For every woman, the news of an ectopic pregnancy becomes unexpected and even frightening. Unfortunately, such a diagnosis is not rare. Doctors have long learned how to determine it in the early stages, which helps minimize negative consequences for the body. About 10% of women after pathology cannot have children. These are just statistics. Further reproductive function is influenced by many factors, one of which is the timely visit to a doctor.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
This is one of the most serious pathologies that many women have to face. About 2-2.5% of the total number of pregnancies are ectopic. Their danger lies in the fact that untimely detection and forced surgical intervention can lead to infertility or the death of a woman. Why does this occur?
Pregnancy begins immediately after fertilization of the egg with a sperm. The fetal egg, moving along the fallopian tubes, enters the uterus and is fixed. There it continues its development. In the pathological version of pregnancy, the egg does not enter the uterine cavity. It remains in the fallopian tube or attaches to the ovary. The development of the fetus outside the uterine cavity is impossible physiologically. Therefore, such a pregnancy is pathological and requires surgical intervention, during which the embryo is removed.
Main reasons
Pathology usually develops in women who have already had impaired reproductive system function. We are talking about changes in the structure of the appendages, the properties of the ovum. Sometimes this violation occurs in completely healthy women. Gynecologists distinguish a whole group of factors that can cause improper attachment of a fertilized egg.
- Frequent abortions.
- The presence of neoplasms of a benign / malignant nature.
- Uterine and appendage infantilism.
- Hormonal disorder.
- The use of intrauterine contraceptives (spiral).
- Inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system.
Some doctors consider prolonged use of oral contraceptives as one of the causes of ectopic pregnancy. Also at risk are women who abuse the use of potent disposable contraceptives (for example, Escapel or Postinor).
Classification of complications
There are several types of ectopic pregnancy, based on the place of attachment of the ovum.
- Pipe. This type of pathology is the most common and occurs in 98% of cases. The development of a zygote is observed not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube. After 6-8 weeks, a woman has a miscarriage. A more dangerous outcome is also possible - a rupture of the tube during an ectopic pregnancy. How long does the pipe burst? This usually occurs at 6 weeks, which is accompanied by severe bleeding. In this case, the patient needs emergency surgical intervention.
- Ovarian. Egg maturation occurs in the follicle. She is preparing for fertilization without leaving it. It is very difficult to diagnose such an ectopic pregnancy. What does it mean? Often she is perceived as a tumor, and a woman begins to prepare for another operation.
- Cervical. The zygote is fixed in the cervical canal, but fertilization occurs in the uterus. Diagnosis of pregnancy is possible only in the second trimester, and it continues until the 20th week.
- Abdominal. This type of pathology is extremely rare. It is characterized by the attachment of a fetal egg in the abdominal cavity. Pregnancy ends at the initial stage and is accompanied by complications. An expanding embryo begins to destroy nearby tissues, causing heavy bleeding.
An ectopic pregnancy is an absolute indication for its termination. Scientific medical practice knows several cases when a woman with medical help managed to endure a baby in the abdominal cavity. However, such children are usually weak and premature. To avoid such a development of events, you need to know the signs of an ectopic pregnancy.
Early symptoms
An ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as a regular one. A woman pays attention to engorgement of the mammary glands, toxicosis appears. Her mood changes, there is a delay in menstruation. It is generally accepted that this pathology can be detected only with an early ultrasound examination or after a rupture of the fallopian tube. In fact, early symptoms exist. It is only important to be able to recognize it. How to determine an ectopic pregnancy yourself?
- Test. Initially, a pregnancy test should be done. It’s better to buy several at once. With a successful course, the level of hCG increases exponentially every day. For example, if you do a test every day, the second strip will become more and more noticeable. When this does not happen in the dynamics, it is most likely an ectopic pregnancy. You can also take blood tests to determine hCG.
- Pain. The abdomen can hurt if there is a threat of miscarriage. When the fetal egg has successfully fixed in the tube, the woman feels tingling from only one side of the abdomen. With an ectopic pregnancy, the pain intensifies when getting out of bed and walking.
- Bloody issues. A large amount of discharge indicates pathology. In this case, the blood may be scarlet or brown. In the case of a healthy pregnancy, discharge also occurs. However, the color of the blood is usually brown, and the volume is only a few drops. This symptom usually indicates the attachment of a fetal egg in the uterus.
- Malaise. Slight weakness and a feeling of overwhelming are present in all women in position. This phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm. With an ectopic pregnancy, blood pressure often drops due to internal bleeding. A woman can literally lie exhausted all day. Large blood loss sometimes leads to fainting and prolonged dizziness. High fever, chills and malaise - these symptoms are a reason for seeking medical help.
