How to get pregnant quickly: tips

Every woman sooner or later thinks about how to get pregnant quickly. The fact is that planning a child in itself is a rather difficult process. And it is far from always possible to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Sometimes conception does not occur for years. This negatively affects both physical and psychological health. The atmosphere in the family also deteriorates. The couple may even break up or live permanently in an environment of conflict and nerves. Therefore, below we will consider all effective methods of proper child planning. Where to begin? And how to contribute to the rapid conception? About all this and not only we learn further. In fact, in theory, everything is much simpler than it seems. But in practice, not always strictly following the advice, recommendations and instructions of doctors leads to the desired result.

Positive pregnancy test

How does conception occur?

How to get pregnant quickly? The tips suggested below will certainly increase the chances of becoming a parent as soon as possible. But all the methods studied cannot be called 100% effective.

It is important to understand how conception is carried out. In a woman's body, the egg first matures. It grows and develops in the follicle. Then, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation begins - the most favorable day for conception. At this point, the grown egg breaks out of the follicle. She begins to move through the fallopian tubes to the uterus in anticipation of fertilization. If the female body has active sperm, they try to penetrate the egg. It happened? Then the conception happened! Next, the egg is attached to the uterus, a fetal egg is formed. It remains to wait for a dumb - and the woman finds out about her situation.

If conception does not take place, the egg dies. The body is preparing for a new menstrual cycle. After that, critical days come. This process symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle. All previously described actions in the body begin from the very beginning.

Auspicious day

How to get pregnant quickly? Doctors say that for planning a baby, it is necessary to determine a favorable time for conception. It is called ovulation.

As we have already said, “X-day” falls approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. But he can shift. Therefore, you have to look for more accurate ways to calculate a favorable day for conception.

Sex in ovulation significantly increases the chances of an early acquisition of parental status. The main thing is to have a one-time sexual intercourse without protection.

Next, we will consider the most popular methods for determining ovulation. In addition, we will get acquainted with tips on the quick planning of the baby. What do the doctors and the girls themselves say about this?

How to calculate ovulation?

Let's start with the definition of X-Day. This is fundamental to all further action. Yes, conception can occur on any day of the cycle, but in reality it happens during the period of ovulation. Given its short duration (maximum 48 hours), planning a child will be a lot of trouble.

At the moment, ovulation is determined by such methods:

  • according to BT schedule;
  • according to physiological signs;
  • through an ultrasound machine;
  • through calendar counting;
  • at the appointment with a gynecologist (as the uterus and its appendages);
  • using home express tests.

Below we will consider all of the listed methods for solving the problem. They will certainly help you figure out how to get pregnant quickly.

Definition of ovulation

Just physiology

To start, let us dwell on the most unreliable option. We are talking about the physiological manifestations of X-Day.

Women note in themselves before and during ovulation:

  • increased amount of vaginal discharge;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • pain in the chest and lower abdomen.

Reception does not cause any special problems. You only need to carefully look at your body.

Help Calendar

How to get pregnant faster? The suggestions below are mainly aimed at determining favorable days for conception. This is the maximum that a couple can do to implement the task.

The following approach to the definition of "day X" is considered more reliable. It is about using the calendar method of counting ovulation.

As you know, the described period occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This means that, depending on the length of the period between critical days, ovulation occurs approximately:

  • on days 12-16 - with an average cycle;
  • on day 7-10 - if the cycle is short;
  • on 20-22 days - with a long menstrual cycle.

That's all. Having remembered these data, each girl will be able to combine the calendar method for determining ovulation with other techniques. This is the only way to get the most accurate picture of what is happening.

Basal temperature graph

How to get pregnant quickly for the first time? And in the second and subsequent? Understanding these issues is not difficult if the couple knows about favorable days for planning a child. The definition of ovulation is already half the battle.

A more accurate way to obtain information about favorable days of conception is to maintain a basal temperature graph. The girl will need:

  1. Wake up in the morning. Desirable at 6-7 in the morning.
  2. Without getting out of bed, measure BT. The thermometer can be kept in the anus, vagina or in the mouth. In the first two cases, the device does not turn off for 3 minutes, in the last - 5.
  3. Record the results in a notebook and put it on a graph of basal temperature.

If you keep such records for several cycles, the girl will be able to find out when the best time comes for planning a child. During ovulation, body temperature rises to 37.2-37.5 degrees. After it - drops to 36.8-37 degrees. This is how ovulation is determined.

About nutrition for a quick pregnancy

Important: for the purity of the experiment, a BT schedule of at least 3 menstrual cycles is required. The girl will pay attention to the fact that until the "X-day" temperature indicators will gradually increase from 36 degrees to 37.2-37.5. A day before a favorable day of conception, a sharp decline in strength is possible.

Physical activity distorts basal temperature readings. Therefore, all actions must be carried out after a good sleep, at the same time. It is better to put a thermometer near a berth.

Gynecology and ovulation

All methods of how to quickly become pregnant are based on preparing the body for the process, its recovery in general, determining the right days for baby planning.

Gynecologists say that there is a chance to become parents on any day of the menstrual cycle. Indeed, ovulation is a variable value. Under the influence of external factors, it may come earlier or later than the set time.

However, in real life, conception occurs on X-Day. A gynecologist, when examined on a chair, will be able to quickly determine not only pregnancy, but also the approach of ovulation. For example, as the cervix. She's getting softer.

Ultrasound and check days

How to get pregnant quickly after menstruation? This is a rather difficult question, given that child planning does not always go right away. Therefore, women use various tips, recommendations and techniques to implement the task.

