer the kids printouts of craftsmanship schemes with a confused order of actions - let the children themselves indicate what they need to do with arrows.

Cylinder pencils from toilet rolls

lesson design in the middle group

It’s good if design planning in the middle group includes working with items that most people usually throw in the bin. For example, cardboard rolls remain from toilet paper rolls, which can easily be turned into funny rabbits by pasting them with colored paper and attaching spouts, ears, eyes and paws to them. In addition to the fact that these little things look very nice, it is convenient to fold pencils and pens in them.

Houses for shorties

After getting acquainted with the work of Nikolai Nosov about little men from the Flower City, you can plan the construction of the "House". In the middle group, this lesson may begin with the appearance of a dunno glove doll. It is appropriate to pre-record the character’s words on the recorder so that the teacher does not have to open his mouth during the baby’s replicas.

Hello guys! - the shorty should say sadly. “Did you recognize me?” Yes, I'm Dunno from Flower City. You probably remember that all shorties do not live in separate houses, but a few people in one room. It is not very comfortable. After all, Gusla needs to make music, and Tsvetik wants to write his poems at this time. Znayka loves to read her smart books in the evenings, and Avoska really wants to fall asleep early - the lamp light prevents him. Shorties all quarreled because of this! ” And Dunno wipes her nose with a handkerchief, as if crying.

building a house in the middle group

The teacher here should ask the children if they can help the little ones. And if the guys don’t give the right answer, then it’s appropriate for an adult to suggest: “Come on, we’ll make separate houses for them! Now, I just have empty juice boxes, maybe they will be useful to us? ”

Bird feeders

I really like the guys to help someone in life, to do good deeds. Why not direct their irrepressible energy in the right direction and not offer to do really useful things? With great pleasure, the kids will begin to make bird feeders from the same cardboard boxes of milk or juice.

Of course, you need to beat the beginning of the design lesson. For example, the appearance of a bird (a dressed up artist or a toy) with a huge letter in its beak will be interesting. After reading the message, the children learn that with the onset of cold weather it became extremely difficult for birds to find food under the snow.

The teacher should invite the children to recall the material of the lesson around the world. The following leading questions are relevant:

  1. What birds fly to warm countries with the onset of cold weather?
  2. Which of the birds remains to spend the winter with us?
  3. When bullfinches fly away and why?
  4. Why feed birds in winter?
  5. What should be offered to birds as feed?

Design by Design

Well, if children like to fantasize, offer their own ideas. Then you can offer to come up with your own crafts. This may be a comprehensive work on the project of a new modern children's town for shorties. Let this construction be called "Kindergarten."

construction kindergarten middle group

The middle group will be happy to take part in the manufacture of tiny furniture for their pets. To create it, you can use boxes of different sizes or even plastic or cardboard disposable cups.

Construction of vegetables and materials at hand

This type of creativity paves the way for fantasy. How many interesting things can be made even from ordinary potatoes! Here, stick matches into raw potato, make eyes out of grapes, and make a nose out of currants - and please, in front of you is a funny hedgehog. And if you fix a circle of cheese or a slice of the same potato in front of a couple of matches, make ears and eyes - and now there is a piglet, clumsy and dirty. Better yet, replace the matches with broken spaghetti pasta - don't let the children touch the matches that they can take without asking until the adults are around.

mid-range design planning

Children with pleasure make characters from the fairy tale of Gianni Rodari "Cipollino" in the manual classes with vegetables, embody the plots of other fairy tales. Volumetric compositions based on the fairy tale “Cinderella” are worthy of admiration, where the carriage is actually made from pumpkin, and the horse-rats from potatoes.

Master class for making handbags from cardboard plates

Making a piece of work, which will not be ashamed and donating, will help the lesson in design. In the middle group, kids can be offered to make a wonderful handbag from cardboard disposable plates in the shape of a rabbit muzzle. To make it, you will need three plates, two pieces of cotton wool, a button for the nose, a strap or a beautiful rope, scissors and a felt-tip pen. You can fasten parts with glue or a stapler.

design in the middle group of the circuit

First, follow the template to cut the second half of the bag and decorative rabbit ears.

construction in the middle group of pictures

Then they are attached to a whole plate of ears.

construction in kindergarten

Now the whole handbag is going. Here you need to take care of the strap - it also needs to be securely fastened.

kindergarten design classes

Cheeks made of cotton wool are glued to the front part of the craft, and a nose button is attached between them. Eyes can be made of paper, or you can simply draw them with a felt-tip pen in the same way as teeth. Here is a charming gift for your beloved mom!

Pasta turns into jewels

And how luxuriously the products from ordinary pasta look! Of course, for beads and pendants, shells are best painted in advance and dried thoroughly. But the decorated craft in the form of an angel can be covered with golden or silver paint directly from the spray can.

design classes in the middle group

But most of all, children are pleased to design according to the plan of pasta, gluing them together. This is very similar to working with a Lego designer, however, in an already completed set of parts, you can only connect them in the way that was previously conceived and provided by the engineer. When working with the pasta of the imagination of the baby, no one puts obstacles.

And wonderful fairy houses and amazing vehicles, funny and kind aliens and charming clearings with outlandish flowers come out from under the children's arms.

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