In the wild, shrimp macrobrachium live in streams and fresh water bodies in Asia and America. The genus Macrobrachium has more than two hundred species, the name of each of which is associated with the color of the shell or terrain. The color of the shrimp is quite diverse, both in vivo and when bred in an aquarium. The color is influenced by the soil in which they live constantly. Some species are aggressive, while others, on the contrary, are quite peaceful. As a result of the construction of dams and other barriers, the number of shrimp macrobrachium is significantly reduced. Reproduction becomes impossible due to obstacles that prevent the larvae from migrating to salt water and then back to fresh water.
Types of Macrobrachium
For breeding at home, the following types are most suitable:
- rusty red;
- Japanese
- Indian glass;
- ringed.
Many species practically do not differ from each other, and some have no name at all. Between themselves, they differ in a variety of color options. As they grow older, their color acquires a color depending on the shade of the soil. A distinctive feature of all shrimps of this genus is a huge second pair of limbs, which is especially noticeable in males. However, in some species, one claw has a normal size, and the other is elongated.
Adult shrimp macrobrachium (photo below) in length reaches twenty centimeters. Females are only 2 cm longer than males. The following colors are present in the color: yellow, black, blue. Claws orange or red-brown.
Larvae develop in brackish water. They feed on algae and snails. Shrimps quite actively defend their interests in the struggle for a certain territory. If several males live in the aquarium, then after a short period one dominant one will appear, which will have whole claws. Others will be absent - this is the result of the battle. In order to avoid such wars, it is necessary to provide each individual with approximately twenty liters of water. And besides, it is better to keep more females in the aquarium, a 1: 3 ratio will be the most optimal. Ideal neighbors are:
Shrimp macrobrachium prefer a nocturnal lifestyle. They reach puberty at six months. In some individuals, one claw is noticeably longer than the second. In males, a pair of second limbs can exceed the size of the body. Shrimps are very clean and regularly clean their claws from dirt. The limbs have sensory functions. They feel the smell of food due to the presence of chemoreceptors, which are located on six legs. During courtship, the male hugs the female with claws and holds her tightly in his arms.
The diet is quite diverse. Shrimp absorbs with pleasure the macrobrachium:
- fry;
- live worms;
- pieces of fish;
- wheat
- boiled rice;
- crushed squids, snails, shrimp; mollusks;
- Beans
- boiled eggs;
- fruit;
- nuts
- seaweed;
- aquarium plants.
Female individuals are especially voracious; they can even encroach on artificial plantings. It is advisable to serve the food when the previous one is completely eaten. In natural conditions, shrimp do not hesitate to eat carrion. When breeding them in the aquarium, various additives are used that give the food a stale smell.
Every few days, young individuals molt. Adult females - every month, and males - every six months. In order for this process not to undermine their health, the acidity of the water should be maintained at least seven, otherwise the shrimp will die, as they will not be able to free themselves from the shell. Lack of lecithin in food negatively affects the shell. Boiled beans, which must be present in the diet of shrimp, are rich in this substance.
Reproduction: preparatory period
To reproduce offspring, individuals must have:
- active;
- healthy
- without damage;
- in a good condition.
To reproduce shrimp macrobrachium in an aquarium, it is necessary to create certain conditions:
- females are sent to another aquarium, where the temperature is about 22 degrees;
- after three weeks, the temperature is increased to 29.
During this period, it is better to give live food. Three males place one male. Females lay eggs for a month, its size is about one and a half millimeters. Females take care of her.
Larval development
The development of the larvae consists of twelve stages, each of which lasts three days, at the end of the stage molting occurs. During this period, it is important to monitor the parameters of the water, in addition, it must be salted, in fresh water they will not survive. You can feed them on the second day. From the fifth day they give birth to fish mince and yolk. Further, the larvae turn into post larvae. They are transplanted into an aquarium with less salt water. Grains and boiled vegetables are introduced into the food. At this time, they can be kept with other shrimp and fish. When reaching a length of five centimeters, they must be jailed, as they become dangerous to others. Parents should also not be kept with young animals, otherwise they will eat their offspring.
