Each dog at a young age leads an active, mobile lifestyle: jumping, running, walking for long distances. In this case, limbs are most involved, and as a result, the animal is subject to various kinds of injuries and pathologies. Such diseases include bursitis in dogs.
Disease Description
Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial sac. Its main function is to protect the joint of the animal from various kinds of mechanical damage, friction of muscles and ligaments on the bone in places where the greatest load occurs during the movement of the dog.
In severe forms of bursitis of the elbow joint in dogs, the pet is threatened with atrophy of the limbs and complete immobility. Hips, knees, Achilles tendons are most affected by the disease. In addition to physical limitations, the pet experiences stress, which further depletes the body.
Reasons for the appearance
Bursitis in dogs can be a consequence of improper care for the dog, or a complication of any disease. The exact cause of the pathology has not been elucidated.
The main causes of occurrence include:
- hypothermia, as a result of which the blood flow in the external and internal tissues of the animal is disturbed;
- allergic reactions, which are manifested by rashes and itching;
- damage and repeated injuries of the paws;
- infection inside the synovial bag, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of microbes that feed on the fluid filling it;
- weakened immune system due to malnutrition;
- breed predisposition to bursitis;
- excessive physical activity, constant training, especially before exhibitions or during the service.
In addition, cases of bursitis in dogs with improperly selected bedding have been recorded. If it is too stiff or, as in the case of watchdogs, the animal sleeps on the ground, over time, the process of degeneration begins in the tissues, the walls of the synovial bag thicken, and exudate accumulates in it.
The material from which the bed is made is also able to affect the health of the dog. The foam litter absorbs sweat perfectly, but it almost does not have heat transfer, which is fraught with hypothermia of the pet.
Who is susceptible to pathology?
As a rule, the disease is characteristic of dogs of large breeds. Small breeds, such as Chihuahuas, Spitz, Pekingese and Yorkshire Terriers, have a slightly different joint structure and are prone to other limb diseases.
Large breeds - Labradors, Rottweilers, mastiffs and shepherds, especially service dogs that perform heavy physical exertion, are much more likely to suffer from ulnar bursitis. In dogs, lameness on one or both hind legs is often manifested in adulthood. It is not always possible to catch this point, because, as a rule, lameness appears after a long walk, and in urban conditions most often a dog walk takes several minutes.
The disease imperceptibly proceeds to the next stage, and in just a few weeks can lead to complete inoperability of the limb. Further treatment of the dog in such cases is ineffective. Therefore, with the first symptoms, it is urgent to consult a veterinarian.
Symptoms of bursitis in dogs
The following symptoms are observed:
- The first manifestation of the pathology is the sudden lameness of the pet. A swelling similar to a lump is formed on the affected limb at the joint site, and on palpation, accumulated fluid is felt.
- In a more advanced stage, the tumor becomes hot, acquires a dark color. When touched, the animal is anxious, whining.
- The dog becomes apathetic, eats poorly, practically does not move, sometimes the pet becomes irritable.
- From the neoplasm, oocytes and pus can ooz, the dog constantly licks the sore spot.
Sometimes bursitis is confused with another disease - hygroma. It is found not only in adult dogs, but also in puppies. Hygroma is characterized by the appearance of a small tumor on the animal’s elbow - it is a fibrous capsule filled with a transparent liquid. In a mild form, it is not pronounced and does not cause discomfort to the animal. In more severe cases, it is extremely painful, and inevitably leads to lameness.
Joint bursitis in a dog is divided into four types:
- Acute. It is characterized by sudden attacks of pain, most often at night. The dog is inactive, remains in the same position, whines. In the expanded connective tissue, calcium salts accumulate, as a result of which the joint becomes immobile.
- The chronic form of the disease is the result of an untreated acute form of bursitis. The accumulated exudate becomes yellow, and a tumor forms on the limbs. Pain sensations become less noticeable, but continuous.
- Aseptic type of bursitis occurs in case of immune diseases or internal joint injuries.
- Purulent bursitis is accompanied by suppuration of tissues adjacent to the diseased joint. The lump is filled with clots of pus, then a fistula is formed on it, and already through it, an anemone and pus are secreted.
Before deciding on further actions, the specialist will take a puncture of the exudate to make an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the stage of the disease, it is decided whether surgery is necessary or a sufficient conservative method of treating bursitis in dogs.
If a large amount of salt is deposited in the connective tissue, the joint becomes stiff, and the dog needs surgery. The animal is anesthetized, and the doctor proceeds to remove the dead and affected areas. In their place is an implant made of metal or plastic. The skin remaining from the empty bag is sutured. Since adult individuals suffer from bursitis, often after an operation the animal has complications (phlegmon, osteomyelitis, sepsis, osteoporosis). In this case, a repeated, more complex operation is performed.
Inpatient treatment of severe forms of the disease includes:
- tube irradiation;
- the use of ointments with potent antibiotics in the composition;
- regular medical examination;
- extracting pus by expanding the fistulous opening;
- disinfecting and healing injections.
Home treatment
Often, the owner of the pet due to circumstances there is no way to contact a specialist. Then it is important to take independent measures in a timely manner. When treating bursitis in dogs at home, the animal is primarily provided with comfort and peace. It is necessary to exclude the load on the sore paw and arrange a soft bed. With an acute form, cold compresses and a tight bandage help relieve pain.
With a purulent form of bursitis, the tumor is lubricated with antiseptic ointments and creams, which stop the development of infection. In no case should you squeeze out pus yourself and apply warm compresses or a heating pad - they contribute to the growth of bacteria! You can lightly massage the affected paw around the swelling. As soon as possible, you should consult a specialist, since a running disease can lead to amputation of an extremity.
To avoid bursitis in the dog on the elbow, a number of preventive measures are recommended:
- The right diet. Large dogs must add joint strengthening drugs to their food. Often, bursitis is observed in obese animals, since the joint capsule does not tolerate weight pressure.
- Spacious enclosure. Large-breed dogs need more space, otherwise the likelihood of developing pathologies of the limbs is high.
- Systematic physical activity.
- Care and proper care. No draft and dampness at the location of the pet.
- Soft litter.
Preventive measures do not require serious costs and investments, but are able to protect your beloved pet from the disease and possible consequences.
With a favorable prognosis, the pet will recover 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment for bursitis in dogs. If we talk about the dog after surgery, then the improvement is noticeable after 1-1.5 months. During treatment of mild forms of the disease, pain and swelling subside within a week.
For complete recovery, a special corset is recommended for the animal. The wound is lubricated with healing ointments and immunostimulants. Within a week after surgery, the dog is injected with hydrocortisone. If the operation did not help the first time, it is repeated.
Do not forget that the dog needs full care. Even minor pet health problems should not be allowed to drift, otherwise they will lead to disability or death.