How fish reproduce in an aquarium - a fascinating underwater world in our home

Aquarium is often the main decoration of any home. Fish, as its main inhabitants, are able to turn any indoor pond into a colorful underwater world, bringing joy and comfort to its owners.

Many aquarists consider breeding aquarium fish to be one of the most exciting activities. It seems that it could be simpler: they bought an aquarium, launched several different individuals into it - and you can safely expect new “guests”. But there are many nuances in this matter.

Variety of aquarium fish and their breeding

varieties of aquarium fish

First you need to decide how many fish to run in the aquarium and what size they will be. After that the most interesting part begins: in order for the underwater residents to be comfortable and not crowded in the aquarium, you need to correctly determine its volume, take into account how different individuals can get along with each other so that they do not eat each other.

An important role is played by the choice of decorative elements that make the shelter cozy and the aquarium beautiful and attractive. In the process of breeding various species in artificially created conditions, you can follow their interesting life. For example, how fish reproduce or how they feed, how they behave in different situations.

Varieties of aquarium fish very diverse. Residents of freshwater aquariums, first of all, are divided into cold-water and warm-water.

Keeping cold-water species in aquariums is difficult because they constantly suffer from a lack of oxygen. It dissolves much less in warm water than in cold water, and in our rooms it usually has a fairly high temperature.

Most aquariums contain mainly warm-water exotic individuals that live in nature in fresh, sometimes brackish water bodies of the tropics and subtropics. These representatives are notable for their small size, bright color and ability to live at a constant temperature of at least 20 degrees.

Not all types of fish can exist in the same water layers. For example, catfish live at the bottom, and viviparous dolphins live in middle waters. There are those that inhabit only the upper layers. Such settling in tiers depends on their exactingness for oxygen, which is greater at the surface of the reservoir.

In recent years, marine aquariums, where representatives of coral reefs and some other inhabitants of warm seas live, have become popular.

Fish breeding

For lovers of aquariums, the question of how

fish breeding?

Basically, everyone has the same method - laying eggs. Some species are dreaming

how fish breed

eggs in the depths of the water: caviar sinks onto plants or soil. Others prefer to spawn in different layers of water or in thickets of plants. Their eggs are often attached to stems and leaves. Still others, such as cichlids, lay eggs on stones.

There are fish that make a nest for spawning in the sand, under stones, under plants or in their roots. Representatives of some genera are interesting, who, jumping out of the water, place eggs on plants outside it. Varieties of labyrinths build nests from air bubbles on the water surface, and some species use small pieces of plants for this.

Most tropical inhabitants of aquariums tend to breed throughout the year, as their living conditions in nature contribute to this. And many northern individuals and individual groups of goldfish spawn only in the autumn, summer and spring.

In fact, there are no special differences in how fish reproduce in the natural and in the artificially created environment. It should only be noted that the creation of a favorable environment for spawning in the aquarium can become an incentive for reproduction. They can serve as a decorative pot, a large stone or some plant.

breeding aquarium fish

Many species before spawning perform a mating ritual in the form of games. Watching representatives of the water element at this time is a great pleasure.

Aquarium enthusiasts do not always have sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. In fact, all the secrets of breeding are publicly available and many of them are contained in specialized literature, which describes in detail how fish reproduce, their many species, methods of care, food, and much more.

To create a decorative aquarium, which can become a highlight in the decoration of an apartment or office, give the room a beauty and originality - everyone can do it. The main thing is to have a great desire for this!

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