How and when to use nasal drops for newborns

Oh, those little noses! During the autumn-winter period, they can deliver a lot of trouble not only to the baby itself, but also to his mother, who is forced to stay awake at night, watching the baby’s breathing. If your child is overtaken by such an ailment as nasal congestion, mucus or pus discharged from the sinuses, you should not run to the pharmacy and buy the first drops that come across for the nose for newborns. First you need to find out the reasons for the stuffy nose of your crumbs, first

nasal drops for newborns

after consulting with the local pediatrician about the appointment of the necessary treatment. In the meantime, let's examine some of the main factors that cause a runny nose in children who have just recently been born.

The first and most common cause of the common cold is an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI for short). The initial stage of this disease is accompanied by abundant secretion of transparent liquid mucus from the baby’s nose. In this case, an inexperienced mother may have a question about how to instill drops in the nose of a very small child. This process is similar to that done by sick adults. But parents need to know that the baby needs to dig in the nose with minimal pressure on the medicine bottle, since from the strong pressure the baby can develop middle ear inflammation.

how to instill nose drops

With a cold, the baby is usually prescribed vasoconstrictor drops for the nose for newborns, but the term   their use should not exceed 5 days, as it may

get addictive. These include Nazivin, Vibratsil, Nazol, and Otrivin. The first drops are especially popular with parents in our country, as they gently release the baby's nose from congestion. The drug "Vibratsil" helps to cope with the most acute form of the common cold.

The second common cause of nasal congestion in the baby is the teeth that bite. This usually occurs at the age of not earlier than 4 months. In this case, vasoconstrictive drops for the nose are rarely required. For babies whose runny nose is caused by teething, drugs that affect not only

interferon in the nose drops for children

irritated sinus mucosa , but also on the general condition. Nowadays, there are many solutions that act as gently as possible. The most popular medications based on seawater are Aquamaris, Salin, and Aqualor, as well as the Interferon drug with a general spectrum of action. Drops in the nose of children should be as gentle as possible, and this drug contains natural human interferon - a substance that first comes to the aid of the immune system. The Aquamaris solution also helps to restore the baby’s sinus mucosa after a runny nose and is considered to be one of the best among such drugs as nasal drops for newborns.

Another reason for this ailment of young children may be an allergic reaction to an external stimulus. In this case, you can use not drops, but tablets that suppress allergic symptoms. But I would like to ask all young parents not to diagnose their baby on their own, and at the first signs of a runny nose, consult a doctor.

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