Pregnancy is the most exciting and full of surprises for future parents. Even when the sex of the future family member is completely unimportant, you always want to find out who is hidden there, boy or girl. After all, some parents want to buy in advance everything necessary for the baby of the corresponding color, while others, only after seeing 2 strips on the test, begin to come up with a name. In order to find out the sex of the unborn child, parents will have to endure at least until 15-16 weeks, and it is not a fact that the baby wants to show you who he really is. And there are often cases when specialists make mistakes themselves, mistaking a girl for a boy. And some parents even prefer to do without ultrasound diagnostics, considering this method of research harmful. So how do you know the sex of a child without an ultrasound? There are many ways, and although the reliability of some is somewhat doubtful, it is still worth checking out.
How to find out the gender of a child without ultrasound
Gender is determined by chromosomes. The egg always has an X chromosome, and sperm can have both an X and Y chromosome. When the egg is fertilized with the X chromosome, XX is formed and a girl is obtained, and when the sperm with the Y chromosome breaks the egg cell, XY is obtained, and a boy is born. Thus, it turns out that the sex of the child will depend on which sperm first enters the egg.
It has been proven that sperm with the X chromosome move much slower compared to Y, but are more tenacious. If you take into account that the egg lives 24 hours, and you can get pregnant just at this time, it turns out that during intercourse a few days before ovulation, the probability of conception by a girl increases many times. Because Y will simply die before ovulation. And those who want to raise a boy need to make love at the time of ovulation or the next day.
According to this principle, it becomes clear how easy it is to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound - just know the day of your ovulation at the time of sexual intercourse. And if you do not know either the moment of your ovulation or the day of conception, the following methods can help you.
Determining the sex of the child by the shape of the abdomen
There are many signs associated with pregnancy and the gender of the unborn child. So, our ancestors noticed that the shape of the abdomen directly depends on who is sitting in it. If during pregnancy, the belly of the future mother took a rounded shape and somehow blurred on the sides, there was no trace of the old waist, then there will most likely be a girl. If the tummy has gained a torpedo shape, that is, it bulges forward, and from the back the woman does not look like a pregnant woman - there will be a boy. This method is more suitable for determination in late pregnancy, because it is possible to find out the sex of a child without ultrasound from the mother’s stomach when it will be of impressive size.
The appearance of the future mom
Another belief related to the gender of the child and the state of the mother: it is believed that girls “take away” all the beauty of their mother, but boys do not. In other words, if a woman has become unattractive and no cosmetic procedures help to remove age spots, we can confidently say that she wears a girl under her heart. But if a pregnant woman simply shines with beauty, she has become much more attractive, and the skin looks wonderful without makeup, the boy will be born soon. This sign has a scientific explanation: starting from 12 weeks, the fetus produces its hormones, girls - estrogen, and boys - testosterone. Both those and others get into the mother’s blood, and if the former makes the skin dull, contribute to the appearance of acne and age spots, then testosterone, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, making them healthier and more attractive.
An interesting fact: young mothers under 30 are more likely to become pregnant with boys, while more mature women give birth to girls. What it is connected with is still not clear.
Taste addictions and the general psycho-emotional background of the pregnant
It is generally accepted that all pregnant women are capricious, tearful creatures. In fact, this definition applies only to those women who are pregnant with a girl. They can cry at the most unpredictable moment, mood swings for pregnant girls are a common condition. They simultaneously want everything at once, but at the same time do not want anything. Family members and others have a hard time in company with such a pregnant woman.
The lucky ones waiting for the birth of a boy are more balanced and are in high spirits. They are not irritated over trifles, and they are not characterized by bouts of melancholy.
As for the food. Does a woman always want cakes, pastries and all that is sweet? Most likely, she is waiting for a girl. And if drawn to salty, meat or sour - soon a boy will be born.
Features related to dad
In the conception of a baby, dads play an important role, so why not connect the signs regarding the baby’s gender with the future father? Here is some of them:
- in men with a receding hairline or completely bald, more often boys are born;
- if the future dad prefers to wear loose lingerie, rarely visits the steam rooms and saunas, then, most likely, such a couple will have a girl;
- a couple in which the husband is at least 10 years older than his wife has a higher probability of having a first-born boy than girls;
- aggressive men are more likely to have sons.
