A cross between a spitz and a husky. A mixture of husky and Pomeranian

Recently, photographs of a dog called the funny word "pomsky" began to appear on thematic pages related to cynology. A cross between a Spitz and a Husky is similar at the same time to both of its ancestors. What is it? A new breed or a random cross, of which there are the greatest number on earth? It is noteworthy that for the most part, breeders of Spitz, as well as owners of husky kennels, who advocate for their breed, smile skeptically, calling the miracle born of the light a trick of lovers of easy money. The dog is not recognized by either one or the other. Let's try to figure it out ...

What place does pomsky take in the classification?

None. Those who have purebred dogs know that all breeds are listed. This is a classification. There are several groups, in each - several dogs with a clear description (FCI standard), recognized by the international community of dog handlers. It is by these criteria that all dogs are evaluated at shows. Of course, there is no such breed as a "cross between Spitz and Husky" in the catalog. Missing and "pomsky". Those who wish can verify this by independently looking at the classification of dogs.

cross between spitz and husky

The reason for the hype

Why did the photos showing a cross between a husky and a Pomeranian spitz cause such a keen interest? It turns out that the dog is presented as a rare and purely "designer breed". Nobody thinks about absurdity. But charming muzzles of a husky (or malamute?) With the body of a spitz cause unexpressed tenderness. These dogs are "extremely intelligent, compact and unpretentious." Judge for yourself: an excellent characteristic of the breed. And if you add to the listed qualities also “very rare today”, then you can easily hunt for exotic lovers, selling the cross for an impressive amount. By the way, estimated prices have already begun to appear in some places. Actually, for such a rare instance, the price is very moderate - 2500-3000 at. e.

cross between husky and pomeranian

But how did such a miracle come about?

It is difficult, or rather, impossible, to say who came up with the idea of ​​creating a cross between a Spitz and a Husky. Most likely, nature intervened. Dog breeders know that cases of breeding dogs of dramatically different sizes have a place to be. Perhaps this happened here too - husky and Spitz mated independently, without the permission of their owners. The resulting litter was so cute that he began to claim a new, "designer" breed.

At the same time - no specific indications regarding height, size at the withers, format and weight category. "Pomsky has a relatively small size, determined by the genes of the parents. Roughly speaking, born puppies will be of medium size. A large assortment of eye colors and colors is expected." For reference: a good half of the existing breeds falls under the definition of "average size".

husky and spitz

The formation of the breed?

Why not? Each breed has its own, special development. What if we are witnessing the birth of yet another? Perhaps a spitz crossbreed will be officially registered. And the husky will take part in this. Actually, the pomsky may well receive recognition. True, it is very difficult to predict what this dog will look like in the next at least two decades. A cross between a spitz and a husky is an unpredictable mix. Moreover, both in the exterior and in character. Remember the famous dog of Stalin. To this day, the puppies of the black terrier are called a "pig in a poke." The breed was registered back in 1981, but to this day the errors of the breeds participating in the breeding of the black terrier “pop up”. Although today this dog is deservedly considered unique in terms of its working qualities. Perhaps, in about a hundred (at least) years, the dog will also establish itself on the pedestal of working or decorative dogs ...

cross spitz

Or is it a click-kai?

Alaskan. By the way, this breed is also not yet officially recognized by FCI. But according to the American media, the click is now in its infancy, under the serious supervision of breeders. It is possible that this is also a mixture of Spitz and Husky. At least, when comparing the Pomsky and the Clique of Alaskan, it is difficult to find differences. There is even a specific standard (UCI) that breeders and experts must follow when breeding. The idea of ​​creating a miniature husky came to mind the American couple back in the seventies of the last century. Then the name was given: "Kli-kai." In 1995, the prefix "Alaskan" was added. The breed received recognition in 1997.

According to the standard, click-kai has three categories: “mini” (33-38 cm, up to 7 kg), “standard” (up to 44 cm, no more than 10 kg) and that (up to 33 cm, up to 4.3 kg) . The color of the coat can be any, but a mask on the face is required, and it must be very clearly expressed. Completely white dogs are rejected.

The character of the miniature husky (Alaskan Klee Kai, Mini Husky)

To this dog, a few breeders prophesy quick recognition. It is believed that this cross, despite the very high natural activity of the ancestors, is relatively calm and can be satisfied with short-term walks (including on a leash). However, she is always ready for games and runs (qualifies as a companion dog). The small size allows you to keep the dog even cramped in the living space to people. Loves children (a breed of husky). Easy to train. It accepts pets without any problems (although husky and spitz are partly hunters and are not averse to chasing game on occasion). Breeders argue that in some ways she looks like a cat - she also fins and even washed.

dog pomsky

All the best features of previous breeds are embedded in the Pomsky. At least that's what creators and enthusiastic breeders say. True, it is difficult to say how in such a short time they managed to get a new breed. Genetics will agree: if strict requirements were set (and here the emphasis was placed on miniaturization, that is, the selection of the smallest individuals), then the presentation of the clique should have been delayed for at least a quarter of a century. And to consolidate the character traits, it also takes time.

Where could I buy?

As said, the breed is recognized only recently and so far only by the UCI system. This is a powerful cynological organization, but significantly inferior to FCI, whose representatives exist in all countries. In order for the breed to spread throughout the world, it must be recognized everywhere. If you decide to become another enthusiastic breeder who wants to participate in the further development of the breed, prepare a visa and tickets to the USA.

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