It is very easy for those who keep a diary of basal temperature to notice changes in the body. Conception of a child causes a strong surge in hormones. It is they who increase the basal temperature. If you make all measurements according to the rules and keep a schedule of 5 cycles in a row, you can find out about an interesting situation from the very first days. When pregnancy occurs, this indicator rises to the level of 37.2-37.3 degrees. A decrease to 37 degrees may indicate a fetal freeze, which is possible with an ectopic pregnancy. Basal temperature should not be taken as the only true sign of pathology. It is better not to risk your health and undergo a medical examination.
Diagnostic Methods
If any signs of an ectopic pregnancy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the period is very short, it is quite difficult to determine the location of the ovum by ultrasound. At the initial stage, the dynamics of hCG and progesterone are observed. With weak growth or lack of hormones, doctors usually assume a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. On ultrasound, the location of the fetal egg can be determined starting from 4-5 weeks. If he is not in the uterine cavity, the specialist continues to search in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and abdominal cavity.
Among modern diagnostic methods, laparoscopy should be separately noted. This is a unique study that allows you to remove an incorrectly attached fetal egg immediately after it is found. Such a fruit is considered unviable. In this case, all medical measures should be aimed at preserving the health and life of the woman.
Treatment options
After an ectopic pregnancy has been determined, a woman is prescribed treatment. It implies preparation for surgery and subsequent rehabilitation. Interruption today is carried out in several ways. The choice of a specific method remains with the doctor. In this case, he must take into account the severity of the pathology. The critical period until which complications can be avoided is 6-8 weeks.
At short periods, the removal of an ectopic pregnancy is carried out medically. The patient is injected with a hormonal drug that provokes a miscarriage. For this purpose, use "Methotrexate" or "Mifepristone." The drug option is considered the most sparing, but you can not resort to its help on your own. The whole procedure is carried out under observation in a hospital.
If a woman is in critical condition, a laparotomy is performed during an ectopic pregnancy. Abdominal surgery, during which the abdominal cavity is opened and the tube is removed, is considered an extreme measure. They resort to it quite rarely today. Laparoscopy has come to replace this method. During the procedure, the doctor makes small punctures in the lower abdomen. Through them, instruments for surgical manipulations are subsequently introduced. Such an operation is considered less traumatic and safe. It allows you to remove the embryo and save the fallopian tube. After successful rehabilitation, the patient is likely to become a mother again.
Recovery period
Any surgical intervention is a great stress for the body. To reduce the likelihood of the negative consequences of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a rehabilitation course. As a rule, after laparoscopy, it takes 2-3 weeks to recover, and after removing the fallopian tube, up to 1.5 months.
The rehabilitation period consists of the following activities:
- Taking painkillers.
- Refusal of intimacy for 1-2 months.
- Relaxation at sea is perfect for raising morale.
- Examination for patency of the fallopian tubes, the presence of cysts and tumors.
Some women are additionally prescribed a course of physiotherapy to prevent the recurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.
The consequences of pathology
By seeking timely medical help, you can minimize the undesirable consequences of an ectopic pregnancy. Otherwise, a woman may encounter her complications such as bleeding due to a rupture of the fallopian tube, impaired functioning of internal organs due to tube self-abortion. In the latter case, the embryo peels off on its own, and then enters the abdominal cavity or uterus. So difficult situations are encountered that the patient cannot be saved.
Can I become a mom again?
What is an ectopic pregnancy, many women know. Most of them, after an unsuccessful attempt, want to try on the role of the mother again. Is it possible?
It is worth noting that the likelihood of becoming pregnant after surgery is reduced, but still it is. For this, a woman must prepare her body. Reconception should be planned no earlier than after 6 months. This time can be spent on a full examination and treatment, if necessary. It is important to eliminate all the causes of an ectopic pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend using oral contraceptives for intimacy. They are not only reliable, but also allow you to prepare a hormonal background.
After a forced termination of pregnancy, it is important to eat well and have a good rest. You will also have to give up all bad habits. After the rehabilitation, the planning of the baby should be discussed with the gynecologist. Some ladies fail to conceive due to the psychological discomfort that developed during an ectopic pregnancy. Pain, fear of re-intervention and loss of a child - all these problems should be additionally discussed with a psychologist.
Do not despair if both fallopian tubes have been removed or adhesions have formed on them. Today, pregnancy is possible even through in vitro fertilization. The main thing is to have at least one ovary.
Prevention Methods
To avoid the re-development of pathology, a woman needs to be engaged in its prevention at the planning stage. Doctors give the following recommendations:
- Protect yourself from STIs and prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
- Before conception, undergo examination for pathogenic microbes in the body. If chlamydia or ureaplasma is detected, you need to undergo a course of treatment with your partner.
- If pregnancy is not planned, contraceptives should be used during intimacy. This approach avoids unwanted abortions. They are one of the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy.
What kind of pathology is, what symptoms does it have in the early stages - every woman should know the answers to these questions. Only in this case, it is possible to suspect the incorrect attachment of the fetal egg in a timely manner and take all measures to eliminate the problem.