array( "apple", "...">

Sizeof PHP: the size of arrays and objects, reducing the execution time of scripts

sizeof php count(), count(), " - " . , - COUNT_RECURSIVE, 1 ( - 0), , .

PHP: ?

count() sizeof php , .

$array = array(
	"fruit" =>array(
	"vegetables" =>array(

echo "  = ".sizeof($array); //  = 2
echo "  = ".sizeof($array, 1); // = 7 


( 65000 ) , sizeof() , count(), .

sizeof php , , .

$test = array( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
$sizeof_test = sizeof( $test );
for ( $it=0; $it < $sizeof_test; $it++ ) { 
	echo $test[$it];

1000 , 250 .


$test2 = array( '', null, false, 0 );
var_dump( sizeof( $test2 ) ); // int(4)
var_dump( sizeof( array_filter( $test2 ) ) ); // int(0)

, sizeof php ( count ), , , ( ) array_filter .


$test2 = array( '',null,false,0, array() );       // int(0)
$test2 = array( '',null,false,0, array( null ) ); // int(1)
var_dump( sizeof( array_filter( $test2 ) ) );

array_filter , , "null" "" , sizeof php .

, array_filter?

$test2 = array('', null, false, 0, array() );       // int(5)
$test2 = array('', null, false, 0, array( null ) ); // int(5)
$t_rec = array('', null, false, 0, array() );       // int(5)
$t_rec = array('', null, false, 0, array( null ) ); // int(6)
var_dump( sizeof( $test2 ) );
var_dump( sizeof( $t_rec, 1 ) );

, - , . .

Sizeof PHP considers empty array values

StdClass json_decode sizeof php?

$json = '{ "foo": "bar", "number": 10 , "car": "BMW" }';
$stdInstance = json_decode( $json );
var_dump( sizeof( ( array )$stdInstance ) ); // int(3)
var_dump( sizeof( get_object_vars( $stdInstance ) ) ); // int(3)

Sizeof() Countable. StdClass , . , get_object_vars. (array) , .

Sizeof PHP StdClass from json_decode

Get_object_vars , .

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