Everyone knows that before using any medications, it is advisable to consult a doctor. However, sometimes at their own peril and risk, many simply buy medicine at a nearby pharmacy without a prescription and begin self-medication.
Another thing is pregnancy. Here the future mother is primarily concerned about the health of the baby. After all, everything that enters the mother’s body can affect the child in the future. The placenta is not always able to interfere with external poisons.
It happens that complications force the doctor to prescribe the necessary drugs for pregnant women or the condition of the woman herself requires immediate treatment. Unfortunately, medication can not be completely dispensed with while the baby is waiting. We will talk about what drugs can be taken by pregnant women, and what is better to refrain from.
Let's figure it out: is it possible or not?
The fetus in the womb is reliably protected from various intoxications and harmful substances. But some drugs taken by a pregnant woman are able to overcome the placental barrier and enter the baby's body, thereby harming him. Therefore, many women are extremely negative about all drugs during an interesting situation.
Alas, completely eliminating the use of drugs is not always possible. During nine months of pregnancy, a woman can become infected with any infection and get sick, and due to poor environmental conditions, the course of pregnancy may require correction.
All drugs for pregnant women are conditionally divided into two categories: preventive and therapeutic. Next, we will examine in more detail all the appointments of doctors for pregnant women. So, let's start with preventative measures.
Folic Acid and Vitamins
Even during the period of pregnancy planning, many future mothers and even dads are recommended to drink folic acid, a deficiency of which can lead to anemia. In addition, the substance has other functions:
- helps the body block malignant cells;
- forms a DNA structure, that is, it is responsible for genetic mutations;
- participates in the laying of the fetal nervous system;
- forms the vascular bed of the placenta, is involved in the appearance of new blood cells.
Folic acid is a valuable product that is vital for the full work and functioning of the whole organism.
As for vitamins, here the opinions of doctors may vary slightly. Some believe that it is enough to get the necessary vitamins through fresh vegetables and fruits. Others are sure that pregnant women will not be prevented by additional vitamin support. In any case, vitamin-mineral complexes are in the forefront in the list of drugs for pregnant women.
Here is a short list of what these or those vitamins and minerals are for:
- Vitamin E - contributes to the full maturation of the egg and its subsequent healthy division, reduces the risk of miscarriage. It helps the development of the respiratory system of the fetus and the proper functioning of the placenta.
- Calcium and vitamin D - their deficiency can lead to improper formation of the skeletal system. The fetus will simply take calcium from the mother's body, which will lead to deterioration of the condition of the teeth.
- Multivitamins - help with changes in food addictions, poor environmental conditions, off-season, which can provoke vitamin deficiency.
Magnelis and Magne B6
These drugs, prescribed for pregnant women, are designed to lower the muscle tone of the uterus. The fact is that a lack of magnesium can provoke muscle excitability, which leads to threats of miscarriage. On the other hand, if this element is not enough in the pregnant woman’s body, muscle elasticity and contractile function are reduced, which negatively affects labor.
In addition, magnesium deficiency can be the cause of heart defects in the fetus, nervous and psychoemotional states of the mother.
Unfortunately, not everyone is destined to live near the sea, so most women have an acute lack of iodine in the body. Iodine-containing preparations for pregnant women are primarily intended for the formation and functioning of the thyroid gland of the fetus. Iodine deficiency negatively affects the development of the fetus.
In particular, such complications are possible:
- deafness;
- anemia;
- stunting;
- risk of miscarriage.
All these problems can be prevented if you start taking the appropriate drugs in advance. What you can pregnant, and which should refrain from, is still worth checking with your doctor.
This is one of the most popular and necessary drugs for pregnant women. Usually, it is prescribed by gynecologists with suspected fetal hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. Curantil reduces blood viscosity, improves microcirculation, and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections. Other indications for taking the drug may be the following problems:
- mismatch of fetal size and timing;
- if there are suspicions of placental insufficiency;
- frequent diseases, reduced immunity;
- thrombosis;
- excessive blood coagulation;
- late toxicosis;
- chronic viral infections (genital herpes).
It is important to remember that while taking Curantil it is extremely undesirable to drink coffee, sodas, cocoa, mate, tea.
Another remedy often prescribed to pregnant women as support for non-specific immunity. The main effect of the drug is the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the walls of the uterus. Also, the drug favorably affects the vessels of the placenta and uterus, which helps to reduce the pressure inside the cavity of the genital organ. Direct indications for taking "Ginipral" may be such pathologies as:
- transverse or oblique presentation of the fetus, when obstetric turning is necessary;
- the beginning of premature contractions;
- preparation for cesarean section;
- a decrease in the expressed contractile activity of the uterus.
