Today, there are many ways to integrate children in society. Many different specialists work in this bias: they are psychologists, and sociologists, and teachers. It has been revealed that socialization for any child goes better through games, communication with peers, joint activities, beneficially influencing its development. At the end of the school year, the upbringing and education of children does not end. Summer is a great time to socialize a child. The organization of a peer community, focused on active involvement in joint activities, during the holidays is realized through game programs for the summer camp. Action plandeveloped by specialists depending on the focus of the institution. Children's camps are recreational, where children spend about 10 days outside the city, most often in the resort area, or school. The latter are organized on the basis of an educational institution where children spend the day.
Summer Camp Program
This project is designed for children of different age groups, usually from 7 to 14 years old. The main goal of the program is: the formation of a morally and physically healthy member of society, the definition and awareness of its significance in the team. The ongoing activities are aimed at:
- on the socialization of children, the ability to communicate with peers and people older and younger in age;
- communication potential development;
- disclosure of personal potential and realization of creative interests.
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Along with recovery, the main task for pedagogy and child psychology is the development of the child, the formation of personality and the ability to live in the developing world. These goals are achieved through specialized day camps, in which children, in addition to rest, replenish their knowledge and skills. This form of relaxation contributes to the unification of the children's team, the development of social intelligence and the application of skills in later life. Game programs for the summer camp are aimed at forming among the generation of ideas about nature, the world around. The main areas are:- informing children;
- the formation of practical skills;
- upbringing and motivation;
- work to develop the creative potential of each child;
- methodological support of the activity.
Expected results
Game programs for the summer camp are mainly aimed at the integration and socialization of the young generation. Regardless of the specific pastime. Whether it’s a health camp or a school camp, the result of the events will be:- spiritual and physical health of children;
- strengthening moral and physical strengths, developing leadership and organizational qualities, developing practical skills and abilities, revealing creative abilities;
- ability to work individually and in a team (of different age groups);
- development of tolerance, communicative and friendly relations;
- expansion of the general horizons.