Mom's concern for the well-being and health of their children sometimes transcends the boundaries of common sense. For example, some break off the phones of familiar mothers and pediatricians, trying to learn how to save a newborn from hiccups. But you should not set a goal - to completely remove these reflexive contractions, it is much better to try to find out why they appeared, and prevent them.
Mechanism of occurrence
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As a rule, this is a completely natural process. Do not worry too much if you have hiccups in newborns. Many mothers will be able to tell you what to do, because most of them have encountered these characteristic diaphragm contractions in their children. First of all, try to understand what exactly caused it. So, among the most common reasons are called:
- swallowing air during feeding;
- A large amount of food that the baby eats at one time;
- a large hole in the nipple on the bottle with the mixture (the crumb may hiccup due to the fact that while eating the food begins to choke);
- cold or thirst.
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Hearing the characteristic sounds from the baby, try to help him get rid of unpleasant sensations. If you figure out the reason, then understanding how to help a newborn with hiccups will become easier. To eliminate the contractions caused by overeating, you can press it vertically to yourself or lay it on the tummy. If the baby’s little body is cool, maybe the baby just froze. Dress him warmer or cover with a blanket.
A newborn can be helped by simply giving him a few sips of water or by applying it to his chest for a couple of minutes. Usually, experienced parents do not cause hiccups in newborns without fear, what to do in this case, as a rule, they know. After all, you are unlikely to find at least one mom or dad who has never been hiccuped by a tiny baby.
Prevent the problem
Often, hiccups in a newborn after eating arise due to the fact that, along with the nutrition, the baby swallowed the air. In this case, it is possible to prevent the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle if you wear it with a column after each meal. This will help gas bubbles to exit easily. It is worth noting that most often mothers actively and eagerly sucking babies complain about hiccups. Such children need to pause during meals, this will help prevent the accumulation of a large amount of air in the stomach. During the break, carry the child in a column. For babies who drink the mixture from the bottle, it is important to choose the right pacifier. For the smallest, the hole should be small, otherwise you will not be able to overcome the problem of involuntary diaphragm reduction.. , . , , , -.
Of course, no one can say for sure whether the diaphragm contractions cause the baby concern. But judging by the fact that most crumbs themselves are quite calm about the fact that they have hiccups, then there is no need to talk about severe discomfort. A hiccuping baby can lie quietly, play with rattles, walk and smile. Of course, if he is cold or if something hurts him, then he will certainly begin to express concern. In all other cases, parents have no reason to worry.With a normal physiological hiccup, a baby can only be bothered by the fact that he cannot fall asleep and is uncomfortable to eat. By the way, you should not try to feed the baby while he hiccups.
Should I tell the doctor?
If your baby hiccups just a few minutes a day, then you can tell the local pediatrician about this just to hear that it is quite natural. Also, the doctor will be able to reassure you that parents should not be disturbed by the short and short hiccups in newborns. What to do if it does not cause discomfort to the baby, but only causes the parents to panic, the doctor will also tell. Shelter, vilify the column on the handles and give some water - some of these techniques must help.But in cases when the hiccups are protracted, you need to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible. Some crumbs literally hiccup during the day. For others, it can last for several tens of minutes or even hours. These conditions, of course, require additional consultation with a specialist.
Possible pathologies
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