Dufaston and Utrozhestan
These two remedies are recognized as the best drugs for pregnant women. They are hormonal and are prescribed for insufficient synthesis of progesterone. The actions of Dufaston and Utrozhestan are very similar, the only thing is that the first is a synthetic hormone, while Utrozhestan is a natural progesterone.
A lack of progesterone (a hormone of pregnancy) can cause very serious complications, up to a spontaneous miscarriage. Most often, hormonal support is prescribed for:
- uterine bleeding;
- premature placental abruption;
- the presence of cramps in the abdomen and lower back.
Also, Duphaston tablets or Utrozhestan candles can be prescribed if a woman had a history of miscarriages or missed pregnancies. Doctors use these drugs both for prophylactic purposes and for getting rid of specific pathologies.
Next, we list which drugs can be taken by pregnant women only for medicinal purposes.
Cold Remedies
Unfortunately, no one is safe from viruses, and especially pregnant women, whose immunity is already so low. Of course, it is easier to prevent than to treat later, so doctors strongly recommend that you do not neglect preventive methods and try to stay away from sick people.
If, nevertheless, the flu or a cold has not bypassed the pregnant side, she will have to be treated, otherwise the viruses can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. So, here is a short list of drugs for pregnant women that can be taken during seasonal colds:
- "Paracetamol" - has an antipyretic and analgesic effect.
- "Pinosol", "Aquarelle", "Aqua Maris" - perfectly suited in the fight against nasal congestion, as well as washed and cleaned the nasal passages.
- "Hexoral", "Miramistin" - antimicrobial agents designed to eliminate infections in the throat.
Heartburn Medication
90% of pregnant women are familiar with heartburn. Most tormented by it in the last stages, when an impressive size, the stomach squeezes the stomach, and the acid enters the esophagus.
Doctors recommend that before using any medications, try to correct the situation yourself, for example, click on sunflower seeds, do not eat before bedtime, sleep in a reclining position.
But if the recommendations do not help, and heartburn does not give rest, then the gynecologist can allow at least at night to take antacids, which include Reni and Gastal.
Remedies for constipation
Almost every pregnant woman is familiar with constipation as well as with heartburn. Unfortunately, most remedies for constipation are contraindicated during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the active substances of the drug increase peristalsis, which can negatively affect the tone of the uterus.
And yet, what drugs should I take while pregnant if I have problems with my intestines? The preparations based on lactulose - “Lactulose Poly”, “Dufalac” have proven themselves perfectly. The main advantage of these drugs is to thin the feces, which helps to improve the condition. Lactulose is not a medicine, and the positive effect of its use can be seen only after a few days.
A more effective method of getting rid of constipation can be called topical preparations. Glycerin suppositories delicately affect the rectum, are practically not absorbed into the blood and do not affect the tone of the uterus.
How to treat thrush
A changed hormonal background and a weakened immune system can cause thrush during pregnancy. Another name for thrush is vaginal candidiasis, and it is treated depending on the duration of pregnancy.
In the first trimester, when there is an active laying of all the organs of the fetus, it is not recommended to treat thrush, any drugs during this period are strictly contraindicated. Fortunately, candidiasis appears rarely in early pregnancy.
In the second and third trimesters, the doctor can prescribe the following medicines to the pregnant woman:
- Pimafucin in the form of suppositories is a non-toxic antifungal drug that hardly passes through the placental barrier.
- "Betadine" - it is believed that the drug is allowed even at the beginning of pregnancy. However, it should not be used for those who are allergic to iodine.
- "Clotrimazole" - a drug is available in the form of suppositories or tablets. Many women noted allergic reactions in the form of itching and burning after application.
- "Nystatin" - the drug is effective in the initial stages of the disease.
- "Terzhinan" - is available in the form of vaginal tablets. Usually prescribed in the second trimester, but in cases where the risk is justified, the doctor may prescribe pills in the first trimester.
- "Livarol" in the form of suppositories - the drug is not absorbed into the blood, thereby not affecting the fetus. However, the use of these candles should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
- "Borax in glycerin" is a safe and effective tool that is approved for the treatment of thrush at all stages of pregnancy.
One way or another, candidiasis is an insidious disease that tends to return. If nevertheless it was not possible to avoid thrush during pregnancy, in no case should you self-medicate. The following drugs are strictly contraindicated: Diflucan, Levorin, Nizoral, Fluconazole, Lucanazole. And even more so, do not use traditional methods of treatment. Even completely natural products can harm the fetus.
In order to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, self-discipline is required from the mother. From now on, she will have to carefully monitor not only the quality and naturalness of the products used, but also the drugs used.
Of course, it would be nice to completely exclude any medication. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, treatment should be approached rationally and wisely. It is highly undesirable to self-medicate during pregnancy. This also applies to folk methods. Remember that even natural and natural products can seriously harm the fetus, so any medications for treating pregnant women must be agreed with a doctor from a antenatal clinic before use.