Shrimp Macrobrachium: Contents
Shrimps of this kind prefer high levels of oxygen in the water. To create such conditions, an external filter with high power is installed. It supplies oxygen through aeration. In order for the shrimp to be active and not to fight with each other or other inhabitants, a rather large aquarium is needed.
Some features of the content:
- for small fish, they damage the fins, and those leading an active life can harm at night;
- shrimps like to eat the inhabitants of the aquarium, including those having a shell;
- laid eggs of snails, green vegetation also goes to feed; they especially prefer pinnatifolia, richchia and salvia;
- in the aquarium there should be a sufficient amount of water and a large number of shelters in the form of snags, piles of stones, thickets.
If, when breeding shrimp, the macrobrachium takes into account the above features, then their content will not create difficulties. Unlike other species, they are unpretentious and adapt to different conditions. However, they feel best of all:
- at a temperature of 23 to 30 degrees;
- water acidity - 6.5–7;
- water hardness - 8-10.
Under other conditions, they are more passive, hide in snags, grow poorly. It is allowed to put dark river sand at the bottom.
Shrimp Rosenberg Macrobrachium
Another name is giant freshwater shrimp. In natural conditions, they prefer quiet backwaters, in which there are many dense green spaces and shelters from snags. Females are of a nondescript color, and the body of males has a saturated blue or brown tint. An orange mustache is located on the head. Red rostrum is covered with notches along the entire length. In nature, shrimp reaches a length of 25 cm, and at home a little less. They look aggressive, especially in males. They consider all who surround them to be enemies and even females. Therefore, to keep them at home, a large volume of the aquarium is required, at least 100 liters, where they could hide. Water parameters are desirable to support the following:
- acidity - from six to eight;
- rigidity - from 4 to 20 degrees;
- optimal temperature is 24–28 degrees.
Must be present:
- filtration;
- aeration
- Thirty percent water change weekly.
In general, individuals of the Rosenberg macrobrachium are unpretentious and easily tolerate changes in water parameters. They live at home for up to four years. This type of shrimp is edible, they are specially grown for use in cooking. Giant oriental shrimp Rosenberg recognized as one of the most delicious. They are transported in special boxes with wet moss or frozen.
Character and compatibility of shrimp with other aquarium inhabitants
During the day, shrimp macrobrachium mostly hide in shelter, and in the evening and at night they begin an active life. Males fight for their territory not only among themselves, but also with females, especially if it is one. The presence of three females and one male is the perfect combination. In this ratio, they exist peacefully, are able to bear offspring and will not suffer during molting. If the other inhabitants of the aquarium are shorter than eight centimeters, then the shrimp will eat them at night. In addition, they attack fish, larger in size. Therefore, it is preferable to keep them in the aquarium alone.
This is a very serious factor that interferes with the content of shrimp in the aquarium. To combat it, use the removal of the fixed fingers of the second claws. After the manipulation, bleeding from the wound is observed, which heals after a short period of time. Such experiments were carried out with shrimp, the length of which is about seven centimeters, for 60 days. Shrimp survival was approximately 90 percent. And in the control group - 25 percent. The death of shrimp was associated with cannibalism. In addition, the number of mating was also higher in the treated females. Removing fixed fingers does not adversely affect growth, molting, and reproduction. After a few links, the fingers are restored, and the removal procedure is repeated. At the same time, the appearance suffers a little, but life is saved.
With giant shrimp, macrobrachium is acceptable to contain large fish. It is best to have one shrimp family per aquarium, consisting of one male and three to four females.
Instead of living plants, it is better to design a container with high-quality artificial plants so that there is no temptation to eat them. Breeding at home is a difficult process and is quite rare. Shrimp is grown for decorative and industrial purposes on special shrimp farms.