One of the most serious problems that homeowners and farmers involved in the cultivation of farm animals and poultry have to solve are various kinds of viral, fungal and bacterial diseases. A variety of drugs can be used to treat and prevent such infections. At the same time, one of the most popular and effective is Lozeval. The instructions for using this tool are extremely simple, but it fights against a different kind of infection very well.
What is the drug
“Lozeval” is a universal remedy intended for the treatment of almost any infectious diseases of poultry, bees and animals. It is a brown or yellow liquid with a rather pungent odor. This product is usually packaged in 1-10 liter bottles or in small bottles. On each such container the name of the manufacturer, batch number, release date, expiration date and TU designation are indicated. Also, a quality control stamp is affixed to the label.
The composition of the drug
The Lozeval tool, the instructions for use of which will be discussed below, is complex and includes such substances as:
- morpholonium;
- thiosemicarbazone;
- ammonium dichloride;
- polyethylene glycol-9;
- dimethyl sulfoxide.
The advantages of this drug include, first of all, low toxicity and resistance. “Lozewal” does not change its healing characteristics in t intervals from -10 to +50 C. In the cold, this product turns into a viscous liquid, which, if necessary, can be melted and used as intended.
Therapeutic effect
This drug can be used in many ways. Most often, aerosol treatments are carried out with its use. But sometimes Lozewal is given to the bird and animals inside with food. In any case, getting into the cells of animal tissue, the medication blocks the DNA and RNA of viruses, inhibiting their virulence and reproduction. In addition, this tool has a detrimental effect:
- gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
- on mold and yeast-like fungi.
Simultaneously with the therapeutic effect, “Lozewal” stimulates the immune system of animals and has a general strengthening effect. From the body, the drug is excreted very quickly, without accumulating in tissues and organs.
What diseases is used
Use the drug "Lozewal" can be used to treat:
- viral and bacterial bronchopneumonia;
- purulent endometritis;
- dermatitis and conjunctivitis;
- candidiasis;
- aspergillosis;
- viral and bacterial diseases of bees, etc.
Pigeon treatment
To combat all sorts of bacterial and viral infections of pigeons, the Lozewal drug is very often used. Instructions for use for birds prescribe its dosage primarily depending on the type of disease. In addition, the amount of medication used to treat depends on the age of the bird. For example, if the pigeon caught Newcastle disease or an adenovirus infection, “Lozewal” is used in a dosage of 5 drops twice a day. In this case, the drug is added to water or to food. Secondarily, this medicine for pigeons is used no earlier than 3 days later.
In diseases of the respiratory tract of birds, the drug “Lozewal” is also often used. Instructions for use for pigeons in this case prescribes to prepare its mixture with glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting solution is introduced in such diseases to the bird in the nose.
In order to prevent fungal, bacterial and viral infections, this product is usually sprayed in the room where the pigeons are kept. Moreover, it is pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1: 2. Since Lozewal evaporates very quickly, the resulting solution should be used immediately after preparation. Actually, the spraying itself is easiest to produce with a conventional spray gun.
The drug "Lozeval": instructions for use in poultry
In this case, this medication can also be very effective in terms of treating infectious diseases with a drug. Most often, when diagnosing bacterial, viral or fungal infections in hens and other poultry, “Lozewal” is used at the rate of 6 drops per adult bird (2 ml per 10 kg of weight). The course of treatment can be from 5 days to a week. As with pigeons, the product is mixed into food or water twice a day.
In case of various infections, chicks of poultry are usually given 0.5-1 ml of medicine per 10 kg of weight also twice a day. For preventive purposes, the drug is sprayed indoors (at the rate of half a milliliter per 1 m 3 ).
Usage for cattle
In this case, also, depending on the specific disease and the age of the animal, the drug “Lozeval” is used. Instructions for use for cattle can be this:
- When bronchopneumonia or parainfluenza-3 in calves in the barn, aerosol treatments are carried out in a dosage of 1.2 ml / m 3 daily (for 5 days). In especially severe cases or with an advanced condition of the disease, the drug is given to animals inside in the amount of half a milliliter per 10 kg of weight. In this case, the drug is pre-diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 2. Along with such treatment, aerosol treatments are also performed.
- With purulent endometritis in cows, the drug is administered intrauterine once a day. The course of treatment for this disease is 5-6 days. Lozewal is bred in this case also in saline solution (10%).
- With mastitis, the product is rubbed into the diseased lobes of the udder every three hours in the daytime. Such procedures should be carried out until recovery.
With necrobacteriosis and other purulent diseases of the hooves, the drug “Lozewal” can also be used. Instructions for use for cows in this case prescribes the application of a cotton-gauze dressing soaked with medicine. It is supposed to change such overlays every 2-3 days.
Application in fur farming
Very often, farmers and homeowners use the drug “Lozeval” for rabbits as a therapeutic agent. Instructions for use from pasteurosis, colibacteriosis or salmonellosis in this case prescribes to add it to animal feed. The optimal dose for a rabbit is two milliliters per 10 kg of weight. The course of treatment (twice a day), depending on the severity of the disease, can last from 5 days to a week. You can also add this medicine to drinking water. In this case, controlling the dosage will be much easier. The fact is that sick rabbits usually eat little and reluctantly. At the same time, they use large quantities of water.
The tool "Lozeval": instructions for use for bees
In apiaries for prevention, this drug is used either in the spring, immediately after the first flyby, or in the fall. It is also allowed to apply it in the summer. Use "Lozewal" in beekeeping can be virtually unlimited. The only thing is that it is not allowed to use it at outdoor air temperatures below 18 ° C. The hives are treated with a solution of the drug in boiled water (5/300 ml) 3 times with a frequency of 48 hours. You can use the medicine for any bacterial or fungal diseases (nosematosis, ascospherosis, etc.).
Analogs of means
Preparations similar in effect to Lozewal, the instructions for use for chickens, cattle, bees, etc. which are extremely simple, are unfortunately virtually non-existent today. The only universal remedy having the same wide spectrum of action is the imported Isatizon. This medicine can also be used for both fungal and bacterial or viral diseases of bees, birds or farm animals. Isatizon medicine costs about 50 p. per 10 ml. The price of Lozeval is slightly less. 250 ml of this drug are 730 p. Thus, the price of 10 ml of this product will be approximately 30-32 rubles.
Reviews about the drug
Most owners of farm animals and poultry, of course, praise this medicine. The Lozewal product deserved good reviews, first of all, for its wide range of actions. In particular, a good opinion of it has developed among the owners of household plots. Indeed, in most cases, the farmsteads contain several varieties of farm animals and birds.
Farmers and homeowners also note the fact that the Lozeval tool has very simple instructions for use, and therefore it is very convenient to use it. Also, this medicine has earned good reviews, of course, and for its effectiveness. It fights against bacterial, fungal and viral diseases really very well.
In apiaries, this wonderful drug is also used quite often. Most beekeepers believe that Lozewal helps very well against bacterial and fungal diseases. He fights against viruses not so effectively. However, in this case, the use of its harm, of course, will not bring.