How to determine the gender of the baby by heart rate
Ask any obstetrician or gynecologist of the old school about the gender of the child, and they will answer that the heart beats more slowly in boys than in girls. Heart rate (HR) can be heard already at 10 weeks using ultrasound or echocardiography. Usually, it is at this time that the pregnant woman undergoes the first screening. Even if the doctor didn’t tell you personally the value of your child’s heart rate, the final note will definitely have such a mark. So, if your baby’s heart rate is from 140 to 150 beats / minute, most likely there will be a girl. If from 120 to 130 bpm - wait for the boy. In fairness, it should be noted that this method is valid only until 20 weeks, in the future, heart rate will be uninformative. And yet, if the value of the numbers falls in the interval between 120-150 beats / minute, then the accuracy of such a diagnosis is 50 to 50.
How to find out the sex of the unborn baby by blood
In addition to folk signs, there are ways to determine the sex of the child by the blood of the parents. In this case, the Rh factor, blood type, and the cyclical renewal of blood play an important role.
So, how do you know the gender of the child by updating the blood? According to the theory, blood has the ability to periodically update. But only in men this update occurs every 4 years, and in women every 3 years. It is very simple to find out the sex of the child by updating the blood. A child will be born of the same sex, whose blood at this stage will be younger. In order to calculate this, you need to divide the age of the father by 4, and the age of the mother by 3. Whoever has a lower value in the remainder will have younger blood.
Determination of the child’s gender by blood group: if the parent blood groups coincide, namely if it is group 1 or 2, a girl will be born. If 3 or 4 groups match, a boy should appear. If the groups do not coincide, then boys are born when the following groups are combined: 1 and 2, 1 and 4, 3 and 4. And girls are born with the following combinations: 1 and 3, 2 and 3. Determining the sex of the child by blood type is not the most reliable method, because the same parents may first have a son and then a daughter, although blood types do not change.
The month of conception matters
Among future parents, the so-called calendars for determining the sex of the child by the month of conception are very popular. The algorithm is simple: you need to find the full age of the mother, the date of conception, and sometimes the age of the father in the table, and see the result at the intersection of these data in the table. There are many such calendars, but the most common for determining the sex of the child by the month of conception today are considered Chinese and Japanese.
Chinese table
There is a belief that the table was created more than 1000 years ago, is it really so - we do not know, but nothing prevents us from testing it from our own experience. According to the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child, a boy will be born or a girl - depends on the age of the mother and the month of conception. It should be remembered that a woman can become pregnant only during the period of ovulation, that is, on the 12-14 day of the cycle. Therefore, if the last menstruation has passed, for example, on January 20, then February will be the month of conception. So, in the right column you need to find your age at the time of conception, and in the top - the desired month. We look at the intersection of these values, the letter or color of the box will tell you who to expect.
The Japanese are not far behind
The Japanese also have their own table, very similar to the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child. Here, an important role is given to the months of birth of both parents. In the vertical column, you need to find the month of birth of the mother, and in the horizontal - the father. Next, you need to remember the number located at the intersection of the previous values.
In the second table, according to the month of conception and the figure from the first table, you can both find out the gender of the unborn child, and plan in advance the desired baby.
Scientific methods
To find out the exact gender of a child without an ultrasound can only be done with a chorionic biopsy. Such manipulation is carried out only in emergency situations and is very dangerous for the fetus. Also, if you wish, you can make a biopsy of the amniotic fluid, the result will be informative, but the likelihood of a miscarriage will increase many times.
You can donate blood for DNA, because it is possible to find out the sex of the unborn baby in this way already from the 7th week of pregnancy. From this period, the baby's chromosomes enter the blood of a pregnant woman.
Recently, specialty tests resembling pregnancy tests have appeared in pharmacies. How to find out the gender of a child without an ultrasound? They will help in this. As soon as pregnant urine gets on the reagent, the color of the reagent will change, with a boy to blue, with a girl to orange.
In order to find out who is hiding in the mother’s tummy, you can do many tests, constantly look for signs that determine the gender of the child or believe in prophetic dreams, but none of them gives a 100% accurate answer.
Of course, you understand that in some signs there is some truth, while others are simply ridiculous. It is hard to say how accurate Asian calendars are, probably 50/50. And doing biopsies and DNA tests just to know in advance who will be born, and thereby expose the crumbs to unjustified risk, is not only stupid, but also very dangerous. As for ultrasound, even the most experienced specialist with the most modern equipment can be wrong.
So the gender of the unborn child will definitely be recognized by parents only on the day of childbirth, when the little lump will already be in the hands of mom and dad.