The first thing to do is to determine ovulation. You can talk about it with accuracy after an ultrasound scan of the pelvis. The doctor will quickly determine the position of the egg and the condition of the follicle. With the help of the information received, we can talk about when to wait for ovulation.

Important: usually go to the ultrasound from the middle of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes a girl visits the appropriate rooms several times with a frequency of 1-3 days. The specialist will report more accurate information directly at the reception.

Ovulation test

How to get pregnant with a second child? Just like the first. You just need to know when the time is right for conception. After childbirth, the menstrual cycle goes astray. And, accordingly, we again have to "catch" ovulation.

This can be done using home rapid tests for ovulation. It is enough to use the appropriate test strips from about the middle of the cycle. The girl needs to urinate on the receiving device, and then wait for the result.

Pregnancy check at home

Usually in a package of 2-3 dough. They need to be used with a frequency of several days. The results are decrypted according to the instructions. Usually 2 strips or a smiley with a smile is the onset of ovulation. One line and a neutral / sad smile - it is still a long way from child planning.

Regular sex life

But that is not all. To know about a favorable day for conception is not enough. If a girl thinks about how to get pregnant quickly, she will have to approach the issue in an integrated manner.

Of course, it is necessary to lead a regular sexual life without protection. No contraceptives - including oral ones.

Gynecologists recommend having sex once a day or two. This will be enough to maintain the desired concentration of active sperm for fertilization. Too frequent intercourse affects the quality of sperm.

Important: it is desirable that the next sexual intercourse fall on ovulation and a day or two before it. This technique will help to avoid missing a favorable day for planning a child.

Pose selection

It is hard to believe, but the choice of posture at the time of ejaculation also plays an important role. Usually this question is asked by women when the uterus is bent. How to get pregnant quickly?

Doctors claim that sperm in any case with unprotected sex will fall through the vagina. But it is better not to neglect the laws of physics. It is recommended to choose the "woman from below" poses with deep penetration of the penis. For example, many say that pregnancy occurred after using the “missionary” position.

BT schedule

Rest after the act

How to get pregnant quickly? With a bend of the uterus or without such a pathology - this is not so important. The main thing is to lead a regular sexual life without protection and to calculate ovulation.

Some recommend resting immediately after the act, lie down for 15-30 minutes. This technique will help maintain more sperm in the body, because excess ejaculate will still come out of the vagina.

Important: individual girls after intercourse do the exercise "birch" against the wall. They claim that it was this situation that contributed to the rapid conception of the baby. Doctors say that there is some common sense in such an exercise, but it is not recommended to use it. Only if it helps to believe in the success of children's planning.

Bad habits and pregnancy

How to get pregnant quickly? The secrets offered to our attention are in great demand among the population. It is advisable to combine them all. Then to achieve the desired result when planning a baby will be much easier.

It is advisable to give up any bad habits a few months before the start of active efforts to become parents. Even from such a harmless occupation as a long pastime at the computer.

Important: giving up bad habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be observed in both men and women.

Alcohol, drugs, fatty and junk food - all this negatively affects the body. And therefore, human fertility is reduced. Sometimes bad habits and the wrong lifestyle / diet lead to infertility.

Quick Conception Tips

Body check and complex treatment

How to get pregnant quickly? Can't get a year? Then it’s worth talking about infertility. Doctors make such a diagnosis after 12 months or more of unsuccessful planning of the baby.

In order not to encounter a similar problem, you will have to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the body in advance. All detected diseases (especially gynecological) must be cured. Only then can we talk about the quick planning of the baby.

If the couple was diagnosed with infertility, you need to pass a number of tests and find out what is the cause of the disease. Further, the specialist prescribes a number of drugs to improve fertility (usually vitamin complexes and folic acid), and also prescribes a diet and moderate physical activity. Further planning of the child with infertility is carried out under the close supervision of doctors.

Calm, only calm

How to quickly become pregnant naturally? Another tip is a good rest and lack of stress. Overfatigue, the tense atmosphere around a person and experiences badly affect the body. And on his reproductive system as well.

That is why it is better to change work to a calmer one, avoid people who make you feel uncomfortable (in any sense), do not get into stressful situations and do not overwork.

Important: a constant stay in stress and worries can lead to psychological infertility. Only normalization of the situation around the person and a good psychologist will help get rid of the disease.

After ok

And how quickly become pregnant after birth control? Hormone therapy is often used in the treatment of infertility. Especially in women.

The thing is that prolonged use of oral contraceptives allows you to control ovulation. The girl just needs to have an active sex life, giving up OK.


How to get pregnant faster? The tips listed earlier really help. Usually a similar question arises in girls who have long dreamed of becoming mothers.

Psychologists recommend not focusing on the idea of ​​a successful conception. This is a huge stress for the body. Sometimes, precisely because of the manic idea of ​​a successful conception, a woman cannot become pregnant.

Quite often not to go in cycles - it is very difficult. Therefore, you can just try to worry less at the next failure and enjoy regular sexual intercourse.

Favorable days of conception

Before ovulation

How to get pregnant faster? The tips we learned really help in practice. In addition to them, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  • normalize the weight of both partners;
  • avoid overload (physical, psychological);
  • do not overheat the penis;
  • not be protected;
  • Do not have oral sex.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when planning a baby, a couple needs regular sex. Sperm live in a woman's vagina for about a week. And therefore, the most successful moment for acts without protection are 7 days before ovulation and about 3 days after it.

How to get pregnant quickly after an abortion? All of these tips will help you cope with the task. The main thing is to listen to your gynecologist - only he will tell you exactly when you can plan your baby again. Usually you have to wait 3-6 months. How to get pregnant quickly after menstruation? Now this question will not cause problems.

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